Luciano Busuttil tweets on

Published: November 3, 2014 at 11:22am

“People don’t talk to me like this at coffee mornings and the Marsa Klupp.”

The kohlrabi: Luciano Busuttil (centre) in a top secret,. ultra covert meeting in the public lobby of the Westin Dragonara Resort, with two political contacts.

The kohlrabi: Luciano Busuttil (centre) in a top secret,. ultra covert meeting in the public lobby of the Westin Dragonara Resort, with two political contacts.







6 Comments Comment

  1. Joe Fenech says:

    Nies bla rispett. X’jigifieri tkellmu politiku b’din il-manjiera xokkanti.

  2. M says:

    Ask gay people indeed! One has to be really short sighted to feel good about living in a country where a man sends vindictive pornographic pictures of another gay men to his employer etc, and not only is he not jailed but he is paraded in VVIP circles as some champion for gay rights.

    Does he think for a moment that the ‘behind closed doors’ court hearing was to protect the victim?

    Being gay does not make one stupid. Yearning for summer after a three month holiday does make one a sucker however. Remember, the emperor also thought that everyone was envying him.

  3. observer says:

    Kemm gie helu fir-ritratt. U kemm ghandu xuxtu folta.

  4. Kevin says:

    How do you cook kohlrabis? Roast them on Twitter.

  5. chico says:

    Prosit. Lovely group photo there. Just the sort of thing to add to my pot of couscous tomorrow (plus the leftover lamb ribs) though my grocer didn’t have any of that convenient harissa paste in a tube. Damn.

  6. Gaetano Pace says:

    Kemm hi tajba din. Meta kont zghir u naghmel xi kuntrarju kienu jibghatuni niehdu…taf fejn.

    Meta kbirt u mieghi kibret il-persuna ma kienux jazzardaw allura kienu jibghatuni niehu kafe – biex ma jkunux psataz u hamalli.

    Issa li xjaht hawn politku li qed jibghatni nistaqsi lill-gays. Issa li xraft, ma tantx ghadni ta nintelaq kif gie gie bhal ma jaghmel xi opportunist biex fl-ahhar jiehu dak li ma hux tieghu u jdahhal fil-but dawk l-ewros li bil hila u l-kapacita tieghu ma kienux kapaci jaqilghu.

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