Mallia’s driver fired “warning shots in the air”, but they somehow hit the rear lamp

Published: November 20, 2014 at 12:27am

bullet hole

29 Comments Comment

  1. magician says:

    Houdini was an amateur.

  2. Boq? says:

    No wonder they tried to whisk the car away presto!

    [Daphne – Well, they could hardly leave it in the tunnel, could they.]

  3. ciccio says:

    You see, the bullet went straight up in the air, then it lost momentum, came back down, bounced on the ground, and became airborne once again, hitting the rear lamp of the car of the Scottish man by accident.

  4. Tabatha White says:

    What do they do when nobody’s looking, or there to report it?

  5. Joe Fenech says:

    According to the DOI, a single bullet was accidentally shot in the air after Mallia’s driver sneezed.

    The bullet then hit the ground, bounced off and hit a stone, then hit the other driver’s mobile located in the rear trouser-pocket and finally got projected onto the car.

    • Drinks With Vince Micallef says:

      According to the DOI the energy minister’s marriage is a strong as ever and that is why his wife is living several time zones away with their children and no intention of coming back.

  6. Tal-Malja says:

    Simple. The bullet hit the tunnel’s ceiling diverting its course towards the car’s rear lamp.

    Just like the movies.

  7. bob-a-job says:

    ‘Mallia’s driver fired “warning shots in the air”, but they somehow hit the rear lamp’

    He must have fired over Kurt’s head.

  8. pablo says:

    “Sir, he came at me with a beer bottle so I shot him in the back.”

  9. chico says:

    The question arises: if the opposite happens – a Minister’s car hits another car (a not uncommon occurrence), and shots are fired into the air but hit the minister’s car, then what?

    • Drinks With Vince Micallef says:

      The minister’s driver would get out his submachine gun and any passers by would become Kenneth’s new cheese-graters.

  10. Pandora says:

    This is legal experts’ territory but in my understanding to fire warning shots would entail, let’s use the buzz word, perceiving a threat approaching and firing warning shots to scare the person off. The Minister’s driver followed the British driver, forced him to stop the car and then fired. This is more than a warning in my eyes. Sounds more like fox hunting.

    • Josette says:

      Let’s start with the premiss that the Minister’s driver should not have been carrying a gun, ergo that no shots – warning or otherwise – should have been fired.

    • Drinks With Vince Micallef says:

      It doesn’t take a legal expert to know that a minister’s driver should not be armed, a police constable should not be armed, and that it is a criminal offence to shoot in a residential street.

  11. Antoine Vella says:

    And there was Joseph Muscat promising us: “No big bangs”.

  12. Mila says:

    All hands on deck at the Labour spin office at the moment. Finding a way to spin this is not easy. Which one will it be?

    a. Had a Nationalist minister’s driver done something similar?

    b. British man held a bottle (need bottle with the man’s prints). Quick, force one on him at Police HQ, preferably under duress.

    c. Say Brit refused breathalyser, imply he was drunk, keep fingers crossed he does not get the Law Commissioner to argue no lawyer was present.

    d. Say that there is air even at 3 feet above ground so technically shots really were fired in the air.

    e. Search Brit’s history, see if his great, great-grandfather was a con.

    f. Create another incident as diversion.

    g. Start discussing why drivers should not be at their mother’s house while on official duty using car with official plates, introduce the idea of car-pooling for ministers, close an eye to using official plates while parked at Gzira on a personal agenda, back to as you were in a few days of course.

    h. Transfer policeman/driver to a more lucrative position.

    i. Stonewall the press at all stages.

    j. Laugh at Opposition demands for Police Minister’s resignation.

  13. Brian Sinclair says:

    After all the efforts to clean the country from unruly individuals running governments, we are now exactly where we started and worse. These guys now have the cash to walk on water.

  14. Francis Saliba M.D. says:

    You have all got it wrong. The driver, trying to avoid being murdered for touching the Hon. Minister’s empty car, was shot down because he was flying too low in his car and he accidentally drove into the trajectory of warning shots fired into the air.

  15. Lizz says:

    Why would you fire a ‘warning shot’ if the guy is running fast away from you?

  16. too much power says:

    Resign, fat dickhead, and take your chief of staff with you.

    These people think they have reached the heavens, untouchables. Even seeing them moving in the streets, like the godfathers, or what their tacky cohorts call ‘qisek Boss’, makes me ill.

    Who do they think they are? They’re guttersnipes and slum-dwellers made good, and showing every bit of it.

    What if those bullets had hit the man, rather than just his car?

    The victim, who has been arrested, should sue the Malta government’s arse right off.

  17. S says:

    Amazing aim!

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