Manuel and Codruta Mallia use his government drivers to babysit their children

Published: November 25, 2014 at 10:34am
Codruta Mallia - from a Romanian hovel to bumming babysitting services off the Maltese public

Codruta Mallia – from a Romanian hovel to bumming babysitting services off the Maltese public

Her revolting husband the Police Minister, seen here with his equally off-putting head of secretariat, thinks it perfectly normal for his small children to be left in the care of men with anger management issues and a Red Bull addiction, carrying a gun. L-aqwa li free hux ghax ma ssibx babysitters ghand tal-Lidl.

Her revolting husband the Police Minister, seen here with his equally off-putting head of secretariat, thinks it perfectly normal for his small children to be left in the care of men with anger management issues and a Red Bull addiction, carrying a gun. L-aqwa li free hux ghax ma ssibx babysitters ghand tal-Lidl.

I am beginning to wonder what passes for normal with the Police Minister. Have his standards of correctness been so hopelessly corrupted by years of dealing with Malta’s most nefarious criminals and members of the Paceville underworld?

Or was he already like that to begin with?

He said as though it was completely normal – in fact, he used it to justified his trust in Paul Sheehan – that he trusted him so much he had him babysit his daughter routinely.

We know this is a fact because his daughter Carmela – the one for whom he got a much-sought-after free place at a church school, taking her out of a fee-paying school for the purpose – was with driver Paul Sheehan and his mother Giovanna in their Gzira flat the night that Paul Sheehan shot at another man.

Last Sunday at 9pm, his other driver, Paul Vella, dropped Codruta and Manuel Mallia off at the Eden Cinemas and then drove off with one of their small sons on the back seat.

Mallia’s standards are so hopelessly corrupted that he thinks this is normal. Apart from the fact that he thinks it normal anywhere outside of Azerbaijan and the like for small children to be left in the care of gun-toting drivers, he also thinks it is perfectly normal for a government minister and his wife to bum babysitting services off the Maltese taxpayer in the form of a driver who is there to serve another purpose altogether. You can see their reasoning – and let’s face it, why do we expect otherwise from those two, given that their origins are identical to those of Sheehan: la qieghed hemm ma jaghmel xejn majtezwel nuzawh hux.


15 Comments Comment

  1. CiVi says:

    Maybe not sack him, because it will be even better to see the downfall of them en bloc.

  2. Mila says:

    What I find wierd is that, if Mallia justified his drivers carrying a gun because the situation carried the risk, why on earth would the same Mallia put his children in that potentially weapon requiring situation?

    Ridiculous does not begin to explain the reasoning.

  3. Alexander Ball says:

    So if he does sack him, who in the cabinet can be trusted with all that power?

  4. J. camilleri says:

    So Joe Galea L-Olandiz is out of the picture, because it was his job was to take care of the Mallia children and even of Codruta when Fatso Minister was abroad.

    I wonder what happened, since Joe was the trusted one before the election.

  5. Osservatore says:

    Mallia has spent his whole life dealing with and defending utter lowlifes, many of which deserved to be locked away and have the keys thrown away.

    Why should we be surprised that some of the squalor and mire on which he has thrived so well has stuck to him, perhaps even became him.

    Whereas this is not the case with most lawyers, there are nevertheless bound to be be a few who are affected negatively, and whose perspective of normality, their sanity even, is warped by their professional experience.

    That a few of these are appointed magistrate, judge or even minister is no surprise. It does however speak volumes about the person responsible for making such appointments.

  6. Jozef says:

    Maybe this permanently angered and disgusted taleban should ask himself what brought about the current ‘uncultured bourgeoisie’ to prevail on these islands.

    I can give him a full list of their origins and how they were forced upon us, doing away with the more acceptable, to his mind, adversary. Wanker.

    Oh for a spiritual resolution of the language question, the orphaned accepting to contaminate the PN and vice-versa.

  7. Jozef says:

    Skont dawn il-proċeduri, il-Membri Parlamentari biss jistgħu jitilgħu mit-taraġ prinċipali filwaqt li impjegati u membri tal-pubbliku jgħaddu minn entratura sekondarja fejn issir tfittxija fuqhom għall-armi.

    Iżda l-iskorta tal-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat injorat għal kollox din il-proċedura u baqgħu telgħin fit-taraġ prinċipali ma’ Muscat. Għalxejn is-suldat li kien xogħol ipprova jiġbdilhom l-attenzjoni għall-istruzzjonijiet tal-Ispeaker u baqgħu għaddejjin.

    Sadanittant, f’email li ntbagħtet liż-żewġ whips tal-Gruppi Parlamentari mill-Iskrivan tal-Kamra, ingħad li wara l-problemi li nqalgħu ilbieraħ, il-proċeduri ta’ sigurta’ se jkunu estiżi ukoll fl-entratura principali qabel it-taraġ il-wiesgħa’

    What is this?

  8. mandingo says:

    Luckily the incident didn’t happen while Mallia’s driver was waiting for his daughter at St. Joseph’s School in Sliema.

    Can you imagine the shots fired while those girls were coming out of school?

    Manuel Mallia has to be sacked.

  9. bernie says:

    U iva. Issa jghid li anke l-Ministri ta’ qablu kienu jaghmlu hekk, u jserrah il-kuxjenza, jekk ghandu.

  10. Jackie says:

    Stefan Buontempo’s government driver collects his boss’s children from home every day in his government car with official GM21 plates and takes them to school at Chiswick House in Kappara and St Martin’s College in Swatar.

    Buontempo is usually in the car too but sometimes the driver does the drop-off alone.

    Then in the afternoon the state-funded driver returns in GM21 to collect the children and take them home. Buontempo is usually in the car, but sometimes the driver is alone. And on rare occasions, the state-funded driver in GM21 drives Mrs Buontempo to the school gates (in her track suit).

  11. George says:

    Assuming that the Sheehans are paid something in return for babysitting the minister’s daughter, is a fiscal receipt produced?

    [Daphne – Do you ask your babysitter for a fiscal receipt? Well, then. Where in the world do babysitters give fiscal receipts. You are either employed as a nanny under labour laws or you are some student or housewife babysitting a few random hours for pocket money. It drives me crazy the way people miss the point. The point here is not the fiscal receipt. The point here is that a minister’s driver should not be running around with a minister’s children providing babysitting services while his boss and wife are at a party. The second point is that no responsible parent would leave a child with a gun-toting driver with a history of anger management issues and a serious addiction to Red Bull. The third point is that, given that his daughter was with the driver and the driver was due to collect him, there is no way Manuel Mallia cannot immediately have been informed of what happened.]

  12. Maradona says:

    Please, Joey…don’t sack him. With him on board there is a better chance of getting rid of you all in the not so distant future.

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