Manuel Mallia has decided to upgrade his security protection after last night

Published: November 20, 2014 at 4:16pm

That fatal attack on his wing-mirror must not be repeated.

manuel mallia tank


14 Comments Comment

  1. WhoamI? says:

    Where the f*ck is Nicola Abela Garrett now?

  2. Luke says:

    Manual Mallia wouldn’t fit in that kok-pitt. It might be sufficient to tow the aircraft carrier on which he’s required to travel.

  3. Mila says:

    If an armed policeman/driver was necessary to protect his state-issue car while the minister was not in it, how many guards does he have protecting his EUR 500,000 in cash, which one would assume he does not keep in his car?

  4. anthony says:

    I thought you were going to show a picture of the Kevlar total body armour that he has ordered.

    Then I remembered they only go as far as XXXL.

  5. curious says:

    Where’s Baxxter?

  6. Antoine Vella says:

    When Conchita arrives in Malta, the minister will be able to greet him in his tailor-made Fabergé egg armour.

  7. mandingo says:

    You can anything but lay off my blue suede shoes

  8. il-Ginger says:

    Our biggest tourist market is already suffering, because of asshole hunters, but once this gets out…oh boy.

    • Drinks With Vince Micallef says:

      I wouldn’t worry. The government is at present engaged in sending most of our more famous asshole-hunters to Brussels.

  9. C Mangion says:

    What do people expect with these f*cking hamalli running the show? Taghna biss, taghna biss.

    ‘Issa oqghod ghax ommok qaghdek, Lilly’.

    X’imbarrazzzzzz ta’ gvern. Ara veru poplu jhobb jaqla s-swat.

    Can someone please tell me why we got rid of the Brits?

    Rub two Maltese together and you get hamalli. Apologies for the rant, Daphne, but I’m foaming at the mouth.

    Where’s the revolution? I’m ready to get messy. And I’m a girl, morons.

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