Manuel Mallia meets his soldiers…wearing a bracelet where his shirt cuffs should be

Published: November 2, 2014 at 12:06am

Manuel Mallia bracelet

30 Comments Comment

  1. Someone says:

    It’s OK as it matches the soldiers’ belts.

  2. RoyB says:

    Is he handing out alms to the poor?

  3. observer says:

    Forsi jbati bl-artrite jew l-acidu uriku?

  4. RF says:

    Is he still examining the inquiries on the assault at Zabbar police station and the parked car at the helipad after all these months?He must have realised that it takes more than court theatrics to run a ministry.

  5. MoBi says:

    Tipping the waiters I believe.

  6. edgar says:

    Il-vera KOOL man. The DOI should not publish photos of his profile as his dietician must be really pissed off with the lack of progress in his diets.

  7. ciccio says:

    Oh look, the government has reacted.

    Jeez. They can react within hours.

    But when they were asked to publish the “electricity deal” with Electrogas – which took place in May 2014 – they did not react. Six months down the line, and they haven’t published one line as yet. Not even the names of the sides which signed the contract, or the names of those whose signatures were placed on the document.

    I strongly suggest that the Opposition steps up the pressure for the publication of the relevant contracts and the pressure on the prime minister to deliver what he promised during the electoral campaign: that he either fulfills his plan within two years, or he goes. This needs to be done smartly, without too much cost. This can be done by incorporating the message in all public communication of the party on any subject. Here is an example – the final paragraph of a press release on the party financing bill:

    “Il-gvern Laburista ghandu jara li l-ligi tal-finanzjament tal-partiti ma tiffavureggjax lil-partit Laburista, li minghajr trasparenza ta’ xejn ghandu f’idejh propjeta pubblika u ta’ terzi. L-istess nuqqas ta’ trasparenza li l-prim ministru qieghed juri meta ma jippublikax kuntratti importanti tal-powerstation ta’ erba’ mitt miljun ewro li hu qal li jekk ma tkunx lesta sa Marzu tas-sena d-diehla jirrizenja.”

    As Daphne said, let’s keep our eyes on the ball.

    • Pete says:

      It’s a method that worked in the Roman Republic of ancient times.

      Cato the Elder is reputed to have frequently ended his speeches in the Roman Senate with the words: ‘Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam’, i.e. ‘moreover, I consider that Carthage must be destroyed’, even when his speech had been totally unrelated to Roman foreign policy towards the rival city of Carthage.

      The repeated phrase was a continuous reminder to the Romans what and who their enemy was. The repeated phrase about the mishaps of the present administration will remind most Maltese where the source of their troubles lay.

  8. dutchie says:

    It’s his fitness wearable gadget.

    • RF says:

      Shouldn’t Joe Mizzi have resigned of his own accord for failing to find oil in 20 months?

      In 2007 in the Times of Malta, he had written: “My comment in Parliament that I will present my resignation if a new Labour government fails to extract oil shows the Labour Party’s unambiguous and determined commitment to fulfil its promises to the people of this country.”

      A word of honour, just like that of his twerp of a leader.

  9. M says:

    Manuel Mallia the criminal lawyer is a Gozo resident according to The Sunday Times today. Is he also registered in Gozo for the purpose of his utilities bill rebate or is that a problem?

  10. Jozef says:

    Carry on Konrad, down your little garden path. Muscat said he won’t resign, guess why.

  11. Malti ta' Veru says:

    Really not an idea of good governance, ethical behaviour or protocol…cheap and nasty amateurs whose only qualification is a mediocre taste in politics!

  12. Xejn Sew says:

    Sexy boy.

  13. Kapxinn says:

    “Ha, sabieh, ghandek 2 euros. Tonfoqhomx kollha helu.”

  14. muddy waters says:

    They will keep on doing this maddening spending spree so long as they have the majority in Parliament. Keep on smiling Manuel!! and take good care of the millions you have stacked up at home.

  15. Not His Wife says:

    The choice of Manuel Mallia was a good pre-election choice but it was a terrible choice to make him minister as the scandals are bound to emerge.

    It’s the same thing with Owen Bonnici. He was chosen because he is fresh faced and he looks ‘clean’. But it is only a question of time until a very young woman, who is not his wife, decides that she has to speak.

  16. Pandora says:

    The arrogance of this man is beyond belief. He thinks he can get away with anything…well, he actually is.

  17. Tabatha White says:

    Maybe it’s a memory stick with full details of all commissions due etc.

    I doubt he’d trust it at home now, not since Codruta knows about the 500,000€

  18. Lizz says:

    It matches the regimental colours.

  19. Mike says:

    If you look carefully at the colours you’ll realise that it’s not a bracelet, but rather a soldier’s belt. It’s just the only area it will fit around.

  20. Rumpole says:

    A man wearing a bracelet is normally either a poggut or in a second marriage. The first wife would have given him the watch, the ring and possibly the necklace. His new woman has very little options left – so, it’s simple – tixtrilu “brazzuletta”.

  21. bob-a-job says:

    He was awarded ‘The Most Noble Order of the Garter’

    When he found it wouldn’t fit on his leg he slipped it onto his wrist.

    B’daqshekk miskin.

  22. bored says:

    Ah, but isn’t it blindingly obvious?

    That bracelet was given to Ministru Mallia l-Majjal by Faithful Kangaroo Jeffrey Curmi in appreciation for promoting him Commander AFM and for giving him enough spring to his kangaroo leaps to the rank of Brigadier. He made it out of his AFM belt. Ah, kemm jinhabbu dawn tal-Labour.

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