Published: November 20, 2014 at 10:08am

manuel mallia must go

Not only is his driver going about shooting at people, but he himself is now lying about it.

As if the eyewitness reports at the time of the incident last night were not enough – they heard the shouting, saw a man standing next to GM14 waving a gun at another man and pointing it at him, saw this other man leave in fear, and heard two shots being fired at him – we had video footage of the British driver’s car with close-ups of the rear lamp that clearly show a clean bullet hole.

Now Malta Right Now reports that it has seen documents – no doubt the first ‘scene of crime’ descriptions – which describe this bullet-entry in the rear lamp and another in the car roof.

And this is a police constable, if you please, driving the Police Minister around and visiting his mother in Gzira while armed and in a car wearing official government plates.

20 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    I agree. The Minister of the Police and Drivers with Guns must go.

  2. magician says:

    He was in the right place at the right time. An event/function at Police Headquarters.

    Can we have a confirmation of what the event was because we have to question everything with this lot.

  3. Tabatha White says:

    The EU, UN, NGOs and other national regulatory observers should note that the Malta Police and the Malta Government cannot be considered as guarantors of democratic standards, and that any person not sharing the views of the Government or supporting it has no point of recourse within those quarters.

    The fourth pillar has also been compromised.

    • ciccio says:

      I agree with you. Malta is no longer a democracy but a third world banana republic.

      International human rights organisations must focus more on Malta’s government.

      The Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe should not use the excuse of the abuse of the rights of immigrants to avoid focusing on how the Maltese government is dealing with the rights of Maltese citizens.

  4. Jozef says:

    He’ll go into defence lawyer overdrive next.

    Stephen Smith needs all the help he can get.

    Franco Debono’s silence is deafening.

  5. canon says:

    I sincerely hope that those who saw the incident will come forward and give firsthand account of what they had seen to the magistrate.

    • albona says:

      In Malta, unlikely. If these witnesses were older people who remember the Golden Years they won’t be coming forward. If they are young and still scared, well they have no backbone – full stop.

  6. makjavel says:

    “U ejja, lanqas li hi l-ewwel darba li saret xi sparature fit-toroq.”

    Din se tkun ir-risposta tal-kbir Joseph Muscat tal-Big Bang Budgets.

  7. Pu says:

    I wonder if this would have happened had the car had Maltese number plates. How shameful! Everyday it just gets worse.

  8. Matt says:

    What is happening here? We went from a peaceful nation to a frightening place to live.

    Labour is doing a great job intimidating people.

  9. ChrisM says:

    Manuel Mallia can get out of the fact that he lied by stating that he had incorrect information etc.

    But there is no getting out of the fact that his driver fired shots at the victim and that they were NOT warning shots as he declared.

    Mallia can save a lot of face by making sure that the driver is fired and that he is arrested and prosecuted.

    [Daphne – There you go, falling into the same trap. It shouldn’t be up to any Police Minister to ‘make sure’ that somebody is arrested and prosecuted.]

    • xifajk says:

      I don’t know ChrisM – but his thoughts reflect mine. I think he’s trying to say not that “Mallia should make sure he is arrested”..but rather ..”Mallia will make sure…”.

      [Daphne – Both mean the same thing. The Police Minister has, or should have, no more power or authority to ensure arrests are made or not made than you or I do. That’s the Police Commissioner’s job and not his. Clearly, you fail to understand the democratic safeguard of separation of powers.]

  10. Why do ministers surround themselves with people who are so reckless in the use of violence and guns? And why does the prime minister surround himself with such ministers?

  11. mandingo says:

    I surely hope that they will not shoot the messenger.

  12. Ginu says:

    *blue face* still holding my breath!

  13. Natalie Mallett says:

    Gass down gol hajt.

  14. Dylan C says:

    The troll has to go. He will have no excuse not to lose that extra weight (and extra is a really nice way of putting it).

    Qisu baga.

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