Manuel Mallia’s driver shot at the other man BECAUSE HE SCRAPED THE CAR MIRROR

Published: November 20, 2014 at 9:56am
His driver brought out a gun and waved it at a man who scraped GM14's car mirror. When the other man fled in fear, he shot at him twice, hit the car, and is now claiming that he fired warning shots in the air.

His driver brought out a gun and waved it at a man who scraped GM14’s car mirror. When the other man fled in fear, he shot at him twice, hit the car, and is now claiming that he fired warning shots in the air.

And the newspapers are reporting all this as though it is normal. Yes, it is normal for certain kinds of Maltese men to behave as though you have raped their mother and left her for dead if you so much as scratch their rear bumper, but this is a cabinet minister’s armed and dangerous driver we are talking about.

Shooting somebody because he scraped your car mirror? And the other man gets arrested?

What a bunch of punks.

14 Comments Comment

  1. Arnold Layne says:

    This is all very worrying not only from a political perspective, but in terms of what it says about the developing gun culture in our country.

    The Minister responsible for law and order is surrounded by people who regularly break the law and spread disorder.

  2. ciccio says:

    Wish to highlight some important points.

    Point 1:

    “The driver, Constable Paul Sheenan, realised that a Silver Vauxhall with foreign number plates had hit the minister’s car (damaging the side mirror) and gave chase. When the two cars arrived near Tal-Qroqq tunnels, the minister’s driver attempted to block the foreign car and the Briton, Stephen Smith, 30, tried to ram the minister’s car. He then got out out of his car with a beer bottle in hand, the government spokesman said.

    The minister’s driver then fired three shots”

    So it was the Minister’s driver who provoked the shooting incident with his chase and with his obstruction of the Briton’s car in the tunnels. What right did he have to give a chase, endangering his life, the life of the Briton, and the life and property of others? The reaction of the Briton would be totally understandable as self defence especially if he did not recognise the car which chased him and blocked his way violently.

    Point 2:

    “The minister’s driver, an armed policeman, was visiting his mother in Gzira when he heard a noise and went out to see what happened. The minister was on an official function at police headquarters.”

    The reaction of the driver was clearly excessive because the minister was not in the car or in its vicinity. The Minister was kilometers away, so there is no way the driver can claim he was shooting to protect the Minister.

    • Kevin says:

      And, the policeman did not give chase in a squad car or identify himself as an agent.

    • Mila says:

      Even if the Minister were there, why would one need to shoot someone who is not armed and, according to him, fleeing the scene?

      Has anyone seen any photos of either of the cars’ damage from the alleged collision?

      Even if a person instigates a fight holding a beer bottle, one has no valid excuse to shoot at him.

      The driver’s story does not make sense and there is usually a very simple reason when a story does not make sense.

  3. Jozef says:

    The only way the Vauxhall could have done that, is with its own mirror.

    That’s not a hit and run.

    Now if I’m not mistaken, Mercedes cars fold their mirrors automatically when ‘parked’ and locked.

    This gun toting wanker couldn’t even be fagged.

  4. curious says:

    We are missing two things here.

    How was the minister’s car parked? Maybe it wasn’t the fault of the other man. Daqs kemm jipparkjaw tajjeb, it-triq taghhom.

    Secondly, what if the other man was a Maltese and not a foreigner? Would we read the same comments on line?

    • Josette says:

      Actually I think that the fact that this guy is a foreigner might be a protection of sorts. At least they might be wary of the reaction of the British Embassy if he was roughed up too enthusiastically.

    • Francis Saliba M.D. says:

      YES we would get the same type of comment – but only if the other man was recognized or suspected to be a Nationalist.

  5. Joe Fenech says:

    “Yes, it is normal for certain kinds of Maltese men to behave as though you have raped their mother and left her for dead if you so much as scratch their rear bumper, ”

    It’s ‘the chronically poor mentality’ instigated by Mintoff

  6. ciccio says:

    Why did the Rapid Intervention Unit police take the Briton to the police station for a breathalyser test for what was allegedly only a minor accident in which one car hit the driver’s mirror of another?

    Such incidents – and even worse – happen very often and no one gets carried away to a police station to have a breathalyser test.

    • Toni says:

      So the Scot who hit the mirror on the minister’s car was asked for a breathalyser test and Owen Bonnici who hit and seriously hurt a person was not asked to take the test. I just wonder.

  7. Volley says:

    You know what ?! GTA5 for PS4 has been launched this week. The only difference is that this is not a game, but real life!

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