More corruption, cronyism and tahwid: General Workers Union gets Transport Malta lease contract

Published: November 18, 2014 at 4:48pm

GWU contract

13 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    They’ll bleed this place dry.

    Then they wonder how come business is slowing down, no-one in their right mind dare risk wasting time filling tenders or paying thousands just to pick super secret expressions of interest.

    Keep in mind the NSO’s been taken over.

  2. Tabatha White says:

    I think it’s time to get the Billboards out otherwise, the other Malta is never going to realise that this mess takes the whole of their back-pocket wads in a clean swipe.

    • Jozef says:

      What’s hilarious is how Muscat insists threatening to remove social benefits will ‘incentivise’ people to work, whatever that is.

      Mothers of one year old kids shall now work if they are to expect any support. Yes fine, to do what?

      He tried to portray himself as the common sense voter’s choice yesterday, that his core voter, read those on benefits, must and will adapt. Insidious enough to imply there’s nothing out there beyond him.

      Of course they’ll end up poorer, Tabatha, he was forced to admit 22,000 youngsters do not have access to the joys of reduced tariffs.

      He also reversed his own vat exemption for those whose activity doesn’t produce constant turnover, and that’s your average unemployable.

      He couldn’t even get himself to list the acres being given to his cronies, or at what rates. And how much more vast dead capital does this place have?

      Oh for having 25 years experience what this country is about.

  3. Watcher of lies says:

    Where’s the Auditor General? When are the police going to be called to investigate as was the norm if not the protocol used under Dr. Gonzi’s watch when corruption claims arise?

    This lot is in power with the only scope being that of plundering the nation at the expense of the honest worker.

    • curious says:

      It’s good to know who the current Auditor General is.

      • Tabatha White says:

        Is he dead? Senile? “under pressure?” Bought?

        How dare he remain immobile with ALL THIS CORRUPTION under his nose?

        I hope that he’ll be charged accordingly, and not proportionately but with a weighting, in the future for all the damage he is allowing to happen under his serene nose.

      • Watcher of lies says:


    • chico says:

      The Auditor General, you ask? Maybe burying one of his reports like he did in 2013 in the post election period, and they kept him on despite the fact that he isn’t even an auditor (nor a general for that matter).

  4. Last Post says:

    If I remember correctly you had already anticipated this move in one your posts earlier this year.

    Well done for journalistic skills and acumen.

  5. verita says:

    The GWU travel agency, Untours, has moved into different offices in the GWU building in South Street, and the offices it used before have been leased to ARMS. Malta taghna Lkoll.

    • michael seychell says:

      A real case of ‘you scratch my back and I scratch yours.’

      Did ARMS issue a public tender to rent an office space, or was ARMS advised or rather ordered to rent the office from the G.W.U.

  6. Madoff says:

    Ahseb u ara kemm ser jaghtu lura l-kazini li serqu fi zmien Mintoff.

  7. Watcher of lies says:

    This government is practically living on direct orders, every minute of its dirty maggot life, with convoluted tendering procedures and outright corruption as we are now seeing in front of our own eyes.

    Do we see anyone demanding a ministerial resignation? Of course not. This is the MLP in power now and the people’s expectation for this political party when in the seat of power, or a sorry excuse for one, is the same as expected of a third world banana republic.

    Then we expect the PN to fix things asap when it’s back in government, and to add insult to injury lambast it for taking the occasional slip while doing just that. Fixing the economy after a Muscatian Richter scale grade 9.0 earthquake.

    We are a bunch of self-flagellating morons who don’t deserve better than being governed by a stupider bunch of morons.


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