Not a great morning in the OPM communications office, I would say

Published: November 19, 2014 at 8:56am

I’ve just had a quick look through Times of Malta’s print edition. Those bad boys are being terribly negative today. And so is everybody else whose words and actions they’re reporting. Can’t have that, can we. If we carry on like this, Kurt Farrugia and his boss will be distributing free copies of The Secret and making it mandatory that we all read it.

Times 13

Times 1

Times 2

Times 3

Times 4

Times 5

Times 6

Times 7

Times 8

Times 9

Times 10

Times 11

Times 12

16 Comments Comment

  1. canon says:

    No more cookies at the gate from Kurt Farrugia now. He’s going to be very cross indeed.

  2. observer says:

    In one word – DIZASTRU

  3. Procedures says:

    Damn cheats the whole lot of them! Life goes on, and these news clippings will keep coming until 2023! Thank to all those switcher morons!

  4. Paul says:

    Regarding the last one about medicine shortages, I am pretty sure that I heard Profs Edward saying during his 4-hour propaganda (aka Budget) speech that the list of out of stock medicines was down from some 94 to 3. Three? Dan bis-serjeta jew?

  5. v says:

    Poor Minister Scicluna. At least he’s got one positive reaction to his budget and that’s from the GWU.

  6. Kevin says:

    Let’s ‘be positive’ and rejoice because It’s going to get significantly worse.

  7. Mila says:

    Would you ban your family from smoking with a cigarette in your mouth?

    Now look at Helena squeaky clean Dalli having an impasse with the decision of whether to name and shame those lift suppliers who are putting our lives at risk. Being such a stickler for rules, is her modus operandi getting in the way of protecting the public.

    Quick MDA jump in with your 2 cents worth for it is never a good idea to pass up a lucrative opportunity to protect the golden goose.

    ”All 20 lifts inspected so far this year were found to have shortcomings, Consumer Affairs Minister Helena Dalli said in Parliament today…….. The minister said the Malta Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority was mulling the thought of naming operators who were supplying the market with non-conforming lifts.”

    Of course, while mulling this issue, the minster can always get a front row seat at the funeral of anyone killed by a defective lift. In fact the face in the photo in Ms Daphne’s article here is perfect for such an event.

    [Daphne – Mrs Dalli is saying nothing new. The Malta Lift Association has been campaigning for years for stricter observation of the laws. Also, ‘naming and shaming’ does not come into it. If companies sell non-conforming lifts, they are breaking the law, and so it is the law that must come into play, and not ‘naming and shaming’. ‘Naming and shaming’ is not a substitute for legal action. There are other points. Many lifts have been in service for years, some of them for decades. They cannot be upgraded without the owners’ consent and payment. So you can’t ‘name and shame’ the supplier. What you have to do is prosecute the owners. Naming and shaming the supplier in these cases would be like blaming, say, Toyota because a 1970 car model hasn’t pass the vehicle roadworthiness test. The biggest problems lie not with the suppliers but with buyers/owners: they put price ahead of safety and resist the fact that routine maintenance and exceptional repairs are mandatory, not optional. As it happens, I know a fair bit about this particular subject.]

    • bob-a-job says:

      Mrs Dalli should know better if she wants to have an iota of credibility.

      Cyrus Engerer has not only been named and shamed but has a two year conviction to his name which in the UK would not have been suspended as was done here.

      This did not stop Helena Dalli from employing Cyrus Engerer so much for naming and shaming.

      ‘Helena Dalli defends decision to retain Cyrus Engerer as consultant’

      With regards to the MLP naming and shaming has the inverse effect. Cyrus Engerer has been promoted to Brussels.

      Cyrus ‘not a criminal’ says Civil Liberties Minister

      Of course he IS a criminal Mrs Dalli. What’s more there’s a court judgement to prove it.

      Ghal dawn il-motivi l-Qorti taqta’ u tiddeciedi illi tilqa’ l-appell, tirriforma ssentenza appellata billi tikkonferma l-procediment ezawrit fil-konfront tal-akkuza immarkata “G”, filwaqt illi tirrevoka l-bqija, wara li rat l-artikoli 337C(1)(a)(b)(c)(f)(j) tal-Kap. 9 kif ukoll l-artikolu 208(1) tal-Kap. 9, issib lill-appellat Cyrus Engerer hati tal-bqija tal-akkuzi kif dedotti kontra tieghu, tikkundannah ghall-piena ta’ prigunerija ghal zmien sentejn, b’dana però wara li rat l-artikoli 28A tal-Kodici Kriminali tordna li dan it-terminu jkun sospiz ghal zmien sentejn. Terga’ tordna lillappellat illi huwa ma jersaqx u ma jikkomunikax ma’ Marvic Camilleri u mal-familja tieghu ghal zmien sena mid-data ta’ din is-sentenza ai termini tal-artikolu 382A tal-Kodici Kriminali.

      Tordna fl-aħħar nett li d-DVD dok TZZ (fol 45) u l-“pen drive” Dok AD1 (fol 189) ghandhom jigu konsenjati lill-kwerelant Marvic Camilleri.

  8. Mila says:

    Remember when the LP wanted to make us believe that they had discovered this magic formula of hedging?

    Guess what, ”Government to retain hedging, with shorter terms”.

  9. Ma naghmlu xejn mal... says:

    Across the Altantic the Yankees had this to say about Malta …not really something to be proud of

  10. RF says:

    Konrad Mizzi confirmed that the magisterial inquiry over a park­ed car that blocked the helipad at St Luke’s Hospital on Saturday 9 August, as a medical crew were waiting to board a helicopter and bring a patient from Gozo is still ongoing.

    Are the magistrates that slow to require more than 3 months to identify owner of parked car and reason for such irresponsible behaviour?

    Or does the Minister think we will forget about it? It is obvious that some high Taghna Lkoll twat was involved.

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