Now, Konrad Mizzi, can you use the DOI to tell us where your power station is?

Published: November 8, 2014 at 8:57pm
Konrad Mizzi with somebody else whose marriage is as strong as ever. Why did you give Carmen Pullicino Orlando the top job at ARMS Ltd without a general call for applications, Minister?

Konrad Mizzi with somebody else whose marriage is as strong as ever. Why did you give Carmen Pullicino Orlando the top job at ARMS Ltd without a general call for applications, Minister?

Our Energy Minister opened the state Department of Information and called the staff in to work on a Saturday evening to release a unilateral declaration about the state of his marriage. And to tell us, like Bill Clinton before him, that he did not have sex with that woman.

But he doesn’t feel any such pressing necessity to communicate with us about the state of his power station, or the state of Gasol plc, or the state of negotiations with Electrogas or the state of play with those Chinese investors who are threatening to go AWOL or have done so already.

We don’t give a damn about the state of your marriage, Minister. What electors are interested in is the fact that they’re paying your wife to stay away from you. How does that work, exactly?

And remember: don’t kiss in public, even when your wife is safely in Beijing. Or is it Shanghai? We don’t know because Malta Enterprise won’t give potential investors the contact details for their representative.

Floors have eyes and walls have ears.

28 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    “If you have any questions about the state of the marriage of Konrot Mizzi and Sai Mizzi Liang, please send them in writing to the Minister, OK?”

  2. ken il malti says:

    Malta is turning into one big whorehouse.

  3. ciccio says:

    Tajba, jekk issaqsih fuq il-powerstation, jghidlek li mhux fl-interess tal-poplu.

    Jekk tghidlu jippublika l-kuntratt tal-Electrogas, jghidlek li mhux ser jippublikah ghax fih sensitivitajiet kummercjali.

    Imbagad fuq l-istat taz-zwieg tieghu, jaghmel dikjarazzjoni unilaterali u bil-miktub.

  4. Kif inhi din? says:

    Perhaps as an employee of ARMS, Carmen will be able to claim expenses to visit head office in China, and whilst she’s there she too can get a quick-fix divorce from JPO.

  5. Wilson says:

    This is totally cuckoo. Using the DOI to explain the status of your marriage is beyond a no no. Who advises these people?

  6. thinking says:

    Hmm was it him, or the puppet master who ordered DOI to issue the statement as his minions are being targetted and his power over them is being undermined.

  7. ciccio says:

    If he really wants to prove that everything is above board in the relations with his wife, why didn’t he ask the DOI to publish the contract of employment of his wife, if there is one?

    It is that contract which is of public interest, not his relations with his wife.

  8. C.G says:

    Cornered Rat. Lanqas ic-Cinizi ma jieklu r-ross bil-labra.

  9. john says:

    Konrad Mizzi should stop farting around and build that power station he promised us.

    On reflection, maybe it’s best for us all if he forgets the power station and just carries on farting around.

  10. Malti ta' Veru says:

    Meritocracy takes on a new definition here : Ability to be offered a job as long as your face fits the organisation.

    Qualifications not a necessary asset though they may put the interviewing board off if forced down their throats.

  11. Respect says:

    If it was me I would not come out to say that my marriage is strong because he’s only human and his marriage can fail like anybody else’s on this planet.

    The thing that amazes me is that not only once he denied the fact that the Maltese are paying for his separation. I would in all circumstances get the necessary proof against this allegations and share them with the public then file a libel. I guess he knows he has been caught.

  12. aidan says:

    Mhux ta’ xejn ivvutaw ghad-divorzju. Ir-ritorn tat-tele serje Dallas.

  13. denpi says:

    Does this mean that our marriage certificates will soon start being issued by the DOI?

  14. Someone says:

    Konrad isn’t gay but we can just imagine this sort of press conference “fenomenali” in the next few days…

    Airplane spotters should be on the look out for a private jet arriving from China.

  15. Joe Fenech says:

    Connard to the nation : “don’t judge me on my private life, judge me on what’s I’ve achieved as a minister.”

  16. C.Portelli says:

    Can you imagine this guy kissing? I mean that a look at those lips.

  17. Jozef says:

    Wouldn’t be surprised if he issues a statement someday saying the power station’s ready, responding to journalists they can’t see it because of negative perspective.

  18. Francis Said says:

    Don’t judge me on my private life, judge me what I have achieved as a Minister.

    Judge me what I have achieved as a Minister.

    To be succinct – NOTHING, NADA, NIENTE.

  19. Jojo says:

    What a jackass

  20. ron says:

    People my age remember the times when in the daily papers a spot the ball competition used to be held. How about launching a competion of “Spot Con Rat’s power station”?

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