Oh right, that’s why your wife is in China with the children indefinitely while you’re in Malta

Published: November 8, 2014 at 8:17pm

I suppose what Konrad Mizzi is trying to tell us here is that 13,000 euros a month are worth more to the woman he married than the company of her husband and a shared family life.

Which is why she is in China on an indefinite basis, while he is here, ditto.

I know that the Chinese have a reputation for being utterly mercenary, but that’s an unfair generalisation and Konrad Mizzi is most unwise to cast these sorts of aspersions on the mother of his children. No wonder she picked up and left.

“Why did we leave daddy, mummy?”

“Because we get a lot more money like this, darling, but our marriage is still as strong as ever even though we have to fly for 11 hours to Frankfurt and then another three to Malta to see each other occasionally. But it doesn’t matter because the Maltese people pay.” However you might say that in her language.

Liars and cheats. The man who told us that his power station was doable in 24 months, when there isn’t so much as a single piece of metal in the ground 20 months in, is now telling us that his marriage is as strong as ever. And how strong was that to begin with anyway.

Somebody is really panicking here. Here he goes, giving more of the oxygen of publicity to the story he is supposed to be trying to kill.

konrad mizzi marriage

45 Comments Comment

  1. mc says:

    Dahhal lil Simon Busuttil fil-kredu ukoll. Naturalment biex jorbot lilek mal-PN u nergghu bl-istess kantaliena li inti mhalsa mil-PN.

  2. Jozef says:

    Deborah Schembri defended Sai Mizzi’s portfolio and said this is all sexist.

  3. ciccio says:

    Someone who loves his wife would not allow the government to humiliate her by offering her a contractual compensation excluding pillows and sheets.

    Isn’t she entitled to have sex with the man she calls her husband in bed like others?

    • observer says:

      Yes, but she has to procure the pillows and sheets herself if she wants to have a bed like others’ to have her sex in it.

  4. Orwell says:

    Konrat do you honestly believe that Daphne is going to give up on your case? Get a life man, and start preparing for the thrill of a lifetime.

  5. Manuel says:

    The Streisand Effect should be re-named ‘The Konrat Effect’.

    In the meantime, have you noticed that the PM is completely silent on the mess created by his Golden Boy?

    Maybe we have to wait for another Coffee-cum-Tombla-Morning to get a statement. That’s the forum the PM likes, one where no questions are asked by inquisitive journalists.

  6. Respect says:

    He really is digging himself into a bigger hole. I wish I was there to push him into it.

    • Eddy Privitera says:

      DCG is digging a bigger hole for the party to which she is the unofficial representative in the world of gutter politics.

      [Daphne – Hello, Mr Privitera. I must have been around 10 when I first read your name in the correspondence columns of The Times of Malta. When I see it now, 40 years on, still rooting for the Mintoff party, I am touched with nostalgia.]

      • Rosie says:

        Ghadek ma fiqtx int miskin

      • observer says:

        Eddy, you are really getting not just tedious – but utterly ridiculous in your solemn utterings.

        However please, oh please, make sure that you do not stop regaling us with more.

      • TinaB says:

        Ara Privvy rega’ tfacca.

        X’jinkwetawk il-buzullotti tal-gvern tal-labour ghandek tghid Sur Privitera.

      • thealley says:

        Well, we prefer being in Opposition with Daphne on our side, rather than in Government voted in by a bunch of stupid low-level IQ majority.

      • bob-a-job says:

        Are you on €13,000 a month too Eddy or are you worth €0 to the MLP?

        How does it feel when you see criminals like Cyrus Engerer and his partner being given plum posts (jobs) in Brussels or wads of euros handed to Willie tal-garaxx not to mention Lou Bondi or P. Kazzo Zammit Tabona and others like them.

        How does it feel to be whining without dining, Eddy?

    • ciccio says:

      What? Don’t tell me that the works on the foundations for the new power station have started? Ejja, sa fl-ahhar.

    • C.G says:

      He`s in a bowl of noodle soup.

      • thinking says:

        Milli jidher Eddy Privitera mar jghin lil Konrad ihaffer ghal power station. Prosit hej, almenu jiswa ghal xihaga fi xjuhitu.

  7. Vespa says:

    If he can spare some time from his busy schedule Konrad Mizzi should consider part-time lecturing at Ta’ Kana?

  8. Eddy Privitera says:

    Mi int INT biex tindahal kif u fejn jghixu Dr. Konrad Mizzi u l-mara tieghu ? Issa mur ghamel dan il-kumment fil-Qorti halli aqta kemm tikkinvinci lill-Qorti dwar l-allegazzjonijiet OXXENI tieghek !

    [Daphne – Pray do tell, Mr Privitera, how you are privy to all this information about the strength of that marriage. Does your wife live on the other side of the world? When married couples live thousands of miles apart from each other, several time zones away, it’s because they prefer it that way.]

  9. curious says:

    Kif tghid bic-Ciniz ‘boghod mill-ghajn boghod mill-qalb’?

  10. C.G says:

    Marriage FENOMINALI, u int taf xi jfisser. Ixtri ftit krema tal-bebbux, Konrad.

  11. Wilson says:

    He could easily get the job of Chief Stoker.

  12. thinking says:

    I pity the children, allowed to live a free life in Malta then getting dragged to grow up in a communist state. When they grow up they are going to loath both parents.

  13. Joe Fenech says:

    Connard, rather than defending your ego, you’d better get cracking and that power station up and running.

  14. C.Portelli says:

    Hey Konrod, Mhux wiehed, mhux tnejn imma tlieta bajdiet se tlaqqat

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