Opposition leader speaks for the nation
November 25, 2014 at 9:49am
Times of Malta’s high-impact front page report, written by Kurt Sansone, begins:
Conveying people’s “anger and disgust” at the shooting incident involving a minister’s driver, Opposition leader Simon Busuttil accused the Prime Minister of being weak in the face of abuse. Using his Budget reaction speech yesterday to hit out at what he described as the government-induced culture of “anything goes”, Dr Busuttil said the Prime Minister had lost his moral authority.
“You have a tent outside [in St George’s Square] saying this is a government that listens, so listen to the people and remove [Home Affairs Minister] Manuel Mallia,” Dr Busuttil said.
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The headline on the left is almost as interesting.
Meanwhile in America:
Simon Busuttil was brilliant in parlament last night. He dismembered half Muscat’s cabinet in just over an hour. Shame on all those bloody idiots who backed Muscat before the election. On your heads be it.
Excellent report. Looks like Sansone is not that blind in his faith after all.
The publishers of the Times of Malta must have been looking at their dwindling sales figures.
I wonder why Super One did not air Dr Busuttil’s speech yesterday.
Obviously not to let their listeners hear the truth.
BRILLIANT is an understatement for Dr. Busuttil’s speech in parliament last night.
It reminded me of Dr. Fenech Adami’s budget response just after the murder of Raymond Caruana.
Well done Dr. Busuttil, the people are proud of you
Is it possible to watch a video of the speech somewhere? Is it available online please?
It would be a good idea to have a video on line, so many people missed it and are now asking where they can see/hear it.
Ripped to shreds, that’s the proper way to describe yesterdays budget speech. Hearing Muscat speak to the press afterwards I understood that he was working to a speech prepared up ahead and which didn’t ‘match’ at all to what Busuttil said.
He ripped your budget and your corrupt government to shreds and flushed you down the drain, Muscat.
Now tonight we should expect more of the same from Muscat: you did this, you did that when in power, kontijiet mrahhsa, hajja ahjar, flus fil-but. Manuel Mallia the best. Il-kink.
This morning Birdman Debono was on TVAM endorsing the fat toad on the “riformi tajbin hafna li ghaddejjin fil-korp bhalissa.”
Il-vera dustbin ta’ ragel.
In Australia they call them “wheelie bins” and that’s what PBS wheels into their studio when they need to boost the government’s agenda.
Simon Busuttil was phenomenal – if Joseph Muscat and his scum carry on as they are, and Busuttil keeps up this energy, then I would not be surprised if Malta sees another PN government in office in three years’ time.
Issa la beda r-rotta żgur li se jibqa’ sejjer. U b’Dr Busuttil fit-tmun is-sewwa se jirbaħ żgur.
What impressed me most was the silence with which the parliament was listening to what the Leader of the Opposition had to say. He was voicing what the People had to say – and deep down all the MPs knew he was spot on.
So no interruptions except for that mistake regarding Minister Joe Mizzi’s sister in law.
Towards the end of the speech, when he was listing the government backbenchers and ministers and highlighting their salaries and wrongdoings, there was dead silence. The government MPs were left wondering whether they were next on his list.
Yesterday’s speech delivered by Simon Busuttil in Parliament was excellent proof of the current disastrous state of being of both the Labour Party and government, particularly Muscat’s chaotic approach to his not-fit-for-purpose ministers.
I was never a big fan of Simon Busuttil’s however listening to him last night has changed my opinion completely.
He did such a good job – I only hope he continues on this path. I cannot wait to hear what Muscat has to say in response to last night.
The facts are there in black and white there is no running and no lying the people know the truth so it will be very interesting indeed.
Maybe finally those people out there who keep whining that Simon Busuttil is not the right person to lead the PN will realise that he IS the right person for the job.
I have believed this from day one but people are impatient.
He has a different style to his predecessors and to what we are used to, but yesterday was the culmination of his hard work and perseverance against all odds.
Excellent speech and excellent delivery which left the motley crew on the government benches gobsmacked, including Muscat. We live in hope.
Amen to that. Dr Busuttil literally kept me glued to the TV throughout his speech. Hope he keeps up this momentum. He gave the goverment the trashing it so deserves.
Simon Busuttil spoke on facts, not perception. Simon Busuttil and his team worked hard to obtain the right information on the ministers.
The MALTESE NATION deserves better. This is not a transparent government and it is led and controlled by a bunch of sangisugi. The facts and figures Busuttil gave are very worrying.