Please read this correction re Robert Arrigo

Published: November 5, 2014 at 10:28am

I refer to my post a couple of days ago, called ‘What was Robert Arrigo’s man doing, visiting China with Reno Calleja last June’.

That post referred to a report by the Malta-China Friendship Society that its main man Reno Calleja had visited China last June, as a guest of the Chinese authorities, accompanied by a representative of “Arrigo Travel”.

It has since been explained to me that the man in question, Andre Farrugia, does not work for Robert Arrigo, but for his sisters and brother-in-law Trevor Sullivan, who continue to use the name for their (separate and distinct) travel business, which is called Arrigo Group Ltd.

Robert Arrigo’s travel business is called Robert Arrigo & Sons Ltd and has no connection with Arrigo Group Ltd beyond the sibling relationship of the owners.

I apologise for any inconvenience caused to Robert Arrigo & Sons Ltd for this error, and of course, to my readers.

11 Comments Comment

  1. TROY says:

    A woman of substance, a proper lady.

  2. Martin Felice says:

    The mud several readers supposedly PN voters slung at Robert is shameful. The PN and its followers should be grateful to Robert for the number of votes he always manages to secure for the party.

    Although he was ignored by Dr Gonzi notwithstanding that he secured two seat in parliament he remained loyal to him and the party. He did not put spokes in the government wheels as Debono, Mugliett as others did.

  3. bob says:

    Hekk mela. You set the standard and you keep the standard. This makes you the only truly independent and reliable news source on this island.

  4. vittorio says:

    To be human is to err . To apologise is maturity . Surely there was none bad intention . You are excused . Keep up the work we are thankful for .

  5. bob-a-job says:

    It is good to note that the so called ‘mud’ slung at Robert by supposedly PN supporters has not been denied as false.

  6. Alfred Agius says:

    If ever there was gentelman who tried his utmost nobody can deny that Robert was and still is ready to help.

  7. Wink says:

    chapeau to a fine lady

  8. pale blue my foot! says:

    For me, Robert has always been a down to earth and honest politician. A rare breed.

  9. Barabbas Borg says:

    It’s not only you who needs to apologise.. But also the ppl who placed comments.

    [Daphne – ppl is banned from this site. Pretty pointless, apologising when you’re not using your own name. ‘Need to’ has nothing to do with it.]

  10. Jien kont minn ta l-ewwel li diffendejt lil Robert Arrigo. Apparti l-politka, tistaqsi lil min hadem u min ghadu jahdem mieghu – kollha l-istess kelma kemm hu ragel tal-affari tieghu.

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