PM consultant John Dalli has just set up a new consultancy: TABOR CONSULT

Published: November 4, 2014 at 11:06am

The prime minister’s special consultant, John Dalli, has finally changed his LinkedIn profile, which until a couple of weeks ago was still showing him to be the incumbent EU Commissioner for Health.

The updated profile shows that he has just set up a new consultancy company called Tabor Consult, of which he is the executive chairman. Mount Tabor is hallowed in Christian lore as the place where the transfiguration of Christ occurred. Is there a name for this extreme persecution mania? Here is another man in need of psychiatric care – and wasn’t he supposed to be getting it in Brussels, hence all those ‘medical certificates’ submitted to the police?

His refreshed LinkedIn entry says: Building on his vast political and managerial experience, Mr. Dalli has set up a consultancy company to work in Malta and in the International Arena.

Quite frankly, I believe that any grown man who uses capital letters for anything other than proper nouns or the first word of a sentence should be shot at dawn.

But far more interesting is his paranoid and entirely inappropriate description under his career history listing as EU Commissioner. Apparently he was “terminated by President Barroso” and later “lodged a complain”. And:

Mr. Dalli maintained that a set up was organised against him by the Tobacco Industry, Eu pro-tobacco officials and his political adversaries in Malta.

His profile picture shows him as EU Commissioner, with the flag behind him.

He’s 66, on an EU Commission pension, and still doggedly hard at work trying to grub money wherever and however he can, despite having pots of it already and never knowingly using any if he can avoid it.

What exactly is it he is addicted to – the making of money or the plotting and scheming and networking, and the feeling of still being in the game?

There’s only so much I can do here on my own – so come on, everyone, and help out. Let’s keep our eyes on this shark and Tabor Consult.

john dalli tabor consult 1

john dalli tabor consult 2


18 Comments Comment

  1. Lizz says:

    Is it ‘Tabor’ because he intends to transfigure himself to the rest of us mortals?

  2. La Redoute says:

    Tabor is Christianity’s holy mountain of transfiguration.

    The man’s cracked.

  3. Bumblebee says:

    How about placing in this order :

    1) the plotting, scheming and networking;

    2) the feeling of still being in the game;

    3) the making of money (another few million or so could always come useful for charitable causes);

    4) getting even and backstabbing.

  4. Bumblebee says:

    That “terminated” must have stuck in his throat.

  5. La Redoute says:

    Dalli sees this as his own resurrection. After being persecuted and crucified, he is now rising from the dead.

    Is there a name for this type of megalomania and persecution complex?

    Mount Tabor (Hebrew: Har Tavor) is a hill rising 500m above the Jezreel Valley in the region of Galilee. Due to its strategic location along the north-south road, it has been an important fortress since ancient times.

    Christians have identified a rock atop Mt. Tabor as the place of the Transfiguration of Christ since the 4th century AD.

  6. zunzana says:

    Mount Tabor of the Gospels: perhaps Mr. Dalli is making his transfiguration more complete.

  7. Willie Cojones says:

    Borat Consult would be a more appropriate name.

  8. curious says:

    ‘Brussels Area’. Isn’t it a prison over there?

  9. tinnat says:

    Tabor-Consult is based in Ghent.

    “Tabor-Consult Vzw
    26 Molenaarsstraat, Gent, 9000

    Assuming it’s the same one, what is John Dalli doing in Ghent, and what type of consultancy is he providing?

  10. wacko says:

    Office in the Bahamas as well maybe?

  11. Kif inhi din? says:

    Maybe he chose a name with Christian connotations to enable him and Mary Swan to collect donations on behalf of the benevolent work carried out internationally.

  12. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Mount Tabor Church
    Willow Tree Ave, Nassau N 9705,

  13. P Shaw says:

    Is he going to set up a Christian charity fund with a guaranteed place in heaven for all donors?

  14. C Falzon says:

    What ? Is he no longer Commissioner for health? When did that happen ?

  15. Be-witched says:

    The verbs used say much more than intended: Plotting, terminated, set up, networking, targeted, manipulated, lodged…who is master in using those terms in real life?

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