President’s wage bill up by half a million a year: here are some of the new jobs

Published: November 28, 2014 at 11:44am

These are some intra-government circulars:

– OPR No 2/2014 – Post of Senior Operative (GROUP IV) Plasterer and Painter in the Office of the President
– OPR No 3/2014 – Post of Senior Operative (GROUP IV) Tiling and Paving Works in the Office of the President
– OPR No.4/2014 – Post of Operative (Group III) Construction Works in the Office of the President
– OPR No.5/2014 – Post of Operative (Group III) Maintenance Works in the Office of the President
– OPR No.6/2014 – Post of Operative (Group III) Metal Works in the Office of the President
– OPR No.7/2014 – Post of General Hand (Group II) in the Office of the President

wage bill

40 Comments Comment

  1. Tabatha White says:

    Is Luciano Busuttil also a “General Hand”?

  2. A Montebello says:

    I don’t know where to post this, but it’s excellent and deserves max exposure.

    [Daphne – Let’s hear it for Old Dorotheans. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that some of the toughest chicks in Maltese public life were locked up in a freezing Mdina convent in no-nonsense Dickensian conditions, though a couple of them fell on the wrong side of the fence, like Marlene Mizzi of the Labour Party and Arlette Baldacchino of Imperium Europa.]

    • Eye on Malta says:

      It deserves to be uploaded in its own right.

    • Ghoxrin Punt says:


    • Andrew Borg-Cardona says:

      Oy… I’m an Old Dorothean too, so less of the sexist remarks. Sliema though, so I’m not a tough chick.

      [Daphne – It’s the convent bit wot did it, not Sliema where the toughest thing was singing Cat Stevens and Bob Dylan hits in the guise of hymns in between running around and yelling. Your cousin Simon D was my contemporary there, incidentally.]

  3. Viva il- Farizej says:

    Il-Listrina, x’buzz dak!

    She could have given all that to charity and stopped the Strina charade.

  4. taqattani says:

    That’s 1000 weeks of 500 Euros worth of honoraria increase per week.

    No fuss made now?

    We HAVE been taken for a ride.

  5. Natalie Mallett says:

    That’s a lot of money for just 6 people.

    [Daphne – Those are just six of them.]

  6. Jozef says:

    So Her Excellency intends to thoroughly vandalise the palaces.

    Restoration directorate, brace yourselves.

    Charlies running around with buckets of white cement and pots of gloss magnolia.


    • x' genn says:

      Kollha bid digree ta’ restawr nahseb.

      • majmuma says:

        They are already at it. Wannabe restorers have been playing Bob the Builder on scaffolding in St Anthony Street, which has been cordoned off, blocking the through-road between Attard and Lija.

        They work half-days, but the road is closed round the clock and there’s even a policeman in attendance.

  7. sense and logic says:

    She works from a very crowded office. When will it be finished?

  8. High Tea says:

    Why does the president need a permanent plasterer and tiler? Surely she can do her own make-up?

  9. holly says:

    Now even La Barokka is on board, after the President appreciated her vocal chords on Xarabank.

    Mhux ta’ b’xejn Il-Barokka kienet euphoric meta saret president Marie Louise Coleiro, għax kienet taf li ser tispiċċa on board magħha.

    Coleiro Preca said that she doesn’t like ceremonies, but she sure as hell likes having a lot of servants, bidilli and retainers.

  10. Xambett3 says:

    I bet my head that most of them are ex-Maintenace Section from St. Vincent de Paule Hospital, since Justine of the plastic helicopter will be dismantling ALL maintenance and construction sections there.

    • Jozef says:

      Call me a snob, but let’s hope they get to lie around and do absolutely nothing.

      Iharbtu mill-ahjar li jistghu il-palazz kien jonqos.

      Where’s the baroque NGO and that foremost watercolorist when you need them?

      Or a couple of switchers I know, purveyors of everything Caravaggio and Preti and who get lost driving themselves up to Zurrieq.

      The powder on their nose, that’s what.

  11. xdcc says:

    It seems the President does not wish to be dependent on a government department to carry out minor works at San Anton Palace.

    If that is the case, her office should say so publicly and explain why the President requested additional funds from government.

    I suspect she will be sorely disappointed. There will be people who will feel entitled to these posts and inevitably they will be the worst people for the job. More jobs ‘ghal dawk tal-qalba’ and, yet again, more money down the drain.

  12. Manuel says:

    And then, Madame President urges people to donate money during L-istrina so that she can help poor families.

    Oh the irony of it all.

  13. verita says:

    Tthere are resident handymen, tailors, restorers, gardeners etc who did a wonderful job in restoring most parts of the 3 palaces.

    Many who had been working at the palaces for decades were made to resign and now Taghna Lkollers will be employed.

  14. just jack says:

    And consider them as public service employees. Yes, after three years of contract they will become government employees with an indefinite contract. And there are more to come who are being employed without a call.

  15. Toni Borg says:

    Labour keeps buying votes even when in government. And at what cost.

  16. Tania says:

    Two Sundays ago she participated at the Caritas trail plastered in makeup and surrounded by at least six people.

    She simply perpetuates the myth that the role of the President is that of raising funds for charity and reminds me of those women who organize village bazaars to raise funds for the parish priest

  17. Peter Grech says:

    I hope all this grumbling doesn’t fall on deaf ears come next elections – cos nowadays people are having memory loss more frequently !

  18. Joe Fenech says:

    What’s this, Malta Drydocks II?

  19. Joe Fenech says:

    How many times a year do the president’s residences require tiling, plastering and the rest? Who are we trying to fool here?

  20. L. Galea says:

    If I am not mistaken she has also beefed up the number of gardeners.

  21. Stephen Forster says:

    Deficit up by 283 million euros.

    Personal emoluments and contributions to government entities increased by 40+ million euros.

    That’s not chump change.

  22. Persil says:

    So these workers are special? I thought that workers with the same skill are in the same salary scale, such as a nurse in St. Vincent de Paule Hospital has the same pay as a nurse at Mater Dei Hospital.

    So from now on many would opt for a transfer to San Anton Palace to have a rise in pay or you have to be from the Taghna Lkoll family?

  23. gaetano pace says:

    Metal works at the Office of the President ? In these days, the age of carbon steel, aluminium, carbon fibre ? Hope Evarist will not be taken up by this and suggest to us that MLP is having a made to measure chastity belt ? What do you think Varist ?

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