Sack him. Now.
The Malta Independent reports today what many of us regard as the inevitable: that Paul Sheehan’s defence counsel is from the law firm Emanuel Mallia & Associates.
This has gone beyond a joke. It could all have been foreseen, but when your standards are abysmal you don’t bother, and when you don’t follow the news, observe details and join the dots, you think that Manuel Mallia is a normal person, a lawyer who defends criminals and not a man with an extensive sleaze network of his own.
You can see here that he doesn’t even understand how things shouldn’t only be above aboard but be beyond criticism and accusations of corruption and conflict of interest.
His driver fires a gun at somebody driving off while on official duty with his government car, provoking a major scandal that has eclipsed the budget and everything else, and he’s given defence counsel by Emanuel Mallia & Associates?
Beyond madness. The fact is that when people are that corrupt they don’t even understand the extent of their corruption and have forgotten what normal behaviour is even if they ever knew in the first place.
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Pity the prime minister can’t be sacked too.
Love to see what happens tonight. It’s his big bang day.
Not likely he’ll announce the building of that bridge though, which begs the question, why on Earth does he insist on releasing what plainly cannot be executed to the press?
Ok, so they’re busy discussing it on Times of Malta, makes a break from Delimara.
Tonight he’ll wear his green hat, with red trimmings.
He was generous enough to lay the rules for his own sacking himself. The majority voted for it along with the other stuff.
Imma le ta’, ghax dak kien ‘maghna’ Tal-Barrani, Daphne.
That vicious trap rendering some more truly PN than others, one where I can’t ever be as Nationalist as Manuel not having had the privilege of that rite of passage.
I was twelve.
I was only 9 years old at the time but I remember it quite vividly as it was yesterday, and some other incidents which I witnessed myself, haunt me till this very day.
You were too young to be there so you are excused. Others shirked their responsibility out of inertia or fear.
I can’t blame the latter as we were prepared for the worst and it was worse still.
The episode was a turning point in our history and the beginning of the end of the the Mintoffian reign of terror. We are just proud to have been there.
Whatever Manuel Mallia says Police under his watch has become a tool in the governments hands. That’s how it all starts.
I never missed a single PN mass event in the 1970s and 1980s and never saw Manwel Mallia anywhere, including at Tal-Barrani. I also never saw him at the Stamperija or in any party club. His only link to the PN was that he used to hang around Guido de Marco.
Of course, just because I didn’t notice him doesn’t mean he wasn’t there, but still, it seems strange that I never chanced to see him. He was already well-known at the time.
Moreover, it is not true that Manwel Mallia was the lawyer who handled the Pietru Pawl Busuttil frame-up case. As these scans from The Times show, the only lawyer was Guido de Marco.
I have searched extensively the whole e-archive of The Times of those weeks and no lawyer named Mallia was ever mentioned in any report, column or letter to the editor.
A Minister of Police who cannot tell right from wrong.
When truth is but one perception and one is expedient with it, it will find its own way of shining through.
And I thought John Dalli with his wheelings and dealings was one of the very few members of an exceptionally morally bankrupt freak-of-nature species. But I see we have a whole tribe of them running riot in Malta.
Manuel Mallia is of the school of thought that it is a criminal lawyer’s job to help their client create an intricate web of lies.
They don’t argue about law and facts but make facts up.
They don’t argue a client’s case but pro-actively help their client create a sufficiently believable lie to instil a reasonable doubt in the jury’s mind.
He has only limited legal skills, but extensive transferable skills for one who thinks that politics is also about lying your way to wealth, power and fame.
So if Steve Morrison Smith were to institute civil proceedings against Paul Sheehan, Manuel Mallia’s law firm would have to choose which one of his two clients to represent. Or he’d try to have them appear for both.
So Emanuel Mallia & Associates will be defending Minister Emanuel Mallia’s driver for trying to kill a client of Emanuel Mallia & Associates for crashing into Emanuel Mallia’s official car, when he is prosecuted by the police for whom Emanuel Mallia is responsible.
This is conflict of interest is so complicated at so many levels that it makes a Rubik cube look simple.
F*ck me backwards through a bush.
Honestly, sometimes I wish I could vote for YOU!
So Emmanuel Mallia & Associates will be defending Minsiter Mallia’s driver for trying to kill a Scot, who also happens to be a client of Emmanuel Mallia & Associates. This is conflict of interest at so many levels that it makes a rubik cube look simple.
I was wondering what Dr. Arthur Azzopardi was up to yesterday afternoon outside the Ministry of Home Affairs consorting with a gang of men in dark suits (not of the Hugo Boss kind).
F*ck me backwards through a bush.
How is it that “Emanuel Mallia & Associates” still exists? I was under the impression that Ministers were not able to carry on with their private practice while serving the country in their ministerial capacity.
[Daphne – You can sell the firm and the new owners can keep the name. But Emanuel Mallia owned the firm and practised under its name right up until he became Police Minister so it’s not looking good. Of course his head of secretariat Silvio Scerri has the same thing going on with his lighting company Nexos.]
Yes I get that – but then it’s practicing under false pretences.
If the firm was called “XYZ Law” there would not be (that much of ) an issue; but the firm is called “Emanuel Mallia & Associates” which gives the impression to its clients that Emanuel Mallia heads the firm in partnership with his associates.
Part 2, Chapter 1, Rule 5 of the Code of Ethics: Advocates shall not use a firm name, letterhead or other professional designation of (sic) description which contains misleading information (
A very dangerous individual indeed.
Spiteful and as yet he gets to control the three most important government agencies, military, police and telecommunications.
Get his cronies in the mix and you have a recipe for disaster.
Coup of tea anyone!
Not only Mallia but also Scerri, the two Mizzis, Helena Dalli and Chris Cardona . Did I leave out someone?
Muscat should then do a positive one for Malta and resign.
His ‘performance’ in parliament yesterday, and now this news may be final proof that Mallia is ‘not all there’. He can’t be – anyone in his right mind, and in his current situation, would not touch Sheehan’s case with a bargepole.
Has Mallia’s obvious greed now completely taken over, and so clouded his logic to this extent?
I don’t think that Mallia’s firm is representing Sheehan for the money. It’s not as if the man is a wealthy drug trafficker, after all.
Minister Mallia is making a statement here: standing by his bodyguard in defiance of all the outrage the incident has provoked.
If he could he would stick to the lie that Sheehan fired warning shots in the air to defend himself. Since this has become impossible, Mallia is doing the next ‘best’ thing: defending the shooter.
After all, if the Court finds that Sheehan did not commit a crime, Mallia would be vindicated and the cover-up forgotten. It’s difficult to imagine how Sheehan could be found innocent but stranger things have happened in our Courts.
ma talmux 25 sena fl oppozizjoni ax lemm qed jergaw jimmiraw
Didn’t Mallia say that he lost trust in him? How come he’s helping him out?