Saviour Balzan: the new Super One
November 11, 2014 at 3:07pm
Have some self-respect, Saviour. The whole of Malta isn’t made up of the sub-literate and chippy denizens of your Malta Today comments board, and quite frankly, even they deserve the facts.
What Angelo Gafa actually said in that Public Accounts Committee hearing is that George Farrugia had often TRIED to speak to Austin Gatt about tenders, but Gatt had ALWAYS REFUSED to talk to him.
In other words, George Farrugia never did speak to Gatt.
You’re running a newspaper, not Super One – or is there something we haven’t been told?
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Pity he gave up those video blogs. Twit.
Salvu Balzan has a tedious habit of underestimating the intelligence of observers and talkling down to them.
He also has a tedious habit of overestimating his own intelligence.
Not necessarily. He may be one of those who believes that by repeatedly lying, his lies will be accepted as the truth, at least by
Can you possibly give us a link for your statement Mr Balzan? Of course we do not want to assume that this was an auditory or visual hallucination although no one else seems able to find this statement.
What a prat. Saviour, you have a lot of problems but the biggest one is that your head is so far up your arse you can’t even see daylight.
Miskin, Saver Azerbalzan. X’tefghulu fil-Peking duck?
Mhux ahjar jinvestiga hemmx korruzzjoni fil-kumpanija SOCAR TRADING tal-Azerbaijan, li suppost kellha tipprovdi il-gas lil Konrot Mizzi?
U kif ikun fuq is-suggett, ghax ma jispjegalniex kif dahlet is-Shell fl-istorja, meta din kienet wahda mil-partijiet interessati fost il-konkorrenza tal-Electrogas? Illum fuq din il-website kien hawn video jitkellem dwar il-korruzzjoni u x-Shell (qed noqghod attent bhal ma kienet attenta dik il-mara fil-video).
Hawn qed nitkellmu fuq il-futur – 18-il sena ta’ gass lil zewg powerstations b’kapacita totali ta’ xi 400MW, li jsarrfu b’biljuni ta’ Ewro f’xiri ta’ gas.
This guy has such a clear personal grudge against you and all that is blue, that it clouds his vision and thought.
He is too big a coward to admit this or able to come close to matching your intellectual level and really confront you directly, so instead feeds his biased fantasy to his readers, who are less interested in knowing the truth than reading what they would like to hear.
Such a jealous bitter person, very poor journalist and even more irritating on TV.
[Daphne – It’s all right, I’m used to it by now. He’s been at it for the last 30+ years, the difference for the last few being that he has a newspaper to drip bile all over me. Hell hath no fury like a man scorned, as many women well know. He was too pink and ugly to fancy and I absolutely detest small eyes and a humour wasteland. But my advice to girls now is: be kind to the men who like you, even if they make your skin crawl, because what probably makes your skin crawl is the obsessive traits your subconscious has picked up on, and those don’t go away. One day they might have a newspaper, and if they don’t, it might be something else.]
That explains it all. Daphne why did you keep us guessing all this time? Would have been more of a funeral than a wedding.
Ma nifilhux izjed….I am ever so glad that I stopped buying his papers many months ago.
On more or less the same lines, I make it a point to listen to Glen Bed(as in ministers’ in bed)ingfield on Super One Radio, going through the daily papers and distorting the whole article if it does not suit the Labour Party.
Kartell imbarrazz li mhux kapaci jaqra jew jispjega xejn sew.
Tried watching Reporter yesterday evening. It was painful to see individuals like David Curmi change facial expression every time Balzan spoke. Such an idiot.
Saviour Balzan jew xjah u beda jhawwad jew Musct qed jaqlalu kemxa tajba li lest anke li jbieh ruhu ghal flus jekk huwa li qed jaghmel ghal flus l-aktar kelma li tixraqlu hija GUDA.
Saviour Balzan has to decide whether he’s going to rely on what Inspector Gafa said (even though Balzan turned that on it’s head in his attempt to nail Austin Gatt) or he’s going to tear Gafa to pieces (in his effort to appease John Dalli).
Half truths are worse than a lie.
Min naha thasart lil David Curmi jitkellem bhal gentlom li hu fil-presenza tal-Ministru Cardona (li suppost irrezenja ghaliex l-White Rocks saru Black rocks), Saviour Balzan jilghaba ta’ forcina ghall-Labour (haseb li l-poplu huwa CUC u jemnu f’kollox).
Nahseb li Angelo Gafa ghandu jerga jipprecisa ezatt x’qal waqt ix-xhieda tieghu. Nittama li xi darba Saviour Balzan jkun serju bizzejjed biex ma jkomplix jitlef l-popolarita.
“It’s not enough to be able to lie with a straight face; anybody with enough gall to raise on a busted flush can do that. The first way to lie artistically is to tell the truth — but not all of it. The second way involves telling the truth, too, but is harder: Tell the exact truth and maybe all of it…but tell it so unconvincingly that your listener is sure you are lying.”
― Robert A. Heinlein
Such a shame.
I used to look forward to Malta Today on a Sunday. But haven’t bought one in over two years now… Saviour’s lost the plot and is just on a personal agenda.
Not a journalist as far as I am concerned.
There’s a persistent hate issue here. Austin Gatt’s ministry never booked public information campaigns with Malta Today and it made Saviour livid.
The reason wasn’t personal or political – Gatt’s ministry thought that public money should be spent in the most efficient way to reach the widest possible audience, but Saviour looked at public money as there for charitable distribution.
Labour changed that instantly, giving his newspaper full support through public funds and turning it into something worse than a eunuch.
Yesterday I watched Saviour’s Reporter for a couple of minutes (I couldn’t take more spluttering than that) and I noticed that it is being filmed at Where’s Everybody’s studio in Qormi owned by, amongst others, WE Director, PBS Lawyer, Chris Cardona’s law firm and business partner, Mark Vassallo.
Lighting by Nexos, obviously.
Until a few weeks ago Reporter was filmed at the brand new PBS studios in its Creativity Hub.
Looks to me that there’s some ‘you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours’ going on.
Who will be the first to investigate this evident conflict of interest. WE’s Xarabank or Salvu’s Malta Today?
PBS lawyer and Where’s Everybody director at the same time? Are these people for real?
And why is the PN media not exposing these scandals?
Shame on you all.