Silvio Parnis’s private secretary is into guns too
November 24, 2014 at 6:33pm
His name is Luke Desira, he works for Silvio Parnis (il-kap tas-Sawt) and he’s training his own son young in the love of guns – “My talibano”.
Qisek boss hi.
If our history hadn’t hived off from Sicily’s at a certain point, it’s really easy to see what would have happened. It’s barely contained as it is.
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They’ve given that child a gun because he’s a boy, but he’s holding it like a doll.
Maybe he is a chip off the old block.
I hope the 3rd photo is a fucking water pistol. WTF. What if an accident happens – don’t these people care about their own children?
If they like guns so much they can go join their trigger-happy blood brothers in Libya.
Luke Desira should be really proud of his son hugging a toy gun, so proud that he likens him to some lunatic Islamic fundamentalist who has no qualms in killing innocent people.
These pictures to me show nothing but child abuse of the more insidious kind. And, no, it’s not simply a toy.
You are right, Daphne, Malta is absolutely abnormal.
Aren’t toy guns illegal on grounds of inciting crime and violence? Honestly, where is the Child Protective Services Unit?
Degenerating to a bullish culture. It is not the shouting and bully attitude that will create a sound economy and jobs.
I also was under the impression that toy guns were illegal but I cannot find any information on the subject online.
You must be joking they are sold on the stalls in the feasts and at tal-lira.
They were actually illegal under “paci u newtrrrarità” KMB, along with other military-themed toys. I used to feel a guilty pleasure each time I built a Tente tank. Hu go fik KMB.
In the US there was a case were a 12 year old boy was pointing a gun at people, someone reported him and a policeman killed him.
Imagine that Alla hares qatt one of those armed ministers’ drivers see a boy holding a toy gun, x’jaghmlulu.
It’s never safe to have people walking around with real guns especially if it’s a small criminal elite.
Liberali u progressiv dan. Ma jisthix jaghti toy gun lil ibnu u jghidlu ‘my talibano’. Jew mohhu ma jwassalx iktar minn hekk. X’mentalita.
Simon Busuttil’s speech is sounding good. He just said “hemm warning signs mhux warning shots imma warning signs” and then giggling from a female MP who appreciated the pun.
‘My talibano’? What a bloody moron.
What does he expect, a Father-of-the-Year award? Or maybe, Gieh ir-Repubblika?
Utterly despicable man, like his mentors and his idols.
Silvio has a way with choosing his favourites ….macho and dark.
He likes his men as he likes his coffee, at coffee mornings.
Hemm hu it-talibano:
Dak quality time with the kids, holding a gun. Vera ghandu segretarju ta l-affari tieghu. Immaturita grassa.
I know Luke and he is a real gentleman, nowhere near the idea these pictures seem to give. He is a very nice, honest and helpful person. In my humble opinion these photos do not make justice to Luke.
Mariella, tell your acquaintance gentleman to remove those pics asap AND TO CHANGE his mentality. In the modern, civilised and developed world, such treatment of children is nothing but child abuse.
Well, Mariella, it is Luke himself who is showing off these photos on his own Facebook page.
People should be wise enough to know what data or photos they publish on social networks.
Unfortunately, it seems that Mr. Desira is not that wise.
Given these pictures were posted by him, they cannot do him more justice. They remind me of some pictures posted by some ISIS militants of their sons.
I call those pictures evidence of child abuse and these can only lead me to the same conclusion. If you know this Luke, and are his friend, give him a good talking too.
He – and his son, unfortunately – are just accidents waiting to happen.
And if the gun in picture 3 is a real one, I would advise you to keep your distance as it would mean that this guy is another dangerous macho idiot.
The photos must have been taken by a malicious camera then.
I doubt they’re photoshopped. They’re from his Facebook page. He’s the one who uploaded them.
It’s impressive how you can stare the truth in its face and believe it’s a lie.
I guess you just know one of his faces then.
You do realize that I was being sarcastic right, and making a reference to the government’s assurances that it was sure that the wrong information (in the Sheehan case) was not given ‘maliciously’?
Ms Caruana Galizia, we are in dire need of a symbol to denote sarcasm here.
Mariella, you do not know Luke or are a very bad judge of character. A man you puts a gun in a baby’s hands to call him Taliban has something very wrong going on with his moral centre. That is not a true gentleman.
Pity I never had a gun to show to my kids while sharing quality time with them.
Listening to Simon Busuttil’s reply to the Budget. Am loving it. Taking the piss out of that idiot Mr. Traffic Minister.
I am shocked with the number of likes.
It’s so good of you to expose Lejber’s propensity towards (or should we say adopting and authorising?) gun- toting individuals.
How hypocritically ironic that Labour used to pride itself on banning the importation of gun toys to instill a culture of peace in the younger generations.
Oh my God. This idiot reminds me of those wackos from the US deep south who drone about gun rights and the Second Amendment.
Luke Desira is a clerk at the Housing Authority who is on secondment to Silvio Parnis’s ‘chief of the south’ office.
Is it not forbidden to import and sell toy guns in Malta?
Daphne, I am a Citizen of Malta and I’m writing not to comment but because I would like to contact you privately. Is there a way how this can be done? If possible please contact me on the email address shown for this comment. Thanks
[Daphne –]
““I did not call Sheehan. I do not even have his number as I hardly know him,” Scerri said of his minister’s personal driver.”
Yeah right we are all going to believe you.
He shouldn’t have uploaded them on Facebook. Why can’t people understand that pictures of family members, whoever they are, are put into the public domain once they are on Facebook? Anyone can use pics to photoshop any situation.
[Daphne – I’m sorry, but they are NOT photoshopped. Those pics were downloaded less than an hour ago from his own Facebook page, where he uploaded them himself. They are intact.]
I don’t think she meant that the photos reproduced here are photoshopped but generally stating that anyone has access to them to do as they please.
This is utterly disgusting. In the United States there are mothers who have lost little children to gun violence and actively campaign against gun violence and its glorification.
Here in Malta we have people like this, and I suspect the gun nuts here are almost as crazy as their American counterparts. And don’t get me started on the racial connotations of ‘talibano’ – why, just why would you ever call your son that?
In other ‘this country is not normal’ news, do you have any thoughts on this Daphne?
As a responsible firearms owner and target shooter, this sort of behaviour really annoys me.
I don’t know this person, but if the pistol he is holding in the third photo is real he’s actually breaking the law.
A target shooter licence allows one to take a (secured) firearm from one’s home (where it has to stay in a safe) to a licensed shooting range and back – by the shortest route.
It’s not the gun which is the problem, but the apparent lack of awareness and maturity on the part of the bloke wielding it.
It looks like a toy pistol. Too small to be a real one.
Not related to the post but I have to say this…Simon is on a roll OMG go hear him…
The third photo is very worrying. If this is true, POLICE PLEASE INVESTIGATE ASAP.
Jekk inhuma veru, x’passi ser jittiehdu IMMEDJATAMENT dwar pusses ta’ armi jekk mghandhomx licenzja ghalihom?
Does he know that a 12-year old has been killed in the US by the police just cause he was waving a toy-gun?
The new militarized police of North America need very little as an excuse to instantly shoot someone to death.
Even a mentally ill person waving a piece of wood on the street gets a instant death sentence.
A few years ago a deaf native Indian whittling a small piece of wood with a jackknife at a street intersection in Seattle was shot to death by the police for just having that jackknife.
Malta too is headed that way.
There was also this case of a policeman arresting a black man, and when the dog comes to its owner’s defence, the scumbag that he is just shoots the dog to his death.
Here’s the vid:
Those ‘gajjss’ with the T-shirts with the letters spelling out ‘Silvio Parnis’ could have had some fun making up new slogans… here are some suggestions;
April Visions
Spiral Vision
Voila Sir Spin
Liars Sip Vino
Vain Roil Piss
Savior In Lisp
I Rasp Violins
A Vino Slip Sir
I Piss On Rival
I Vain Sir Slop