So, what do you think about those 58 cents, then?

Published: November 2, 2014 at 11:14pm

14 Comments Comment

  1. Claude says:

    Kemm hu helu il-Laburist “jinten” – then he corrected himself: “ifuh”.

    • Jozef says:

      I so prefer these defiant reds than the insipid wannabes taking over this place.

      One can actually have a decent, albeit hot, argument with the former.

  2. Kapxinn says:

    “I have invested my 58 cents in a small, two-bedroomed apartment overlooking Pimlico.”

  3. Joe Micallef says:

    58c doesn’t even get you an empty trolley.

  4. Gahan says:

    What goes round comes around!

    I really like the sincerity of the Laburist jinten/ifuħ.

  5. Gaetano Pace says:

    My 58c went toward a deposit with Air China as part of the price of a flight to the country of the Great Wall, Rivers, Rice Paddies and very significant, important visits by Maltes Labour Delegations. Who knows, maybe one day I will be able to meet Joe there and have a photo with him in Tiananmen Square.

  6. A V says:

    I can assure you that it takes a lot of guts to talk like that. At least he is more courageous than those turncoats who, because of their greed, have put the Labour Party in a position to take the whole country for a ride.

    I’m sure they will never have the guts to admit to voting Labour into government, permitting it to trample all over us.

    This man should be applauded and not ridiculed. Toni Zarb should take note of what the people think even they do not have the courage to say it.

  7. Rosie says:

    58c my foot. They will come out with some story, and the increase will be Euro5.80 and we’ll never hear the end of it.

  8. Joe Camilleri says:

    Labour’s election through lowering of electricity bills is being paid for through lowering of COLA.

  9. bob-a-job says:


    At 2c each, that’s 29 press conferences worth we are talking about, what are you all complaining about.

  10. bob-a-job says:

    A poor MLP woman said.

    ’58c is a little but they have lowered the ‘dawl u ilma’ bills so I suppose it’s fair enough.’

    Oh right, so they took what money they gave towards the electricity bills and deducted them from the ‘gholi tal-hajja’.

    End result. They didn’t lower the energy bills by 25% at all.

  11. Lizz says:

    ‘Ma nifhimx’ imma l-maktur tmur ixxejru, nahseb?

    ‘Ikollna noqodu’, dazgur b’id quddiem u ohra wara.

    L-aqwa li vvutaw Lejber.

  12. Jozef says:

    Those are the ones whose bills are discounted at source thanks to the PN, Muscat’s designs made no difference whatsoever.

    They’re also the ones whose access to the POYC has been hindered lately.

    If there were a young woman, she’d be one to whom Muscat would have said to take on nightshifts, the only job opportunities cleaning factory floors, and tough if you have a kids to raise.

    That’s the average conversation in Bormla, they’re just a sample of the ever increasing number of people falling through the net into poverty.

    So Muscat says employment is at a record high, what salaries and how many in the private sector, both to sustain government spending not on the cards.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Now that we’ve established that Muscat is a cunt, how about we lay into the other lot? They used the exact same metric for employment figures. No one’s ever told us about the median wage, or income inequality. Not even the arch-Marxist Briguglio (père. And fils).

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