Baldness can be an excellent opportunity to increase one’s appeal to the liberal vote. As the hair recedes, more space becomes available to communicate one’s message with a tattoo.
Not necessarily. Some anti-depressant or anti-anxiety medication may make some people gain weight. And the prime minister has a fair amount to be anxious about.
Its easy to interpret the difference. There has been a progressive increase in hot air from the PL government side which is in turn inflating all parts of his body with increased pronouncement on the head. Bil-Malti kibritlu rasu.
This state of affairs will continue until eventually the amount of hot air cannot be contained any longer and will cause such an explosion that Castille will rock from its foundations.
EU leaders know this and that’s why they are avoiding him every time he joins in, lest he lets escape the hot air from a back-side nozzle and he whooshes out of Berlaymont House to their delight.
George Orwell’s Animal Farm.
Me thinks that the main thing that’s happened is a failed hair transplant.
Obviously his snout is all day long, in the trough.
That’s because when he goes to the gym he remains in his black shoes.
Dario Argento would be pleased, that’s one doppelganger.
He started going to the gym.
A week is a long time in politics.
I give up.
Steroids ?
Too much gym maybe
L-pastizzi tal-Queens.
Boloq u tfartas, that’s all.
Baldness can be an excellent opportunity to increase one’s appeal to the liberal vote. As the hair recedes, more space becomes available to communicate one’s message with a tattoo.
I think this one would be cute:
Minfuh bil-poter.
Intela bil-gass?
Vera ” ftit soop u naqa selitt” imma jiddependi s-soop ta’ xiex, u s-selitt x’fiha. A Burmarrad potato soup and salad diet ain’t exactly healthy.
Inbena bil-gym
The poodle ate the roadmap.
I think he ate the poodle – roadmap and all.
Easy. He grew from a simple etoile to one big soleil.
Antipatiku kien u antipatiku ghadu.
bela patata.
Maybe his wife can afford to buy the ġbejniet for the soppa tal- armla now.
“Unhappiness is best described as the difference between our talents and our expectations.”
Reverse metamorphosis
Maybe too much gym.
Or is it too much botox?
Someone who knows him rather well told me that’s basically how his metabolism works and that’s a side effect of anxiety.
I don’t know if there’s a medical term for it or even if it’s true but there it is.
“I have a medical problem that makes me fat” is what people who are in denial about their eating habits say.
Not necessarily. Some anti-depressant or anti-anxiety medication may make some people gain weight. And the prime minister has a fair amount to be anxious about.
Le miskin. Ghandu l-ghadam kbir.
At this rate he will soon be lying on a bed facing a monolith.
He became full….of himself
Dejjem smart minn ckunitu.
From a village god to a fully-fledged, holy leader of the Great Socialist Republic of Malta.
Its easy to interpret the difference. There has been a progressive increase in hot air from the PL government side which is in turn inflating all parts of his body with increased pronouncement on the head. Bil-Malti kibritlu rasu.
This state of affairs will continue until eventually the amount of hot air cannot be contained any longer and will cause such an explosion that Castille will rock from its foundations.
EU leaders know this and that’s why they are avoiding him every time he joins in, lest he lets escape the hot air from a back-side nozzle and he whooshes out of Berlaymont House to their delight.
Pinocchio had the nose, but with Joey, it’s the fat.
Ah, dik id-daqxejn soppa…
To him, ‘selit’ refers only to how to dispose of the Maltese passport.
X’naqa gangala rabbejt Guz.
He is a worried man. Things are not going well. His ‘well’, I mean.
Ma baqax imur il-gym kif kin qal li hu ilahhaq ma’ kollox allura meta jkun prim jibda jaghmel kollox anke jibqa jmur il-gym.
ate too many doughnuts
X’ gara? Illum qieghed jiffanga left, right and centre minn fuq it-taxxi tal-poplu.