So, who were the Chinese officials/businessmen spotted going into the Auberge de Castille?

Published: November 4, 2014 at 9:55pm

tander 1

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You’d think that little twerp Tander Saliba would give some transparent information instead of mocking people for asking.

12 Comments Comment

  1. king rat says:

    Big trouble in Little China .

  2. Peppa Pig says:

    ”Tripartite” aka ” fuq tlieta toqod il- borma” (tas-soppa tal- armla li jhobb Joseph)

  3. ta min jahseb says:

    Their visit might involve putting pressure on our Prime Minister to hush the Leisure Clothing investigation.

  4. Eye on Malta says:

    Seems like it’s big Hacking China from where I’m standing.

  5. Peppa Pig says:

    Maybe they were from some Chinese take-away which is planning on taking away Air Malta.

  6. ken il malti says:

    The middle Chinese chubster still looks like Inejiro Asanuma.

  7. Trans-parent says:

    Too many “Taghna Lkoll” issues are kept secret. This is the rule and not the exception. Smelly business going on in this little island and at that tiny office of Kastilja.

    Is this the new way of politics? A higher applied standards by the new administration? Enhanced good governance? Quality in Cabinet? Transparency and accountability, all promised 2 years ago by a so-called “moviment”?

    I totally agree with that ‘laburist ifuh’ who said that “Malta Taghna Lkoll hija tal-Klikka u hbieb tal-Klikka”. Politics of persuasion by brainwashing and make-believe pure propaganda which is now showings its true face of deceit.

    Degeneration of a new Government so rapidly is neither normal nor happens by accident. It must be a result of basic and natural cause, assisted by premeditated intentions.

    This is so transparent.

  8. george mizzi says:

    Gvern tal-habi, kollox sigriet u mohbi minn ghajnejn il-votanti li vvutaw bi hgarhom ghat-trasparenza, ecc ecc u sadattant xejn mhu fl-interess tal-poplu imma tal-klikka taghna lkoll.

    Imma kif ma jisthux, kemm kienu jghajruhom lin-Nazzjonalisti li huma gvern ta’ habi, ara huma kollox fid-dawl tax-xemx jaghmlu u sadattant JAHBU kull ftehim li jsir ma’ barranin u li jolqot lill-poplu Malti.

    Anke sempliciment il-ftehim dwar it-transport pubbliku – ghadhom sa lejlet l-1 ta’ Jannar jahbu kemm ser jigi l-fare ghax bhallikieku dak mhux fl-interess taghna l-Maltin.

    Jasal iz-zmien tal-kontijiet jekk nibqghu sejrin hekk. Nahbu, nahbu, nahbu. Anke kemm qed jisirqu f’salarji u perkacci qed nahbu. Gvern tal-habi.

  9. gn says:

    Hemm Ciniz minnhom qisu Malwel Mallia.

  10. xejn b' xejn says:

    These Chinese are here for the IIP. Guaranteed.

  11. Wistin Schembri says:

    Alex Saliba, please ieqfu tmejlu bin-nies.

    Mhux vera qed twaqqghu ‘il-Powerstation tal-Marsa”. Qed twaqqghu boiler li ilu ma jithaddem 3 snin.

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