Taghna Lkoll update: Wasteserv

Published: November 4, 2014 at 11:00pm

andrea karl brincat wasteserv

Wasteserv’s chief operating officer, Andrea Karl Brincat (pictured here) is the son of Charles Brincat of C & V Polymers, who puts in regular bids to Wasteserv, as a client/broker, for recyclables.

The chief operating officer has access to a wealth of information about these recyclables and related matters, and this state of affairs is the cause of serious concern among other client/brokers, who say – quite correctly – that there should be no family or other personal ties between senior management and clients who bid in a competitive process.

8 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    I think I spot a Wheel Within A Wheel in the background.

  2. Tabatha White says:

    L-aqwa li zaqqu mimli – kollox mhallas.

  3. gn says:

    Nerga nghid: x’ma jitilghux il-Labour, b’ghanqbuta bhal din.

  4. gn says:

    I miss the older and newer button on your page. it was very convenient.

    [Daphne – The page numbering at the bottom is more convenient, and is now standard.]

    • Ailicec says:

      Hello Daphne, I am not sure what you mean by the page numbering. No page numbers are showing at the bottom of the page (tried with Chrome and IE), so I need to keep going to the home page in order to get to the next article.

      [Daphne – With other people, it’s also the site header that’s not showing up. We’re going to have a day of teething problems while these things are adjusted, so bear with us please. Ordinarily these changeovers would be done in dead of night, but that would mean pulling in a night shift. When the site is displaying correctly on your screen, you will have page numbering at the bottom as you do here: http://www.timesofmalta.com/sections/view/news ]

    • gn says:

      I do not thing so. You have to exit every single time from an article to the homepage. I suggest you make a link in every page (previous post and next post) to move from one page to another and not have to go back to the homepage. It’s quite tiring.

      • Ailicec says:

        Hello Daphne, I think you mean the page numbering at the bottom on the homepage.

        However, what I used to find useful was going from one article to the next without having to go to the homepage (as described by gn).

        If you will have something within each article, and these are just teething problems, that is OK but hopefully there would be a way of moving from one article to the next once all is sorted. Thanks.

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