That’s what happens when you use sex to sell your political party – it takes over

Published: November 7, 2014 at 10:19pm

David Thake

12 Comments Comment

  1. George Grech says:

    Il-Malti jghid ‘ghal sold iqaxxru qamla’. Fil-kaz tas-Super one iqaxxru ministru.

  2. anthony says:

    Min jilghab bin-nar fl-ahhar jinharaq.

    The only roadmap to talk about was the Roadmap Tan-Nejk.

    Hilarious if it were not so tragic.

    The only thing that is on track is the nejk and very much so it seems.

    Everything else has gone haywire.

    Direzzjoni Gdida.


  3. Chris says:

    Ministri jin*xew ma’ gurnalisti tas-Super 1 u Chairmans ta’ agenziji pubblici jinhxew mas-segretarji personali taghom.

  4. bob-a-job says:

    Reporters compete for the Super One.

  5. ken il malti says:

    The members of the Malta Labour party each need to spend a few hours a day inside a Reichian orgone accumulator.

  6. xifajk says:

    Din tas-sex and politics ma vvintahhix Joseph Muscat. Qisha parti mis-psyche tal-Labour.

    Fin-98 niftakarhom jibghatu post card – lill-guvintur b’Jennifer Lopez jidhirli – bil-kliem “Are you doing it for the first time?”

    Anke ohti jidhirli kienet irciviet wahda, izda ma niftakarx lil min uzaw.

    U bl-istess mod, mal-ftuh tal-One f’nofs id-disinghijiet, il-famuzi shows tal-maratoni ta’ gbir ta’ fondi, bi zfin ta’ gruppi ta’ tfajliet li kienu ishom hargu minn Colpo Grosso.

  7. Makjavel says:

    Joseph kien wieghed li se jkollu amministrazzjoni femminista.

    “In hindsight” nibda nifhem x’kien qieghed jghid.

  8. Tabatha White says:

    The sex element in sect-type activities is a conduit for scammers to glide to destination.

    It’s one of the elements that alerts investigators:

    Sex, totalitarian set-ups, groups that join together for financial benefits that exclude others, groups leaders that are psychologically manipulative of their members and adepts, etc.

    In places like France, for example, there is a lot of introductory literature on how to recognise sect like activity.

    There is also a lot of repressive action spread as a national network to prevent the evolution and development of anything deemed suspicious.

    Up to 2002 and more particularly 2005 there used to be a sect list and Index, and although this has since been abandoned, the actions of the group MIVILUDES, have not.
    MIVILUDES has direct meetings with the Prime Minister’s office every 2 months to present reports and updates.

    There is an active directive under MIVILUDES that permeates intergovernmental and regional services to target any individual or set of individuals that are seen as potential dangers to the fabric of French society. The actions permitted by agents, and the organisations they are permitted to operate through are efficient in blocking any expansionary actions by the target:

    French society being first and foremost a lay society post-revolution.

  9. winston psaila says:

    Spot on, David Thake, and quite likely liking it much less than we are.

  10. Libertas says:

    The problem is that WE’re paying for their sex lives.

  11. leliC says:

    Minn hexa mexa, minn ma hexix inhexa.

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