The cobweb: Dolcieanne Micallef, Paul Sheehan, Gabriel Micallef, Id-Devil and Manuel Mallia

Published: November 26, 2014 at 4:23pm
Dolcieanne Micallef, PC533 Paul Sheehan's girlfriend

Dolcieanne Micallef, PC533 Paul Sheehan’s girlfriend

Dolcieanne Micallef with her brother Police Inspector Gabriel Micallef, one of the so far unidentified men seen standing with Paul Sheehan at the crime scene in the tunnel n Wednesday night

Dolcieanne Micallef with her brother Police Inspector Gabriel Micallef, one of the so far unidentified men seen standing with Paul Sheehan at the crime scene in the tunnel n Wednesday night

The scene in the tunnel: the car with the open boot is Manuel Mallia's GM14. The men standing next to it are PC533 Paul Sheehan and PC Paul Vella, both Manuel Mallia's drivers, and Inspector Gabriel Micallef, whose sister Dolcieanne is in a relationship with Sheehan. The white car with NEN plates is registered to WPC Carmen Gauci, who is in a relationship with Gabriel Micallef.

The scene in the tunnel: the car with the open boot is Manuel Mallia’s GM14. The men standing next to it are PC533 Paul Sheehan and PC Paul Vella, both Manuel Mallia’s drivers, and Inspector Gabriel Micallef, whose sister Dolcieanne is in a relationship with Sheehan. The white car with NEN plates is registered to WPC Carmen Gauci, who is in a relationship with Gabriel Micallef.

Dolcieanne Micallef's father, Police Inspector Frans Micallef (Id-Devil) and her boyfriend PC533 Paul Sheehan are seen here receiving a merit certificate for arresting a young man who shot a stork which fell into Dolcieanne's garden at Ta' Guzeppi Farmhouse near St Vincent de Paule Home. Sheehan is on left, Id-Devil is on right.

Dolcieanne Micallef’s father, Police Inspector Frans Micallef (Id-Devil) and her boyfriend PC533 Paul Sheehan are seen here receiving a merit certificate for arresting a young man who shot a stork which fell into Dolcieanne’s garden at Ta’ Guzeppi Farmhouse near St Vincent de Paule Home. Sheehan is on left, Id-Devil is on right.

Facebook exchanges between the Police Minister's wife and his driver's girlfriend show that the relationship is far from being "not close" as the Police Minister described it.

Facebook exchanges between the Police Minister’s wife and his driver’s girlfriend show that the relationship is far from being “not close” as the Police Minister described it.


This is Ta' Guzeppi Farmhouse, rented by the unemployed Dolcieanne Micallef. The building in the background is St Vincent de Paule home.

This is Ta’ Guzeppi Farmhouse, rented by the unemployed Dolcieanne Micallef. The building in the background is St Vincent de Paule home.

farmhouse 2

Manuel Mallia claims he isn’t close to his driver PC 533 Paul Sheehan. And this despite the fact that he leaves his children in the care of Sheehan and his mother.

He’s lying.

Paul Sheehan is registered to his mother’s home in Gzira, but most of the time he lives with his girlfriend, Dolcieanne Micallef, in a farmhouse with extensive grounds which they somehow manage to rent despite she being an unemployed single mother and he being on a constable-cum-driver’s salary.

This farmhouse, called Ta’ Guzeppi, is on the turn-off to St Vincent de Paule Home for the Aged. Its entrance, a large brown automatic gate, is on your left just before you enter the front car park at the Home (see photographs).

Dolcieanne Micallef has three brothers. One of them is Police Inspector Gabriel Micallef. There were two men photographed standing next to Paul Sheehan in the tunnel that night he shot Steve Morrison Smith. One of them (the bald one) is PC Paul Vella, ex PC1144 who was reinstated into the force last year – Manuel Mallia’s other driver. The other one, wearing a cap, is Gabriel Micallef.

Police Inspector Gabriel Micallef was at the scene of the crime not because he is a police officer. He was there because Paul Sheehan, the man who fired the gun, lives with his sister.

All three men are standing next to Manuel Mallia’s government car, and there is a white Ford Fiesta parked next to it, with plates NEN224. This car is registered to WPC Carmen Gauci, who is in a non-professional relationship with Inspector Gabriel Micallef. He recently left his wife and two children, the youngest a toddler, for her. It is not clear whether WPC Gauci was at the scene that night or whether Inspector Micallef drove himself there in her car.

There is more. Dolcieanne Micallef and Gabriel Micallef are the daughter and son of senior Police Inspector Francis sive Frans Micallef, known as Id-Devil. Frans Micallef is the police officer who, with Paul Sheehan, was given a police certificate of merit for arresting a hunter who shot a white stork last September.

Times of Malta reported: “The two officers were off duty when the incident happened in the limits of Qormi and Luqa at around 7.30pm.”

The real story is that the stork fell into the grounds of Ta’ Guzeppi Farmhouse. Police Inspector Francis Micallef was there because it’s where his daughter Dolcieanne lives, and PC Sheehan was there because he is Dolcieanne’s boyfriend.

Ta’ Guzeppi Farmhouse is a gathering place for this particular circle of the Police Minister’s hangers-on. The Police Minister himself has been seen visiting for barbecues and similar. Dolcieanne Micallef is close to Codruta. In screenshots from Dolcieanne’s Facebook account, published here, you will see an exchange between Dolcieanne and Codruta, in which Dolcieanne writes: “Thankyou all for your help and supportxxxx” and Codruta replies: “Wish I could do more swt 4 u! Xxx” Dolcieanne then tells her: “You’ve done more than enough duda thankyou so much Xxxx”

Dolcieanne Micallef took down her Facebook page a couple of days ago after being told that there were people taking photographs outside her house. She and Sheehan were seen emerging from the house, she still on the phone, and looking up and down the road for the photographer, who they missed.

102 Comments Comment

  1. michael seychell says:

    Cirku ta’ hbieb tal-hbieb, u hbieb tal-qalba.

    • rjc says:

      Ċrieki ġo ċrieki, klikkek u ħbieb tal-ħbieb. Fejnhu Alfred Sant?

      • observer says:

        Jixxoxxa fi Brussels – fejn, skondu, zgur qatt ma ried la jmur hu u lanqas imur haddiehor.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Is anyone at Dar Malta not gay?

      • Tabatha White says:

        Marlene Bonnici’s inferiority complex has been widely taken note of.

        Codes go completely over her head.

        Essentially the Labour outfit there is a waste of public funds because it’s not just working at suboptimal level but with a severe handicap. Put that in the plural.

        Another Maltese disgrace of Labour design.

  2. Felix says:

    Brilliant work, Daphne, and it dampens Minister Mallia even more. Before the election we thought they were a pack of wolves, but it results that all they are is a pack of lies.

  3. Denis says:

    Great, great work.

    More digging into the finances of these rentals would surely reveal much, much more.

  4. I did speak of cobwebs in an earlier comment.

  5. Mila says:

    ”He will be accused of attempted murder, using violence against Briton Stephen Smith, causing voluntary damage to a vehicle, and discharging a firearm in a public place.”

    No dangerous driving charge (surely casing a car and discharging a weapon at the same time could not be done while driving safely).

    Neither a charge of commiting a crime he was duty bound to prevent.

    Nor a charge of illegal arrest with a deadly weapon.

    Not even a public disturbance charge.

    No charges referring to what happened at the mother’s house during the inquiry either.

  6. Gahan says:

    This is fishy! What’s going on behind our backs?

    • Francis Saliba M.D. says:

      Behind our backs?

      It is being thrown arrogantly in our faces and without any sense of shame!

      Malta Taghhom Ilkoll.

  7. Jozef says:

    Baxxter asked why Muscat is still angry; it is in the natural order of things.

    The Republic demands the best of every individual, It discerns between those who will and those who won’t.

    When Mallia stated he was at Tal-Barrani he reaffirmed he did, as distinct from those who didn’t. Nationalist.

    Fear just anger at the first glimpse of evil impending.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Please elaborate. Which evil are they glimpsing? And why would they fear it?

      The bit about the Republic is of course absolutely right. It is the crucial difference between a Democracy and a Republic. A Republic is more than just a Democracy. It requires every individual to be the best. Not the same from everyone, but the best of each one.

      So Mallia is a Nazzjonalist. Classe Tal-Barrani. He is also a Laburist. He is everything.

      Where does that leave the rest of us? Nowhere. They have squeezed us out.

      And that’s the Totalitarianism.

    • Jozef says:

      I was referring to the nature of fear. Muscat’s isn’t anger more the frustration who don’t understand.

      Mallia says he didn’t fear them then. Or better, he understood fear and resisted with anger.

      Muscat’s frustrated. He didn’t understand then or now.

      Let it materialise.

      He dismissed the Speaker of the House last Monday.

      He won’t let a free vote in parliament that’s sure.

      Fancy a vote of confidence in government? Maqghud cannot be questioned.

      Mallia is government.


  8. Candy says:

    Duda. Is that Romanian or pet?

  9. christopher says:

    One word.


    I can just hear the scrambling in the Facebook activity log of a lot of worried people.

  10. Brian Sinclair says:

    Has Don Manuel turned his policemen to babysitters now after using them as waiters? Mallia, you are a very dubious character and should go into permanent hiding. You have far too many dubious connections.

  11. Reporter says:

    Kos, meta tqies kollox tibda tifhem ghalfejn in-nannies kollha harbu … min jaf x’jigri fid-dar tal-Ministru Mallia … il-Bambin biss jaf …

  12. Steff Bannister says:

    What’s with Labour and things going haywire 20 months into a legislature?

    • mim says:

      It is not just with Labour, when the wrong choices are made they are not immediately apparent.

      The initial enthusiasm and euphoria and riding on the work of the predecessors. There is also the period one allows for certain slips because it is expected that the newcomer settles.

      After about a year, if there is greed, knowledge deficiencies or lack of skills, it becomes harder and harder to hide.

      At some point things start to surface and then come to a head. The evaluators start to see a pattern and the damage starts to show big time.

      • Kevin says:

        My concern is whether the electorate will be forgiving come 2018. I think the majority will vote Labour again

    • Rosie says:


  13. Wilson says:

    Nice. A bit deeper and the big prize will be there.

  14. Denis says:

    Mrs Galizia please permit me to say this <Il qahba xtahwid<

    Brilliant work, Mrs Galizia, you are also being recommended for promotion to Detective Inspector.

  15. Alex says:

    We are being taken for a ride.

    Can’t really blame them for trying. If the people were foolish enough to believe all the pre-election Taghna Lkoll bull, then they could be convinced to believe anything.

  16. zunzana says:

    I think that “now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the nation” before it gets worse. Upstanding and honest non political prominent citizens, should speak their minds about all what’s going on.They should stand up to this and be counted.

  17. verita says:

    If Emy Bezzina is following all this, he would open both arms and make circles while repeating,”crieki tal-hbieb u hbieb tal-hbieb u hbieb tal- hbieb tal-hbieb…..

  18. Malteser says:

    Tal-blieh! Keep up the great investigative work!

  19. Manuel says:

    Muscat needs a bigger skip.

  20. Don Camillo says:

    I feel utterly gutted reading all the connections and ramifications this post exposes, and I am sure that honest folk like me are devastated knowing that there are more connections and hbieb tal-hbieb booty-sharing from the tax-money I paid, and which government is doing its best to hide.

    This government is a disgrace to our country and to democracy itself. It is an insult to the electorate.

  21. Someone says:

    Mallia must be considering how he can shut down “The Internet.”

    I’m sure his new Chinese friends can help him out with that and maybe Sai Mizzi can even get him some contacts to start earning that salary at last.

    On another subject, is it the Secret Service that can request or find out the actual phone logs of the evening – independently to the logs that are shown on the subscribers’ handsets as those are very easily altered. If yes, any hope of obtaining the truth in that aspect is zilch.

    • Tabatha White says:

      What guarantee do we have that the Secret Service logs won’t be rigged, if the Secret Service falls under Minister Manuel Mallia and the two parties involved are both his clients?

      I fail to see how, having already experienced lies and a crooked story from start to now, the story is suddenly going to be pure and pristine.

      We have only heard from Government.

      We haven’t heard a word from Dr Mallia’s other client.

    • hmm says:

      That is precisely my concern. They do not believe in free speech, let alone the freedom that internet allows.

      After this incident they are going to be working on how to control internet. We need to know what MITA, the secret service are up to and more important the satellite space referred to during the budget speech.

      • anthony says:

        I can assure you that anything riggable has been rigged.

        That is why it took them one whole week to arraign the obvious suspect.

  22. Joe Fenech says:


  23. ŻAREN says:

    Daż-żgur li jaqbel mal-politika ta’ Joseph…..u telaq mill-ideali li kien iħaddan.

    Dawn tellgħuh lil Joe u huma għad iwaqqgħuh għax jinsab maħtuf f’idejhom. Dak li tiżra taħsad.

    Hemm bżonn insostnu li jirreżenja għax perikoluż. Dawn kollha minn taħt kienu tafx….underdogs.

  24. mf says:

    Post idejali fejn tixwi bicca laham u tghid zewg kelmiet fuq COKE.

  25. carlos says:

    U xi jghid MARTIN SCICLUNA?

    • observer says:

      L-ewwel nett lanqas hu nnifsu ma jaf x’jaqbad jghid.

      It-tieni, jghid x’jghid f’wiccu ser jibqa – ghaliex tilef il-kredtu kemm ma’ naha u kemm m’ohra.

      Xorta, izda, jippretendi li ghandu x’ghallimna mill-gherf infinit li jidhirlu li jippossedi.

  26. Anonymous says:

    Manwel Mallia fil-press conference qal li milux hafna li sar jaf lil Sheehan u li sar jaf bih ghax id-driver li kellu telaq u introducihulu biex ikun id-driver tieghu.

    Id-driver ta’ qabel iddiskrivih ukoll bhala bniedem kwiet.

    Mil-kummenti fuq FB hawn fuq jidher li gideb fil-press conference ghax il-mara tieghu Codruta tidher habiba sew mat-tfajla ta’ Sheehan.

  27. tim_toldo says:

    You’ve clearly got a great network but this is fantastic investigative journaliam. Well done.

    • Jack Beans says:

      Where and when did I last hear that phrase ‘investigative journalism’?

      This is by far the best source for in-depth news on the most important political issues hitting this island.

      You have the b*lls to name and shame because nobody does it better.

      Well done.

  28. Beingpressed says:

    So what happened around the 30th of December ?

  29. Kerry says:

    GM14 has a Z plate which indicates that it is leased to the government rather than being actual government property. Government-owned cars are not insured but leased ones have to be.

    Was Sheehan insured?

    • ciccio says:

      If the car was on lease to the government and was insured by a private lease company, why did Sheehan have to chase and shoot someone who broke the mirror of his car?

      Wouldn’t the government have a simple procedure to report the damage to the lease company which would in turn file an insurance claim?

      Don Manwel Mallia would surely know how that works. He was the Secretary General and Legal Advisor of the Rent-A-Car Association.

      Is this another case of Ministerial political responsibility: a case where the Minister failed to provide for the training of his driver on what to do in case of a car accident?

      • Kerry says:

        Is this another case of the lease company being owned by Mallia who then got his car leased to Government again for some mega amount?

        Isn’t there a brief and procedure file that goes with every position in Ministries?

      • ciccio says:

        Does Mallia own car leasing companies?

        Please elaborate…

  30. Wistin Schembri says:

    Who used to speak of xibka ta’ hazen and clique?

  31. Mario Pace says:

    Dear Daphne, was Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, by any chance, a distant relation of yours?

  32. tal-biza says:

    If there’s to be any hope for justice, the law must change immediately to make video recording of any police activity compulsory.

  33. Mila says:

    Dolcieanne Farrugia at one point then?

    Didn’t know that persons with a personal connection to the accused are allowed on the scene and within touching distance of the evidence.

  34. Honest says:

    Daphne nahseb li ma taghmilx hazin tinvestiga x’hemm bejn Muscat u Mallia.

    Din il-gimgha deher bic-car li hemm hafna affarijiet bejniethom li nahseb xejn ma huma sbieh.

    Muscat donnu jibza minn Mallia u dan meta jkun hemm Muscat hdejn jintefah izjed u jiehu xejra ta’ leader.

    Naf li xi darba tikxef xi affarijiet. Prosit hafna ta’ dak kollu li qed taghmel biex tikxef il hmieg ta’ dan il-gvern.

  35. Jason Falzon says:

    Correct me if I’m wrong but weren’t we told that Paul and Frans were given that merit certificate because they chased the hunter? If the bird fell into their garden they didn’t chase him. If so were they lying? Did they get the certificate under a false statement?

    [Daphne – It was the bird which fell into their garden, not the hunter. But I am given to understand that the hunter climbed in to get it. One of those policemen is too old to run and other is apparently prone to chest pains.]

  36. Jason Falzon says:

    Correct me if I’m wrong but weren’t we told that Paul and Frans were given that merit certificate because they chased the hunter?

    If the bird fell into their garden they didn’t chase him. If so were they lying? Did they got the certificate under a false statement?

    [Daphne – It was the bird which fell into their garden, not the hunter. However I am given to understand that the hunter climbed in after it and that is when they got him. Face it, it’s not as though those two look like they can run. One is old, and and the other gets chest pains.]

    Also I bet that he will never go to prison but once released from hospital he will be sent to Mount Carmel unit. He will be close to home. Another scenario would be house arrest. Will he stay at mum’s house or his girlfriend’s house until released on bail?

  37. Tye says:

    Qed ihawwdu…….anke ‘l Alla.

  38. Aston says:

    What next? A link to John Dalli (BA) maybe?

  39. ta wied is sewda. says:

    Oligarchy at its best. Any Francos around?

  40. anthony says:

    Mallia wants us to believe that he doesn’t really know Sheehan.

    But Sheehan’s girlfriend calls Codruta “duda”. And Codruta calls Sheehan’s girlfriend “sweet”, or “swt”.

    Hallina, Manuel,

    Haffer hofra, jew ahjar barriera, u mur inheba.

  41. Peter Bloom says:

    “Police Inspector Gabriel Micallef was at the scene of the crime not because he is a police officer. He was there because Paul Sheehan, the man who shot the gun, lives with his sister.”

    Now that statement raises an interesting point. A police officer – whether a constable, or an inspector, or a superintendent or, indeed, the Police Commissioner himself – is a police officer 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

    So, at least, I remember being told when I was young.

    In fact one of my teachers once compared a police officer to a priest – he may, of course be on vacation, but if his services are required or, in the case of a police officer, if he sees a crime being committed or becomes aware that evidence must be preserved, he is bound to act no matter what the administrative situation as to his being on leave is, and no matter whether or not he is within the police district (in the case of a priest, within the parish) to which he is normally assigned.

    A police officer’s powers and duties cease only when he leaves the territorial jurisdiction of Malta (I believe there is some restriction on a priest’s authority to hear confession lawfully when he is outside his diocese, but that is besides the point).

    So, if Inspector Gabriel Micallef was at the scene of the crime – and the scene of the crime was in Malta and not in the Aspromonte of Calabria – then he was expected to act at that scene as a police officer.

    If he could not so act because of any relationship of affinity, consanguinity or otherwise with any of the persons involved in the incident, then he should not have been there at all, since his presence could be interpreted as undue influence upon, or interference with, other police officers.

  42. tania says:

    According to the Electoral Register of a few years ago, Frans Micallef and Joseph Azzopardi are registered as residing at the Farmhouse.

  43. Spirudione says:

    Gabriel Michallef recently left his wife and his 2 children (one of them is a little toddler) for a policewoman from Mosta.

    [Daphne – Yes. Her name is up there in my post.]

  44. verita says:

    All this confusion, concoctions, connections, controversy would be unknown were it not for Mrs. Caruana Galizia.Thanks.

  45. Spirudione says:

    The farmhouse is owned by Id-Devil but used by his children.

    [Daphne – Fascinating. Now how would he have bought it on a policeman’s salary when he also had four children to raise.]

  46. Spirudione says:

    Id-Devil Frans Micallef has also left his wife, just like his daughter left her husband and his son Gabriel left his wife.

  47. Paddling Duck says:

    Well done. Any idea who owns the blue Mercedes C Class reg no ABX… and the Ford Mondeo?

    [Daphne – Groan of despair.]

    • Paddling Duck says:

      Only asked in case they also belonged to members of that family. In have a suspicion that they do. It is very The Godfather like behavior with all the family gathered around a crime scene which one of their own orchestrated to tamper with the evidence even further.

  48. Gaetano Pace says:

    Daphne bil keded li qed tkiddhom nistenna li jew tghaddihom wahda jew jiehdu xi fewga.

    Li naf zgur li l-gurnalizmu tieghek dejjem ikun bl-iscoop, dik l-istorja li tilhaq lil pubbliku l-ewwel qabel kulhadd (haddiehor jasal hmistax warajk, jekk mhux xhur)

    L-ahbar tieghek tkun fl-interess tal-pubbliku u la fl-interess tal-partit, la fl-interess tal-gurnal u lanqas fl-interess ta’ xi pupazz, xi laghaqi jew korrott.

  49. Dissident says:

    With police officers like these, who needs criminals?

  50. Bug Off Joey says:

    In a nutshell, the minister has been caught lying publicly – again.

    And he has not handed in his resignation yet.

  51. Around ten years ago a farmhouse similar to this one and in the same area was being used as a brothel with East European women working in it. Can anyone confirm if it is the same farmhouse, I believe that it was only operational for about 6 months.

    [Daphne – That’s what I’m currently engaged in trying to find out. It wasn’t used as a brothel but as something much worse: the women there were trafficked and kept as prisoners. One tried to escape by climbing over the wall and was caught by the neck and flung into a bare room, then locked in. The whole thing came to light when another woman somehow managed to call her mother in Russia, and mother got in touch with the police in Malta.]

  52. J. Borg says:

    The sleaze is sickening. For a start, who is financing the rental of this farmhouse, as it is almost certainly not affordable by the occupants, unless they are doing things they should not be.

  53. ciccio says:

    I wonder if that hunter who was arraigned after being caught by police officers Sheehan and Micallef can still claim innocence on the basis that he shot in the air.

  54. Someone says:

    GoogleEarth images for the farmhouse are interesting, especially if you look through different images of the same place and can therefore see the development in time, which apparently started in the early 2000s.

    An interesting feature towards the back of the property appears to be an entertainment area, consisting of what seem a flat area of concrete with some sort if gazebo structures.

    Would be interesting to cross reference the satelllite pictures from the different years with the corresponding development permits.

  55. Someone says:

    And not a peep from Lou “Gurnalizmu fuq Kollox” Bondi… What a let down.

  56. Tania says:

    Guy from Luqa was found guilty on 11/3/12 and sentenced to 11 years for white slave trafficking. His farmhouse was confiscated.

  57. sarah says:

    Brilliant work Daphne!

  58. Jerry says:

    What bewilders me the most is how come on this island we have only one person able to do some serious investigative journalism work.

    Possibbli there isn’t anyone else? How come we need to look for new scoops only on this website?

    I don’t think, Mrs Galizia, you are resorting to wearing wigs and running around in disguise to get most of this information. So how come no one else can do it? Not even the police? (And I’m not only referring to this case).

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