UPDATED/The Department of Information has just released this video to the press
November 12, 2014 at 3:33pm
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Ejja ghal mument nassumu li kollox sejjer tajjeb fiz-zwieg tal-koppja Mizzi.
Allura il-kaz huwa sensiela ta’ atti irresponsabbli jekk mhux immorali ta’ nies bla valuri.
Il-koppja Mizzi zgur li m’humix finanzjarjament batuti ghalhekk ma jaghmilx sens li-tifred missier minn ma’ uliedu, specjalment ta’ dik l-eta.
Jekk hemm dan il-bzonn finanzjarju seta instabilha xoghol hawn Malta.
Fuq kollox instabu karigi lil hafna ohrajn minn tal-qalba lokalment.
Pero zgur li l-ezigenzi finanzjarji ma’ kellhomx x’jaqsmu ghaliex is-sinjura Mizzi ma’ tefghatx xi applikazzjoni ghal xi sejha pubblika izda kienet maghzula specifikament ghal din il-kariga mil-Malta Enterprise.
Dan ma jaghmilx sens. Meta l-boyfriend ta’ Cyrus Engerer mar Brussels, il-Cyrus sabulu job hemmhekk ukoll halli ma jinfirdux.
George, this is the most feminist government remember? Job for Sigh, then jobs for Mrs. and Mrs. Engerer.
As you said, the thing is that she is living in China with the kids and he is still here, so I think that they have separated on our taxes.
In fact he only said his marriage was strong. He never said he doesn’t see other women without his wife’s consent.
Precisely. Shall we start examining the press release word by word? Listing what was not said would be an interesting exercise.
Yes perhaps they have an open marriage, although I still think it’s a broken marriage.
I think she mistook Australia, Canada and the US for the EU.
‘….MEP Mizzi highlighted the situation where, because of the size of Malta there are more Maltese living permanently abroad, than there are Maltese residing permanently in Malta. This means that people living permanently away from Malta will decide how people living in Malta are governed….’
Give the man a cigar.
But this is a private matter, George. As Minister Mizzi said, they trust each other so much that they can live apart. The sexual needs of couples vary.
It’s not about sexual needs. It has nothing to do with trust. It’s about separating the children from their father.
Just brilliant !
Ghal darba rnexxieli nifhmu.
True, this guy talks too fast, almost like a robot.
he IS a robot – a humanoid version.
Meanwhile, people are showing their ignorance in the comments yet again.
It helps you understand how Labour got voted in. These are people who barely had the money to buy hobz bil-kunserva (not even zejt or salt), used to line up to get corned beef and sugar with coupons before 1987, and now they say the Nationalists did nothing in 25 years.
So crack on with life, because these are sad, sad people who barely know they’re alive.
Furthermore, if it was published, get Agenda to stock copies in the Melitensia section at all outlets and with a ghastly shocking and in your face cover. Can’t be any worse than the endless Mintoff ripoff price eulogies that keep staring at you for days on end.
Tesagerax! When people lined up for the ration, was long before 1987.
Who has the cheek to say that in 25 years the Nationalists did nothing? My generations (I’m 40) and those after are simlpy lucky that in our teenage there was a change in the administration of the country and there was a better future waiting for us.
We can compare the before and after of the country since we were born during a Labour administration and lived it till 1987.
Such comments give you the reason why certain persons are elected into parliament.
Unconnected but interesting….. http://maltarightnow.com/news/2014/11/12/filmat-raqda-ministerjali/
And we’re paying for the fuel to keep the ministerial car running so that the poor driver can sleep in an airconditioned car?
U halluna ja qabda hallelin
Fresh release from the Department of Information:
“The sex life of the Minister of Energy and Health is as strong as ever, OK? Since Labour’s landslide in March 2013, he has always been hard at work and focused on delivery.”
While on the subject of “I did not have sexual relations with that woman,” scroll down here:
Somebody once said that Clinton used his underpants exclusively to keep his ankles warm.
I get the slight suspicion that some posters here did not realise that this video is a joke and that the voice is that of Bill Clinton when caught doing hanky panky with the Levinsky bint.
That was not KONRAd MIZZI that was Bill Clinton talking about Monica Levinsky. I saw the video.
[Daphne – Is this a seriously meant comment or a joke?]
Knowing their mentality, I am one hundred per cent sure that it was a seriously meant comment aimed at unmasking yet another attakk fahxi tas-sahhara kontra Konrat ruhi qalbi.
A Labour voter, obviously. And like Lara, proud of it.
I despair. Some people are dim beyond belief. They have no conceptual understanding of satire or sarcasm.
Int bis serjeta jew?
The video has been pulled