The final word on the Budget. Read it and weep.
November 18, 2014 at 10:07am
Failed Labour Party general election candidate and current Lija councillor Marc Sant, a self-important person forever posting details on Facebook of the many conferences he goes to, had the final word on the Budget last night. On Facebook, of course.
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In social media lingo: *facepalm
Kien qed itir. Is it open season?
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s Marc Sant.
So it’s just shit that’s left the fan.
“Bhala persuna mhux teknika”.
Jigifieri bhala persuna li ma jifhimx sahta fis-suggett.
“Hbieb laburisti faqawli l-Facebook u hbieb nazzjonaqlisti kkumentaw ftit li xejn…….allura budget posittiv.”
He must be taking lessons from his uncle Alfred, the former prime minister and current Euro MP, if Marc Sant considers this a valid logical argument.
“bhala bniedem mhux tekniku” nghidlu: yours is a ‘biased inference’. Mhux ovvja li il hbiebieb tieghek fuq FB huma laburisti?! Birds of a feather connect together …….
Is he assuming that all the Labourites who ‘faqawlu’ his FB feed (was he refering to his wall here?) are all ‘teknici’ and therefore have made an informed analysis of the budget?
A bit of warped reasoning never seems to fail those who need to endear themselves does it?
Buffu jghid biss cucati.
He’s Alfred Sant’s nephew, isn’t he?
Oh well then…
“Ghax kont qed intir”.
Hasra li ma lemhikx xi kaccatur ghax kont taqla zewg tiri f’ s****k.
Tad-daqqiet ta’ harta.
Kien qed itir. Superman dan. Mhux tekniku imma.
“Faqawli il-facebook feed” – priceless.
Jaf jasal ghas-soluzzjonijiet Alla jbierek, ma setax jirrejalizza li n-Nazzjonalisti baqghu bla kliem ghax ma kellhomx xi jghidu pozittivament ghax s’intendi stennew xi haga tajba.
Setghu wkoll faqawh b’aggettivi li jiddiskrivu sew il-faqar ta’ budget li ghamlu kieku riedu.
Imma nsomma, nies foqra fl-idejat dak li tistenna minnhom. Jifirhu b’kollox ghalkemm ma jkunu fehmu xejn ghax m’ghandhomx teknika.
I sort of like this guy….
Yes, it’s been a while since he last uploaded pictures of his hotel breakfasts.
Does Marc Sant hold a public office?
[Daphne – Yes, it’s right there in the first line of this post. He’s a local councillor.]
He is also a member of the Committee of the Regions (il-partnership rebah).
Oh, so he is ‘tekniku’ after all? But not enough to understand the Budget.
Marc Sant kellu konkluzjoni Fazulla.
Pathetic !
He is probably lying about “hbieb Laburisti faqawli il-Facebook feed” as he has almost 3000 friends on Facebook and only 11 “liked” this comment.
One woman made this comment:
jekk int ghandek il fuq minn 60000euro mort tajjeb, nies bhali pensjonanti li ghadna inqas minn 20000 bqajna b’xiber imnieher,kull ma hadna 58c per wk u gholietli il-licenzja tal-karrozza, l-insurance tad dar, il licenzja tal-mowbile. qtajt qalbi nkompli marc. hu pacenzja u tghaddiniex biz zmie ghax mhux qed nidqu
Marc Sant, why don’t you ask your important contacts from New York to Buenos Aires what their reactions were to that most important of budgets instead of asking people on Facebook?
A man of this level of importance should not have to ask about such crucial, strategic not to mention vital information on unreliable sources such as Facebook.
Did he have access to wifi on his Singapore Airlines flight in first class? I can only assume that a man this important would not settle for any less.
Hu kien qed ittir u l- ministru tal-finanzi kien abroad.
Issa qed nistenna li nara lil Joe Mizzi itir.
L-aqwa li ma jtirx Konrad Mizzi b’xi spluzjoni fil-power station.
Could have taken a four hour flight.
I cannot imagine a councillor not able to understand the national budget. Isn’t that supposed to be part of his job?