The government needs reminding that it is accountable to the electorate

Published: November 10, 2014 at 9:47pm

And that Opposition MPs do not represent themselves or even their party, but the electors who vote them in as their representatives in parliament on that party’s ticket.

Government ministers have to answer their questions. By refusing to do so, they are not mocking the Opposition MPs who are asking for information. They are mocking and insulting the electorate.

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16 Comments Comment

  1. Tabatha White says:

    It seems like a great priority of this Government is to waste time, whilst spending money.

  2. Watcher of lies says:


  3. Alexander Ball says:

    I have had the discussion with a lot of people over the years, who frankly just don’t get it.

    Where did it all go wrong?

    • Volley says:

      Because to most people here in Malta, what matters most to them is MONEY and what they can get. That’s all !

    • Rosie says:

      When the British left, that’s when.

      • Nik says:

        Oh bollocks! As if we haven’t achieved anything by ourselves. Look at how Malta negotiated accession to the EU, for instance. There is a distinct inbuilt ability to self-destruct, but that doesn’t mean we’re all morons.

  4. Antoine Vella says:

    So there is no way to check if the bank guarantees and all other documents are duly signed. I’m saying this because the PM and Konrad Mizzi are known to be sticklers for signed letters.

  5. zibra says:

    Lawrence Gonzi kien qal: ‘If we get it wrong, we will get it VERY wrong’. U kellu ragun bil-kbir.

  6. pablo says:

    A Government running away from the moment of truth.

  7. Karla says:

    I think I recall something which used to be called ‘Strambi imma veri’. Whatever it was it should be revived, how else can someone describe this?

    ”Chinese delegation calls in on Maltese old age pensioners, Grech refuses to answer on Labour visit”

  8. ciccio says:

    You have to laugh at this reply by Louis Grech (was he actually in Parliament, or did he reply via teleconferencing?):

    “Mr Grech said that he was sure that the MP on the other side of the house could distinguish between government work and the work of a political party. “As a result, I will not be answering this question.”

    Actually, Mr. Grech, the real concern is whether your side of the house can distinguish between government and a political party. China cannot.

    Now can you please answer the question?

    • Tabatha White says:

      “Actually, Mr. Grech, the real concern is whether your side of the house can distinguish between government and a political party. China cannot.”



      In bold everywhere please, perhaps Saviour and Times of Malta will get a whiff and report on this too.

  9. Allo Allo says:

    Bid-dawra durella biex inwiegbu mistoqsija se naqtghu l-hamsa u ghoxrin fil-mija tal-burokrazija?

  10. Madoff says:

    And in particular the prime minister. Ahjar joqghod attent Muscat ghax it-tahwid kiber sew tahtu.

  11. Last Post says:

    Il-mod ġdid ta’ “MHUX FL-INTERESS TAL-POPLU”

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