The prime minister’s consultant gets into a tiff with Twitter guerrillas (and is mauled)

Published: November 3, 2014 at 10:31am

Glenn Bedingfield, the prime minister’s consultant, is apparently paid with public money to irritate electors on Twitter.

His mate Cyrus Engerer, now safely installed in Brussels with a job that doesn’t require a clean police record, rather unwisely came to his aid.

I love Baghal’s tweet about Cyrus: Dak issa sar l-imam tal-LGBTQI. Ghandna minorita gdida.

glenn and cyrus on twitter

The prime minister's consultant, Glenn Bedingfield

The prime minister’s consultant, Glenn Bedingfield

"He's right behind you!"

“He’s right behind you!”


glenn 1

glenn cyrus

15 Comments Comment

  1. Joe Fenech says:

    Some don’t have anything to fear because they benefit from the regime’s protection. What do you think, Cyrus Engerer?

  2. Joe Fenech says:

    These people have a screw loose. You would think that given their background they would avoid the media like the plague.

    And why doesn’t Cyrus’s job require a background check when a dogsbody’s job (intern contract) at the Malta High Commission in London requires it (DBS is the British police check)? Have the Maltese lost their marbles?

    • La Redoute says:

      Because he was appointed by his government sponsor.

      • Joe Fenech says:

        I know that, but it’s inconsistent with what seems to be the government’s recruitment policies. The PN should not have let Engerer’s case be swept under the carpet.

      • La Redoute says:

        We’re not allowed to criticise Engerer because he’s homosexual.

      • miftuh says:

        Yes, indeed. No one can question Cyrus’ open mindedness as he is gay. That automatically makes him intelligent, both morally and culturally superior and infinitely more liberal than anyone who would dare question him.

    • hmm says:

      Shouldn’t you be asking that question to the government HR section at the Office of the Prime Minister. How many individuals have been recruited by this government not possessing a clean police conduct certificate?

  3. observer says:

    Glenn Bedingfield must be fighting Owen Bonnici every day for those pastizzi.

  4. Gino says:

    I just love that botox double chin…from where did he get it made?

  5. bob-a-job says:

    Cyrus Engerer never afraid to stand up and speak out?

    You must be joking.

    Cyrus Engerer is an underhand sneak who said he wanted to record his fellow Councillors.

    What for? To blackmail them as he did his former partner or to frame them up as it transpires he did to two Councillors recently found innocent of all charges?

    Can anyone believe this convicted criminal anymore?

  6. ciccio says:

    Cyrus says he was never afraid to stand up and speak out and that others hide behind anonymity.

    Did he sign his name when he sent revenge porn emails to the employer of his ex-boyfriend?

    • bob-a-job says:

      Saviour Balzan says

      Cyrus Engerer has no shame. He appeared next to Helena Dalli at a press conference. Since the criminal appeal case that decided against him and the recent revelation of his sickening recorded comment on his then fellow councillors in the Sliema council, he continues to receive remuneration for two government consultancies.

      He is held in high regard by the Labour government.

      It is a great pity that the Labour government continues to defend the indefensible.

      It is one thing for the government to stand by the Energy Minister and his wife, and for one to interpret ethical standards in one’s own way, but when it comes to criminal intent, there should be no ifs or buts.

      Engerer must go!

  7. C.G says:

    Dak Glen? Il daqsiex sar, Alla jbierek.

    Dak m`ghandux bhalu Franco Debono gol-vetrina: dundjan.

  8. Maria says:

    Do we know whether Cyrus enjoys diplomatic immunity in Belgium like his Maltese colleagues in the permanent representation do?

    I’m sure that he’ll embarrass Malta sooner or later.

  9. Maria says:

    An internet search on Cyrus shows that he’s a research analyst. Research analysts need as much security clearance as the attaches because they receive secret documents – EU documents.

    So the Maltese government has put him in a position where he is in possession of information that is useful to others at the expense of the Council and other member states.

    Another point – some years ago the EU Representation was hacked and it was thought that the Chinese government did it. I guess it receives the information directly nowadays.

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