These rooms didn’t cost 58c. This is where Toni Abela and the Labour delegation stayed in China.

Published: November 2, 2014 at 11:35pm

Who paid?

The Labour Party, with its donation of ftit minghand il-hafna? What a way to spend it.

China? It’s wrong for a political party to accept this kind of hospitality from foreign regimes.

The government of Malta? I think a couple of questions in parliament are called for.

Apparently, it’s not OK for the then finance minister to take a trip on a businessman’s private plane, but it’s perfectly all right for an entire Labour delegation to take a really big and expensive trip as guests of the Chinese Community Party. Or splash public money around by raiding Edward Scicluna’s box to pay for it.

shangri la hotel

15 Comments Comment

  1. La Redoute says:

    Someone paid for Borg Marks’ trip and it wasn’t Borg Marks himself.

    Did Malta pay? Did China? Both are wrong. Borg Marks represents Malta, not the Labour party.

    • A V says:

      …and did take time off their work or are they getting paid by the state while doing work for the party? I’d like to know because I too might absent myself from work to run some personal errands.

    • ciccio says:

      Does the presence of Borg Marks – a diplomat – breach his terms of contract, or the standard terms of contract/conduct of diplomats?

      Does his presence in a “party-to-party” meeting breach codes of ethics for government officers?

      • La Redoute says:

        He would argue that he is a Chinese man in China and therefore subject to Chinese rule of law – which is to say, none at all.

  2. Tabatha White says:

    Do you mean the ToM has finally unleashed its hounds?

    Gosh.. they should be hungry after being starved of real news for such a long, long time.

  3. Joe Fenech says:

    So now, the PL has become the government’s agent, negotiator and puppet. In their eyes, it’s the PL who’s doing the dirty deeds, therefore the government has nothing to answer for.

  4. ciccio says:

    There is a huge conflict of interest here.

    China receives a Malta Labour Party delegation led by the Deputy Leader. We don’t know if China paid for this trip.

    Then, the Malta Labour Party in government sells public assets to China without an open expression of interest process and without a tender.

    Isn’t this morally corrupt?

  5. matt says:

    I wonder, why the GWU so quiet on the sales of Enemalta and now of Air Malta? Perhaps, because the Labour Party is in government.

  6. Kapxinn says:

    “…u konna se norqdu kollha f’sodda wahda, tant kemm kienet kbira, izda Toni xtaqha kollha ghalieh wahdu bl-iskuza li kellu l-peduni jrewhu…”

  7. Wilson says:

    The normal Shangri-la rooms are at about 600 a night. Ghandhom ghalfejn jghidu ghal Alex Tranter.

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