This sign wasn’t found in Konrad Mizzi’s Power Ministry
November 19, 2014 at 10:09pm
This is a real sign, sent to me by a friend who could barely hold his phone for laughing. Below, you will find a selection of knobs that you’re better off not touching. It’s a lot safer to touch plagues.
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I am a bit confused about Knob 1. It looks more like Plaque No 1.
No, Ciccio, it does not. It is the genuine PLAGUE No. 1.
Frankly, I liked knob No. 8. it looks so knobbishly stupid – and it certainly is.
Daphne this is not for this post but for you. It’s a classic, must be up for the comment of the year prize!
“My decision was not to involve myself in the process but to halt it,” Dr Cardona said.
Dr. Cardona, singlehandedly, decided that everyone has a conflict of interest except himself.
Dear Lord, deliver us from the plague. The very look on their faces gives them away.
Warning: Knobs. Risk of erectrocution.
They all qualify to be social plagues and more.
“The Plague” sure is the term.
What kind of English do these people learn at school?
English? Dak tal-barrani hi, oooops issa nbidlet id-diska bilhaqq! Don’t worry, things will improve as soon as signs are put up in Chinese.
6 and 7 may also be interpreted as ‘bedknobs and broomsticks’
My decision was not to involve myself in the life of that person but to kill him.
Knob 8 is in the news right now. Times of Malta has just reported a shooting and an arrest. According to the report, Knob 8’s driver is somehow involved.
It gets better every minute that passes –
If it weren’t so serious and sad because we are lumped with this lot, it would have been entertaining. Never a dull moment.
Kieku jistghu jorqdu lejl bil-kwiet.
There’s a new knob, Castaldi Paris.
Never in the history of our nation, from the Neolithic times till March 2013 did the dramatic, the tragic combine and mix so well with the comic and hilarious.
It had to be a New Movement to achieve the task. A well deserved round of applause to Maestro Joe Muscat who did it and did it historically very well.
Oh come on Daphne, I was expecting Knob 11…Joe Mizzi. Doesn’t he deserve it?
And I suggest including Castaldi Paris
Well the present lot of ministers are a plague on us (pity we cannot get rid of them like we can do with the real one!)
What we really need now is a salvavita.
Do you mean a salvamalta?
Can someone inform these idiots that the switch is on the socket and not on the plugs.
[Daphne – They meant ‘plakka’ aka wall socket.]
Knob No1 is a classic. Mallia should have him as his driver, because he has a roadmap and looks vicious.
PL = Bring in site.
Kemm ghandu xortih hazina dan il-gvern. Ma tistax tigieh wahda sew.