Too bad you no longer have a seat in parliament, Mr Law Commissioner

Published: November 8, 2014 at 11:11pm

In any case, why is he asking on Facebook, when he has a hotline to the prime minister?

franco buses


31 Comments Comment

  1. ian says:

    Because you helped elect a bunch of incompetent twats, you moron.

    • ciccio says:

      Shouldn’t somebody introduce the Law Commissioner to the Super One journalists? He’s the only one not to be seen with one in tow.

      • P Shaw says:

        Jason Micallef is holding his “skuderija ta’ gurnalisti/escorts’ very tight. He only releases them in return for a good deal.

      • ciccio says:

        Hmmm, interesting point. If I were in Jason’s shoes, I would call a good deal one where I get back some good photos to be stored in brown envelopes.

  2. Alex says:

    Maybe they need the extra cash to bus his big ponies around.

  3. Pablo says:

    Because some narcissistic asshole got into bed with the likes of Joe Mizzi, that’s why, and that narcissistic asshole is you.

  4. ciccio says:

    I see we are at Franco Debono IV.

    Someone please wake me up when we get to Franco Debono Nein.

  5. Mspiteri says:

    Here’s your answer, Franco: because you started a war against Austin Gatt and the PN.

  6. canon says:

    Maybe he tried to phone the prime minister and found out that his number has been blocked.

  7. ciccio says:

    Fl-ahhar qed jitkellem fuq is-suggett li fih jifhem l-izjed: il-bus.

  8. George Grech says:

    Jidher li kulhadd intebah bid-djufija ta’ Joseph Muscat u meta dak li jkunu qed idahhlu f’buthom ma jkunx bizzejjed, jikritikawh ghax jafu li biex jaghlqilhom halqhom jerga jzoqqom.

  9. thealley says:

    Biex taparsi jidher newtrali…

  10. kanun says:


  11. Pablo says:

    A rabid dog eventually turns on its master.

  12. Joe Fenech says:

    “Hanqa ta’ hmar fl-ocejan”.

  13. janni says:

    Minhabba ZIBLU bhalek Franco Debono irdoppja s-sussidju.

  14. kapxinn says:

    “The Law Commissioner in his disheveled days on board his seafaring cabriolet midway between London and New York.”

  15. Hufflepuff says:

    Form 2 results anyone?

  16. dutchie says:

    Looks like it’s time for a new iced bun to shut him up, Mr Muscat.

  17. Albert Bonnici says:

    Because since you are a conceited asshole you voted Joe Mizzi into power. And do change your wardrobe.

  18. Changing of the guard says:

    Franco Debono does not bat an eyelid when a convicted criminal, whose extent of his crime was hidden behind closed doors, is given a job in Brussels but instead tries to validate his being by commenting about the bus subsidy.

    After all that talk about meritocracy, klikka, oligarchy, is this the only thing which has rubbed him the wrong way in the last 20 months?

    No wonder he loves birds in cages, insulated bird brains must be the only persons be can fool.

  19. jaqq says:

    He should blame himself. He worked really hard to put this bunch into power.

  20. observer says:

    Meta thares lejn il-mera tkun taf, Sur haga rrelevanti!

  21. Makjavel says:

    Issa jixtrilu gagga amorini biex joqghod kwiet.

  22. Joe Micallef says:

    The moron is starting to feel uncomfortable sitting close to the MLP.

  23. xejn sew says:

    Franco Debono is once again washing his party’s dirty linen in public. This party has a different way of dealing with malcontents, though.

  24. Adrian says:

    We should stick to what Dr Gonzi said about Franco. He is irrelevant and thus we should simply ignore him.

  25. Gaetano Pace says:

    Is-sussidju tal buses ser jghola daqstant ghax Franco issa ghalaq halqu, tefa l-mobile u nqata minn mal-mezzi tal-komunikazzjoni.

    Ezatt kif riedu l-Labour taghhom ilkoll.

    Ara issa li s-sussidju hu flus taghna ilkoll, inqaras. Imma ghadu ma ndunax li qieghed fil-“waist” paper basket fejn tefghuh u qed ihallsuh biex ikunu zguri li ma jiccaqlaqx minn hemm.

    Ma nafx jekk il-kriminali li qed jiddefendi hix xi risposta sottili lill min qed izommlu s-sarima issikkata ma’ halqu.

  26. pale blue my foot! says:

    Franco, the subsidy is ballooning because the government is a bunch of incompetents elected by fools like you.

  27. Madoff says:

    Dan mhux kollu rrelevanti issa Franco.

  28. Pinu Primus says:

    Dan x’kien qed jghid xi haga kontra dak li qed jaghmel MuscuNt? Tinsewx li Dr. Gonzi kien qal li MuscuNt ghad jiddispjacih li dahhal nies mieghu bhal Franco Debono.

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