Tuesday’s top comment

Published: November 25, 2014 at 12:24pm

Posted by Emanuel Mallia & Asses:

So Emmanuel Mallia & Associates will be defending Minsiter Mallia’s driver for trying to kill a Scot, who also happens to be a client of Emmanuel Mallia & Associates. This is conflict of interest at so many levels that it makes a rubik cube look simple.

I was wondering what Dr. Arthur Azzopardi was up to yesterday afternoon outside the Ministry of Home Affairs consorting with a gang of men in dark suits (not of the Hugo Boss kind).

F*ck me backwards through a bush.

Sleaze Convention: Police Minister Manuel Mallia and his head of secretariat Silvio Scerri

Sleaze Convention: Police Minister Manuel Mallia and his head of secretariat Silvio Scerri

6 Comments Comment

  1. A lawyer says:

    Ah, yes, Arthur Azzopardi, the man who was put through university by the Attorney General’s office so that he’d become a prosecutor once he qualified.

    He jumped ship as soon as he was contractually able to do so and joined the most despicable and despised set of defence lawyers.

  2. tinnat says:

    Isn’t it very revealing that the only time the Government MPs really sounded their voices during the speech was when Dr Simon Busuttil made a minor mistake about the Transport Minister’s wife.

    There they laughed themselves silly, like children giggling in the back row. Otherwise, their silence throughout the speech is, to say the least, interesting. Perhaps all is not happy in the Land of Wonders.

  3. Mila says:

    So how will this work exactly?

    It is in the interest of the man with the gun and therefore his lawyer to expunge all blame from him and divert it onto other parties. Note that expunging Sheehan will not only involve putting all the blame on Morrison Smith but putting under scrutiny the response and actions of the police and any person who Sheehan communicated with during the whole saga.

    He can after all argue that he contacted the police and he acted on their instructions.

    To expunge Sheehan the defence might also need to look minutely at Sheehan’s brief and his agreement of service with Mallia. This might be verbal or therewise.

    Babysitting for example might be one of the unwritten conditions. Another example is Mallia was OK with him going to visit his mother taking his car and weapon (and young daughter) with him.

    So again my question is, how will this work?

    Will Azzopardi ask Mallia to testify, to Sheehan’s good character for example?

  4. canon says:

    Sometime ago Daphne wrote that Emanuel Mallia was far from clever. I was sceptical about it. In hindsight she was completely right. Mallia keeps digging a bigger hole.

    [Daphne – When I comment on people’s intelligence or the lack of it, trust me. I don’t say any such thing lightly, and it is always done from close personal observation.]

  5. il busu says:

    Dawn bis-serjeta’ jew?

    U triduna nemmnu li se ssir gustizzja vera.

    Il-vera morna l-bahar bil-gustizzja b’kollox taht dal-mishut gvern.

  6. Crockett says:

    La Piovra

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