Published: November 8, 2014 at 9:26am

tweet of the month JPO Simon Busuttil

20 Comments Comment

  1. canon says:

    At last.

  2. RF says:

    Muscat and Pullicino Orlando – rogues of the same gang.

  3. disillusioned says:

    Frankly I think the PL should get rid of him too.

  4. allerwieh says:

    What a relief.

    Il-principji m’humiex ghal bejgh. At last, we hope to start having serious politicians and political parties, which embrace progress based on sound principles not based on deceit and hypocrisy.

    Keep going strong, Simon.

  5. CiVi says:

    Thumbs up for Dr. Busuttil. I think he is coming around very well lately. Well done.

  6. El nino says:

    Not only that but if needed we will pay them to do so.

  7. Alf says:

    and so say all of us

  8. Rumplestiltskin says:

    They can also keep Franco Debono and Jesmond Mugliett.

  9. chully1 says:


  10. Leli says:

    Good riddance to bad – nay, evil – rubbish.

  11. observer says:

    Joseph Muscat should not only keep Jeffrey but also stuff him for Michelle’s knick-knack cabinet.

  12. Mark says:

    Sour grapes I would rather think Daphne, from Simon’s part obviously.

    [Daphne – Hardly. Only a very deluded, and very young, and very sheltered, or very deprived Labour supporter would think that man worth anything at all. And that’s why he’s found himself reduced to dating Lara Boffa and impressing semi-literate members of the underclass on Facebook, while the very people whose admiration and society he so desperately craves scorn him and regard him with contempt.]

  13. Mariella says:

    Min iridu skart bhal dak.

  14. Gerbera says:

    Simon Busuttil is slowly but steadily regaining support. He surely does not need any JPOs or Debonos.

    It is Joseph Muscat who needs them.

    He knows more than anyone else that a substantial part of that 36,000 majority has always been very fragile and it is already damaged.

    That majority was not built on substance, but on spite. Honesty is the best policy.

  15. Lizzie says:

    He can actually use him as a milestone to mark the point of no return of his road (map) with the inscription “abandon hope all who venture henceforth”.

  16. P Shaw says:

    Joseph Muscat should keep Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando in his skip.

  17. Be-witched says:

    It will have to be a huge skip considering the size of the egos of Jeffrey, Franco and Mrs Mugliett. It’d better be a Mizbla or a land fill.

  18. mf says:

    Keep him Joseph. The scum flows with the current.

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