“We have incredible plans. The people believed the Labour Party’s plans” – Konrad Mizzi, on being elected
November 28, 2014 at 10:03pm
I watched this and thought, ho-hum.
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Labour. Elected on the basis of a series of big fat lies.
A scam sham government.
One that is in position through misrepesentation.
No. We don’t deserve this.
They should go now.
We’ve had enough.
Is he still doing door-to-door visits? Oops sorry he’s lost without the road map.
No wonder the power station is late if he’s still visiting families.
At least he was being honest.
Their plans were and are incredible.
And, I would add, nonexistent.
Malajr heles minnhom il-votanti tar-raba distrett u mar jghix tas-Sliema.
[Daphne – Anzi ma marx Shanghai ma’ Sai.]
Mhux li kien Daphne, ghax b’hekk konna nehilsu minnu lkoll kemm ahna. Ma jiswa ghalxejn hlief biex ipacpac fil-vojt.
Issa sew, ghax tqannew bih dawk ta’ Tas-Sliema.
Door to door: Beijing, Shanghai and the Tiffany Champagne and Cigar Room at the Hilton.
Door to door: does he have an attraction to knobs?
I know that this has nothing (or everything to do with the post) but as I know that your blog is read by many, this would be the right place to inform the persons responsible for the cafmalta.gov.mt site that it has been hacked for the past two weeks.
As the Common Assessment Framework (CAF) is a tool which facilitates the introduction of a culture of self-assessment and quality in the Public Administration, I think that they need to start utilising the tool within their own organisation.
“I was so happy that day, guys. Sorry for not keeping my door-to-door promise but people were getting sick of my face, and coming to think of it, which promise did I keep, guys?”
What chickens – they held a university debate about the Budget and Edwaaaard didn’t bother turning up. Then this evening they are holding a ‘debate’ supposedly about the budget and the government send in Starksy Cardona & Hutch Zammit Lewis! Bunch of chickens the lot of them. And if you want to see arrogance personified watch hamallu Cardona answering questions with a shrug of the shoulders and hand in his pocket! Maybe he was thinking about a pole dancer?
I am not sure whether he is saying “kredibbli” rather than “inkredibbli” :-)
I agree – he said “kredibbli”…
Watching Tonio Fenech totally destroy Chris Cardona and that Zammit Lewis guy on the Supertv1malta Xarabank gazin tal labejr programm. As the saying goes “Hemm hi l-irgulija ax meta inqala xi haga dejjem ghand il kummissarju baghtom.”
Konrad Mizzi – mhux normali, imma fenonmenali.
Jew ‘fieno-mentale’? Mohh ta’ man of straw ghandu.
Il-pjan tal-energija bla dubju ta’ xejn kredibbli – more like inkredibbli. Pulcinell.
He looks a bit mile-stoned to me.
“Ha jxammar il-kmiem and we deliver”… forsi ghax ghadha s-shana ghadu ma libisx flokkijiet bil-komma twila u m’ghandux xi xjammar.
‘…She said, however, that the power station deadline had suddenly vanished. “We do not even have a deadline for a deadline.”…’
Hafna Laburisti qed igorru minhabba dan in-nuqqas ta’ kredibilita’, pero ma nafx wiehed li dawwar fehmtu kontra.
U l-istess fuq l-iswitchers. Ghalqu halqhom jew saru apologists. It-triq twila.
Ghallanqas ghalqu halqhom. Imma nittamaw li jilqu jigu f’sensibom samemm ma jtihomx xi karrotta fl-ahhar minuta u jergghu jibilghuha bhall-hmir.
“Issa wasal iż-żmien illi nxammru l-kmiem u “we deliver”.
L-anqas kien kapaċi li “jiddeliverja” id-dati.
The way he breathes while talking is not normal.
The way he lies while he talks and breathes is not normal either.
Incredible plans….. truly incredible.
That is precisely what has happened.
We never doubted that you were lying through your nose.
What have you delivered to date?
Gas talk.
The only thing Konrad has delivered is a monthly second salary to his strong marriage of 13000 euros a month. And there is not the slightest hint of shame.
He is delivering €13,000 a month to Shanghai, and that’s phenomenal.
Meanwhile his boss just told us that the power station is being built by someone somewhere in Europe.
Do these 3rd rate scam artists expect us to believe them?
Let us hope the government does not claim some 4000% increase in business with China from due to the salary sent to China to Mrs Mizzi.
‘Incredible’ plans indeed, as in sans credibility!
Lanqas qieghed qrib familtek, ahseb u ara kemm int qrib in-nies li ivvutawlek, Kon Rat. Il-Maltin ir-ross bil-furketta jikluh u mhux bil-labra.
Listening to him makes my face cringe. I mean, literally.
It would be interesting to know how many home visits he is still doing in his constituency as he stated in this video that he would keep on doing so throughout the five years in government. That could be the reason why he is so late on other promises he made.