Why does Manuel Mallia need armed protection?

Published: November 20, 2014 at 1:49pm
Paul Sheehan: Manuel Mallia now claims that he routinely carried a gun because he is his 'security'. To protect him against what?

Paul Sheehan: Manuel Mallia now claims that he routinely carried a gun because he is his ‘security’. To protect him against what?

What is Manuel Mallia afraid of, that he thinks he needs protection by a gun-toting plain clothes policeman who drives him around?

What is Manuel Mallia afraid of, that he thinks he needs protection by a gun-toting plain clothes policeman who drives him around?

The Police Minister (a man with a large number of criminal clients in an atmosphere where they have been eliminating each other in turf wars over the last two years or so) has said this morning that his chauffeur routinely carries a gun because he is also his “security”.

“Security” is the Maltese word used interchangeably for bouncer, the security guards in premises, and police protection officers detailed to individuals at risk.

Now the question here arises: why does Manuel Mallia require 24-hour police protection detail who also serves as his chauffeur?

Are there are threats to his life about which we have not been told?

More pertinently, police protection officers are always unarmed. In certain exceptional cases, they might be permitted to carry a gun, but most certainly not as routine protection for an ordinary cabinet minister.

We have not yet been told whether the gun is a police issue piece, or a private weapon. To assume that it is police issue would, in the current climate, be naive and absurd.

There is more. If Manuel Mallia’s life is so imperilled that he requires a gun-toting driver, then exactly what was his protection officer-cum-driver doing visiting his mother in Gzira when the man he is supposed to be protecting from attempts on his life by cocaine-traffickers in turf wars and similar (for surely he is not protecting him from attempts by his cabinet colleagues) was in Floriana?

22 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    Excellent questions, Daphne, as usual.

    Now let’s have the Minister’s reply please. Can he comment below?

  2. curious says:

    Can they tell us if all the ministers have ‘security’ and if they are armed?

    Joseph Muscat can confirm as well whether his security men are armed.

  3. A Montebello says:

    Why was Paul Sheehan visiting his mother in Gzira in a car with GM plates while carrying a gun?

  4. B says:

    There are two other scenarios to consider.

    Sheehan wore the gun on his person and took it inside with him to visit his mother.


    Sheehan left the gun unattended in GM14, and then reached inside to get it so as to threaten the other driver.

  5. RoyB says:

    The Minister needs a security detail to protect his ego. End of story.

  6. ciccio says:

    Is the Minister travelling around with his collection of Faberge eggs – maybe that’s why he needs armed security?

  7. Clueless says:

    Has anyone yet verified whether Paul Sheehan’s mother actually lives in Triq Wied il-Kappara?

    I suspect there’s a lie about this part of the statement, too, and that he was actually covering up the real purpose of his being in Gzira. It doesn’t make sense that he was visiting his mum with a gun.

    • ken il malti says:

      Visiting mother was just a cover story.

      Paul Sheehan was there in Gzira to strong-arm the UK man to collect money that was owed to the fat mattress bank of Mr Toad.

      How else is Mr Toad going to make 45% per week interest on his fat mattress money?

      The UK man gave Paul Sheehan the slip and a Wells Fargo stagecoach chase ensued, complete with flying bullets.

  8. Christopher Vella says:

    Why do i have this feeling that Labour will shortly come up with a “skandlu iehor ta’ GonziPN” in order to alienate us from this story.

  9. Mila says:

    They are actually at the moment praying very hard for an earthquake, tsunami, tornado or whatever. Unfortunately for them the weather seems to be stable for the weekend.

    Perhaps someone important would indulge then and drop down and die.

  10. J. Borg says:

    Maybe Manuel Mallia feels he needs protection because of the 500K euros in cash that he keeps at home.

  11. fenek says:

    Never heard that a minister’s driver is armed. Why is Manuel Mallia so special?

  12. Albert Bonnici says:

    If Manuel Mallia needs police protection, then he must be the world’s most valuable toad.

  13. silvioloporto says:

    I agree that certain ministers etc, are to be given armed protection’and not just for show,but to be used.

    This is the consequences of all the hate that is generated by the hate campaigns most of them are subjected to .by our so called free press.

    [Daphne – Ara kemm ghandi bzonn hafna izjed armed protection jiena, mela, Sur Loporto. Qabda pussies. They have armed protection because they get off on it. He loves that whole guns ‘n’ uniforms thing, you can tell. Or at least, I can tell. It goes with his entire far right, hardline, authoritarian Georg Haider outlook. I can also tell that if he were a bit more svelte, he would be role-playing with Codruta in some of the meanest uniforms from 20th-century history, all of which unoftunately belong to the nastiest regimes.]

  14. silvioloporto says:

    A point you must have missed, was I did not say just ministers but etc.

    What I had in mind where even journalists who of course need protection, and I can remember some who had police protection in front of their houses, for months on end.
    And rightly so.

    [Daphne – Actually that was foisted on me, Mr Loporto. I couldn’t get rid of them soon enough. They worked on shifts and some of them were clearly Peeping Toms and spies. When the Police Commissioner again insisted I accept police protection in the run-up to the last general election, I told him that if he sent them without my permission I would accidentally set the dogs on them. He insisted and insisted and eventually gave up. As if I want that level of tseksik around me.]

  15. mf says:

    I cannot trace any Sheehan in my copy of the electoral register, GO directory or online directory in Gzira.

    Can someone with access to recent data confirm if there is such a surname registered in Triq Wied il-Kappara?

    Or maybe the lady in question has another surname?

    [Daphne – Sheehan’s mother does not live in Triq Wied il-Kappara, Tal-Qroqq. That’s where Sheehan confronted Smith with a gun after chasing him FROM his mother’s house in Gzira. Then he chased him again into the tunnel.]

  16. mf says:

    Not sure if we are on the same wave length, but as far as I know, as I have to pass through that street at least twice daily, Triq Wied il-Kappar is in Gzira.

    It is a one way just off/opposite the school’s side gate before one makes a right turn and then a left which takes you to the school’s main gate and on to the National Swimming Pool.

    And as a matter of fact I was wondering if any cars, which are daily parked across, might have been hit.

    [Daphne – Yes, that’s the one. But it’s not where Sheehan’s mother lives. I don’t think of the National Pool Area as Gzira. I think of it as Msida/Tal-Qroqq.]

  17. Philip says:

    That he was in Gzira doing a deal of sorts, did cross my mind.

    If you did scrape some other car’s mirror and got out of your car to …apologise? Examine the damage? Whatever the reason you got out of your car.

    Now that’s hardly a reason to have a gun pulled on you. Something more sinister was going on. Surely.

  18. anthony says:

    The answer to your question is simple.

    Manwel carries his 500,000 euros in cash with him all the time stashed in his pants.

    That is the reason why he looks exactly like the Michelin Man.

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