You have to have SOME brass neck

Published: November 25, 2014 at 1:52pm

cyrus engerer brass neck

44 Comments Comment

  1. Wilson says:

    Says somebody distributing revenge porn to strangers.

  2. Towni says:

    Cyrus Engerer, the picture distribution expert.

  3. Jozef says:

    Bear with him, he’s quite the expert in how posting photos may be against the law.

  4. aidan says:

    Darb ohra imissa hadet ritratt ta’ xi ministru gharwien huta u tibaghtu anonimament lil Muscat, jew tispara xi tlett tiri go xi karozza, biex ma jiskandalizzax ruhu Cyrus.

  5. chair says:

    So it’s not against the rules to steal an ex lover’s sex pics and send them anonymously to his work colleagues and employers. Should Ann Fenech be prosecuted and if found guilty would she be entitled to a place in the VVIP sections and a job in Brussels?

  6. pablo says:

    Another skip dweller who ended up “doing time in a Brussels prison”.

  7. Kevin says:

    Cyrus Engerer breaks the law and is convicted of revenge porn. Gets an iced bun for switching sides and selling his political convictions and loyalties so he can now pontificate from Brussels.

  8. Appalled says:


    How can Simon Busuttil justify this callous rule-breaking? And from a lawyer no less.

    No ifs, no buts, Simon Busuttil should resign. Immediately.

    Well, that’s what they’re saying on Cyrus’ facebook page, so it must be right (on which note, what sort of masochist shares personal information with Cyrus on facebook?)

    • Kevin says:

      Simon Busuttil was very negative. I am equally appalled at his negative behaviour. It was simply too negative. He didn’t talk about the real issues that concern people.

      (Actually Muscat was right. Simon Busuttil didn’t talk about the issues that normally concerned people. The leader of the opposition simply talked about moral concerns and ethical principles. Very unimportant and negative)

  9. Big Daddy says:

    I’m sure he’s only objecting because there are no naked people in the picture.

  10. FP says:

    … said Eyjafjallajökull to the kettle.

  11. gn says:

    Miniex nara porn images jien.

    Ara min irid jitkellem ta.

  12. etil says:

    The photos expert is talking. Jerk.

  13. Orlando Ellul Micallef says:

    Suldat tar-ram.

  14. Dott Abjad says:

    Cyrus should watch out that that brass neck of his doesn’t get broken sometime sooner or later.

  15. Tabatha White says:

    Has he taken to disguising himself recently?

  16. Peter Grech says:

    U Cyrus liema regola kiser meta ppublika ritratti tas-sieheb tieghu fuq l-internet?

  17. Kukku_Malti says:

    What a farce! This guy is totally out of control, like the rest of his minion friends who are desperately trying to govern this little island democracy.

    What cheek, posting about breaking the law, when he was sentenced for revenge porn.

    PS – You should check out the number of people commenting on his post. Qed jaqlawlu.

  18. Mila says:

    Think about it, if they prosecute her (behind closed doors, mind you) and she is found guilty, she would then be in with a chance for an invite from your spineless PM to meet Prince William.

    Now that’s a plan.

    Any innovative ideas on the use of porn lately?

  19. bob-a-job says:

    Cyrus Engerer jibqa ikisser ir-regoli tad-dicenza.

  20. The Mole says:

    How does he know that she took the photo, and did not find it online, and just used it? Jackass.

  21. Pandora says:

    I know I am being finicky and there are more serious events that we should be worrying about. However, this photo just shows the LP’s “u ejja ha mmorru attitude” and lack of professionalism:

    Couldn’t they remove the post-it note before taking the photo? Is Kevin Drake still responsible for PR at the MTA?

    And then this:
    Is the Super One antenna emitting some special signal to make all the jerks creep out of their ratholes?

    Thank you Ms. Caruana Galizia for your sterling work. This website does not only provide us with real, unfiltered news but it is also cathartic.

    • Mila says:

      No, all the jerks have by now caught on that sleeze is the only thing which will get you an iced bun these days. Being jeks they do not hesitate to bring forth the sleeze.

      Removing rotten bits is never pleasant but it should be done sooner rather that later.

  22. Towni says:

    He just deleted everything on his FB page.

  23. darryn says:

    Cyrus, you have the cheek? Ksirt tant regoli inti?

  24. Manuel says:

    Well, Cyrus, Anne Fenech was not tried in a court of justice and found guilty and then whisked off to Brussels to get a cosy job, compliments of the PM.

    Wiccek u sormok, l-istess. And honestly, in your case, you cannot tell the difference.

  25. WhoamI? says:

    He’s annoyed because there is absolutely nothing compromising in that picture (apart from the fact that she broke the rules).

    He was probably expecting her to share naked pictures of her ex-boyfriend.

  26. TC says:

    What are you saying Cyrus, that Ann Fenech should now be awarded an iced bun just like you?

  27. The Mole says:

    Come to think of it, did he break the same rules for distributing it?

  28. La Redoute says:

    Exactly what is the point of that ridiculous rule, anyway? There are no copyright issues, and certainly no security concerns, given that the prime minister himself thought it unimportant to follow security rules introduced by the speaker.

  29. Mila says:

    Actully Engerer’s post made me Wiki him. Don’t ask we why! But I was amused with the portrait painted of him and how the wording leads one to understand that he was vindicated in his theory that he and his father were targeted because he had switched.

    I also went to the ‘Inkjesta’ report that Wiki states supports the fact that his family was a political target and that the charges and prosecution were politically motivated to destroy his LP star candidature. I was bemused to read that his father had five previous drug convictions, who knew?! So it was the 6th one which was because of Engerer switching then.

    Mr logic if ever there was one. With some people, one runs the risk of having a permanently raised eyebrow.

  30. Angus Black says:

    X’regoli hemm bejnek u bejn Debattista, Engerer?

  31. C.G says:

    Dan ma jisthix jider fil-pubbliku?

  32. ta wied is sewda. says:

    XXX porn hub is disgusted.

  33. PWG says:

    Min ha jitkaza.

  34. dg says:

    M’ghandekx x’taghmel Cyrus Engerer? Mhux li kien kellek ftit mill-kapacita u s-serjeta ta’ nies bhal Ann Fenech.

  35. catharsis says:

    Il diavolo predica la castita.

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