You’re wrong, Balzan. Leisure Clothing was set up by the Labour government in conjunction with the Chinese communists.

Published: November 3, 2014 at 1:28pm

saviour balzan

You’d think that Saviour Balzan, with all that newsroom at his disposal, would do the elementary thing of checking documents at the Companies Registry instead of propagating the lie (or did he start the lie?) that Leisure Clothing was set up by the Fenech Adami administration post 1987.

It was set up by the Labour government of the early 1980s, and that is exactly why Jimmy Magro was chairman when the Nationalist Party was elected in 1987.

In his keenness to blame the Nationalist Party or the Evil Bile Blogger Of Malice (ara min irid jitkellem, ukoll) for anything and everything except the power station, which he never investigates or mentions, our florid hero trips up regularly. Surely he could have plundered his Libel Fund for the few euros to pay for access to those documents.

I look forward to the next big Malta Today in-depth investigation on Electrogas, Shanghai Electric, Enemalta, KonRat Mizzi and our mate Joseph. Or an even bigger one on the fate of Air Malta.

I won’t expect one on the nature of the Labour Party’s meetings, led by Toni Abela, with the Chinese Communist Party. Doubtless Saviour Balzan has all the facts or most of them, because Toni Abela is not just his best buddy along with Wen Zhou Mintoff, but also Malta Today’s lawyer.

23 Comments Comment

  1. Not Sandy:P says:

    Saviour Balzan could have accessed the information for free:

    Company Registration Number C 8265
    Registration Date Aug 27, 1986
    Registered Office B31,
    City/Locality ZEJTUN
    Country MALTA

  2. Makjavel says:

    Xi tridu jaghmel, jekk ghadu jerda.

  3. Jozef says:

    Hu pacenzja bih Daphne, ghax qatt ma gietu f’rasu li seta’ jixtri Ciniza. Ara Dalli, tieghu ghaddieha lil huh, dak li jilbes ta’ qassis.

  4. BLUE says:

    I agree with you Daphne, that was a Labour government factory with the Chinese government. Where was Saviour that time when there were many Chinese factories.

  5. Salvu says:

    “Sorsi mill-Pulizija qalu li jafu min hu imma m’għandhomx il-prova biex isammruh.”

    The police main concern is to find out who gave the details to journalists, rather than concentrating on who is behind all this Leisure Clothing saga.

    Worse still, the illum journalist quotes the police as follows “…wieħed irid jiftakar li din il-fabbrika dejjem kellha l-benidizzjoni tal-gvernijiet kollha, safrattant kien hemm bosta ministri li kienu jintlibsu minn din il-fabbrika!”

    So basically, if subsequent governments approved and/or turned a blind eye on this abuse, then the police cannot or maybe shouldn’t do anything today.


    • canon says:

      I’m sure the first thing that Labour did was to check with Leisure Clothing whether any Nationalist minister ever went to the factory for gifts. Although I have the feeling that John Dalli didn’t stand back.

    • Peppa Pig says:

      L-aqwa li ghandna l-Whistleblower Act.

  6. ciccio says:

    Mela Toni Abela ma hadux mieghu ic-Cina, mqar fil-bagalja, lil Saver, halli jerggha jiekol daqsxejn Peking duck?

  7. PWG says:

    Saviour Balzan, you moron. Whether or not Leisure Clothing started operating under a PN government or a Labour one is totally immaterial.

    The police have to bring to book anyone involved in this scandal.

    The PN is fully aware that the factory operated throughout its term in office and that its party officials could also have been involved in a cover-up. The more credit then to Il-Mument for investigating the case irrespective of the potential political fallout.

  8. Manuel says:

    Saviour Balzan: blow-jobbing Labour since 2004.

  9. bob-a-job says:

    All he had to do was look up his own archive or ask James Debono.

    MaltaToday Sunday, 09 September 2007

    A Chinese-owned, Malta-based clothing company has for two decades used the jobs of a few Maltese employees as leverage to secure the employment of many more Chinese workers, MaltaToday can reveal. Set up in August 1986 as a joint venture between Malta Government Investment Limited and the Chongqing regional authorities, Leisure Clothing Ltd was originally obliged to employ 96 Maltese workers and 21 Chinese workers.

  10. bob-a-job says:

    In August 1986 (Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici – MLP Government) the Maltese government had 45,000 shares in Leisure Clothing Ltd, while the Chinese had 105,000 shares.

  11. bob-a-job says:

    Bortex subcontracts to Leisure Clothing Ltd.

    Ethical Policy
    Bortex Clothing Ltd follows the labour standards recommended by the Fair Wear Foundation. The Labour standards are based on the Conventions of the International Labour Organisation and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

    1. Employment is freely chosen
    2. There is no discrimination in employment
    3. No exploitation of child labour
    4. Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining
    5. Payment of a living wage
    6. No excessive working hours
    7. No discrimination is practised
    8. Decent working conditions
    9. Regular employment must be provided
    10. No Harsh or inhumane treatment is allowed
    11. Fire safety

  12. bob-a-job says:

    Maltatoday Sunday August 19, 2007

    ‘For the past 20 years Bortex had sub-contracted work to Leisure Clothing’

  13. M says:

    Is this a democratic society in 2014? Seems like we would rather point fingers anywhere and at everyone as long as we keep the lid firmly on the corruption pot.

  14. Kif inhi din? says:

    What a ‘boathouse’ mentality! It has been happening for years so that makes it OK.

  15. zuzzu says:

    The illegal boathouses are going to have domestic meters, and we owners of legal boathouses have commercial meters. Is this fair for MALTA TAGHNA LKOLL?

  16. Albert Laferla says:

    Is this chap for real? What a scumbag you are, Mr. Balzan – a bloody liar, imbarazz, giddieb, u laghqi. SHAME on you, int u dawk kollha madwarek.

  17. silvio Farrugia says:

    He forgot how much money he took for that programme under the Nationalists and thanks for being in EU. RATS all of you.

  18. Tabatha White says:

    What a bitter man Saviour has become.

    He and his sister Mariella Dimech are a pair of goons for this government.

    I suppose the new wife wasn’t much help either, with that sour attitude and acidic temperament.

    I often wonder whether Julian Manduca would recognise him now. Why do I have this image of him looking down, shaking his head in disappointment? As though I am looking at his left profile before me.

    When you look at life through a bog, you become part of the dirt, Saviour.

    Too late to wash it all off. It’s going to have stuck.

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