I couldn’t for the life of me figure out how the PM had come to make this partiuclar choice. Considering that nothing else does, by shape is as good a guess as any. We will have to see if the new shape works.
He was the government spokesman. We’ll need to see if anything changes there.
I see it as Joseph Muscat’s “Hu go fik” moment of showing who’s in charge, knowing full well that his own (political) head currently belongs off his body.
This week we got as promised an earthquake when elected in government and every week we get seismic waves,such as this appointment of new Police Minister.
Just think – with the money we now save by making Carmelo Abela do something for a living – we can keep the eternal flames in Floriana alight ‘eternally’ and not just during office hours.
Manwel Mallia: Niddikjara li jien nibqa’ nwiegeb ‘mhux hati’ ghall-akkuzi migjuba kontra tieghi. Id-decizjoni tal-Bord tinsab sospiza ghax ghadni kemm tfajt appell minn dawk li jintrebah zgur.
Press: Jigifieri qed tghid li ghadek il-Ministru tal-Pulizija, l-Armata u x-Xandir avolja gie mahtur…
Mallia: Jien ghadni prezunt innocenti la darba appellajt mis-sentenza. Carmelo Abela jaf ben tajjeb li f’dan l-istadju qed jagixxi ta’ impostur. Ghalhekk tajt struzzjonijiet lil Silvio Scerri biex jikkompila kaz kontra tieghu sabiex jinvestigah il-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija.
Press: Imma Joseph Muscat kecciek u hatar lil Abela.
Mallia: Me ne frego minn Joseph Muscat jien! Lil Joseph nghidlu ‘tghallem imxi qabel tigri, ibni.’
Issa keccihomli ‘l barra minn hawn, Sheehan, u min jitkessah sparalu.
The new 112 hotline.
I couldn’t for the life of me figure out how the PM had come to make this partiuclar choice. Considering that nothing else does, by shape is as good a guess as any. We will have to see if the new shape works.
He was the government spokesman. We’ll need to see if anything changes there.
I see it as Joseph Muscat’s “Hu go fik” moment of showing who’s in charge, knowing full well that his own (political) head currently belongs off his body.
That’s very good. At least Stan Laurel is not a criminal lawyer.
No, he’s just a brown-noser who’s managed to accumulate three jobs under this government.
This week we got as promised an earthquake when elected in government and every week we get seismic waves,such as this appointment of new Police Minister.
Veni Veni Emmanuel !
Dak Ciangura tal-Madonna tas-suwed?
Just think – with the money we now save by making Carmelo Abela do something for a living – we can keep the eternal flames in Floriana alight ‘eternally’ and not just during office hours.
Manwel Mallia: Niddikjara li jien nibqa’ nwiegeb ‘mhux hati’ ghall-akkuzi migjuba kontra tieghi. Id-decizjoni tal-Bord tinsab sospiza ghax ghadni kemm tfajt appell minn dawk li jintrebah zgur.
Press: Jigifieri qed tghid li ghadek il-Ministru tal-Pulizija, l-Armata u x-Xandir avolja gie mahtur…
Mallia: Jien ghadni prezunt innocenti la darba appellajt mis-sentenza. Carmelo Abela jaf ben tajjeb li f’dan l-istadju qed jagixxi ta’ impostur. Ghalhekk tajt struzzjonijiet lil Silvio Scerri biex jikkompila kaz kontra tieghu sabiex jinvestigah il-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija.
Press: Imma Joseph Muscat kecciek u hatar lil Abela.
Mallia: Me ne frego minn Joseph Muscat jien! Lil Joseph nghidlu ‘tghallem imxi qabel tigri, ibni.’
Issa keccihomli ‘l barra minn hawn, Sheehan, u min jitkessah sparalu.
Jien tlaqt nara loghba boxin.
[Daphne – Boksink.]
Joseph Muscat’s continued attempts to force-feed the doublespeak are highly disconcerting.
There is no humility, no recognition of error, no shame, no effort whatsoever to put things on the right track.
“Another fine mess you got me into, Ollie”!