A police officer who removes evidence is also capable of planting it
Inspector Gabriel Micallef, who has been suspended from the police corps under police bail, following heavy interrogation after he allegedly removed wasted cartridges, which came from his sister’s boyfriend’s gun, from the scene of the crime, is head of the Drug Squad.
This is beyond shocking. Gabriel Micallef is no ordinary policeman, no ordinary inspector.
I remarked on this website some days ago that politicians who are capable of removing and deleting evidence against somebody are also capable of planting evidence against somebody.
The same applies to police officers. And when you’re in charge of the Drug Squad, that is no small matter.
The police should seize the opportunity and work out what else this man has been up to, that his father – Inspector Frans Micallef known as Id-Devil – has been able to acquire extensive property assets like Ta’ Guzeppi Farmhouse in Triq L-Imgieret (for yes, he owns it and they do not rent it, as I have just discovered) after bringing up four children in a government flat on a policeman’s salary.
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Whilst at the same time, a Police Sergeant, who I happen to know personally is taken to court and framed for deleting part of a report apparently
Back to the 80s….
I only met Sergeant Balzan Engerer once, about 5 weeks ago when he coordinated a rescue attempt to save a drowning man in Sliema.
[Daphne – Didn’t they give him a certificate of merit for saving a man? They gave one to Manuel Mallia’s driver and his girlfriend’s father Id-Devil (Inspector Frans Micallef) for catching a man who shot a stork that landed in Inspector Devil’s garden at Ta’ Guzeppi Farmhouse, L-Imgieret.]
On that day I was impressed by his dedication to duty, his concern for the lives of civilians and his professional approach. I am morally convinced that Sergeant Leroy Balzan Engerer would never do anything so unprofessional and irresponsible and I would like to publicly offer him my support and solidarity.
And once at it, why don’t you ask how numerous reports of insubordinate behaviour and highly suspicious activity, since Gabriel Micallef was a constable, remained hardly noticed, to the point that he was promoted to sergeant and then to inspector. And these shameful promotions, under the most illustrious Commissioner, Mr. John Rizzo, not under the Labour government.
The person in charge of the scene of the crime has a lot to answer for as well as the police commissioner who should give an explanation as to why crime scenes are allowed to potentially be contaminated by those who are not working the scene. He should also explain why being a police officer seems to carry a golden key into any area, not to metion the fact that the suspect seems to have free reign as well.
Everyone is hiding behind the inquiry, even though an explanation into what the public can and should expect officers to do at the scene of a crime is in the public’s interest.
What do they say, ‘to serve and protect’? Indeed!
It is a real shame for all good officers out there. Lack of support from their superior only increases the danger they face on their job. And for what,? Is it to protect those that bring the police force and good officers into disrepute?
Are Paul Sheehan and Gabriel Micallef still running loose?
I know that they have been suspended for now, but don’t think they’re in custody yet, are they?
Isn’t it rather baffling that a police sergeant has been taken into custody form allegedly deleting (seemingly less-relevant) bits of the report, while one accused of shooting at another person and another accused of serious tampering with evidence at a crime scene (or two) are still out?
Well if their country’s leadership does it, why should they believe that they shouldn’t do it?
I know for a fact that there have been people who have been prosecuted and have bore the brunt of others taking advantage of their username and password in other government institutions. It was the police who prosecuted them so the police must be aware of the potential for crime. This of course if they could not figure it out in theory. This practice is absurd:
”Nifhmu li fil-fatt hi prassi komuni ħafna li minħabba li Kuntistabbli u anki Rekluti m’għandhomx aċċess għal din is-sistema, dawk li għandhom dan l-aċċess – sew Surġenti kif ukoll Fizzjali oħra – jidħlu huma f’din is-sistema u mbagħad iħalluha miftuħa u disponibbli għal dawk il-kollegi tagħhom li jkunu jridu jużawha għal skop ta’ xogħol.”
Access is usually given, partially given or not given according to the seniority in a place of work. This usually happens for a reason. What is being said here is that recruits end up having the same access as senior police officers, including, it seems, retrieval and deletion options, but no worries, that’s the way it’s always done!
Are there CCTV cameras in Police Stations?
But Daphne,
There is a reasonable explanation how his father coulf afford to biy such a property.
Under this government all police officers all have a salary equivalent to Sai Mizzi. She has set the benchmark of government salaries.
All others are monkeys and we live on a xoo. Called Malta.
I recall a brothel not so long ago in a farmhouse right about the same place as this.
The point you make cannot be over-emphasised and people need to tattoo it on their foreheads.
I am told that any text on a hard disk, which has been deleted, could be retrieved. The police have this special programme, I’m sure.
And when this is openly allowed to happen, the same is valid across the cabinet and across government institutions that have undergone Taghna Lkoll rehabilitation.