Shame on them, not even capable of writing a simple word. What a waste, all that money spent on duration, by the prior government. That is why Joseph got into power so easily, these people’s heads are filled with sawdust.
Unbelievable! Plus of course the destroyed pavement with loose stones a trip hazard and spilling onto the road.
The huge truck parked in a way where the bus has to overtake by swerving onto the fast lane. As well as the truck leaving no room for pedestrians so they too must walk right into the path of fast moving vehicles.
I thought that rust was one of the things which are not allowed in VRT. Do trucks go for a VRT?
It could be a natural gas filling station, a real non-Arriva Bus stop, a PO box stop and a potential limb breaking stop taking you to Mater Dei. And if you dont be careful it could be a dead end stop with that parked truck.leading straight to the mortuary. Stop
Dak huwa sinjal ta’ kemm hu progressiv dan il-gvern u kemm jaħseb il-quddiem.
Tal-linja li jaħdmu bid-diesel huma fabbrika oħra tal-kanċer u għalhekk fil-kuntratt il-ġdid se jagħmluhom jaħdmu bil-ġass. Biex tintuza enerġija rinnovabbli, waqt li l-passiġġieri jkunu wieqfa jistennew, jkunu mistennija jogħqodu jbossu; ergo BOS STOP.
Clearly a far cry from the UK where painting these signs is nothing short of a dance. Just a few chalk markings and the rest is done by hand, to perfection.
Incredible how one (or more) can miss-spell a three letter word which is one of the first words children usually learn how to spell/read.
Lowest common denominator = Lejber voter simples
Insew l-ahhar S
Shame on them, not even capable of writing a simple word. What a waste, all that money spent on duration, by the prior government. That is why Joseph got into power so easily, these people’s heads are filled with sawdust.
Manuel Mallia’s reserved parking spot.
Perhaps that was meant to a BOSS-Manuel Mallia comes to mind.
I think I’m going to cry
It’s probably where Manuel Mallia “the Boss” should stop
Typical Labour – what low standards.
Hlief b*ss m’ghandniex.
It is a pit stop for Don Manuel.
Are they doing this on purpose? Why not ask l-akkademja for advice? Perhaps it is spelt like that in Maltese.
Nahseb li kieku l-akkademja tiktibha BASS STOP kif sejrin l-affarijiet biha.
This is plain sabotage of the administration.
The word bus is spelt BUS in all the 200 countries in the world.
Even completely illiterate people can tell what BUS stands for.
If a bus is waiting on the bus stop, there’s no way in hell that other cars are able to see that “40” sign.
This word easily sums up the level of education of our present Govt.
u le kif jista jkun….surely somebody felt like joining the U for a good laugh…and, if this is the case, well done, mission accomplished.
I told you yesterday didn’t I.
There’s plenty more where that came from.
BASS Stop would have been equally excellent PL stuff.
like a boss
Unbelievable! Plus of course the destroyed pavement with loose stones a trip hazard and spilling onto the road.
The huge truck parked in a way where the bus has to overtake by swerving onto the fast lane. As well as the truck leaving no room for pedestrians so they too must walk right into the path of fast moving vehicles.
I thought that rust was one of the things which are not allowed in VRT. Do trucks go for a VRT?
Keep calm and wait for Joe Mizzi’s BOS
This sort of posts used to be mildly amusing, but now they’re just taking up space and drawing attention away from the real issues.
If one parks on a BOS STOP, will one be given a penalty ticket by the traffic wardens?
Spelling aid for the Spanish buses……..when they arrive.
I agree with Helen. It’s an abbreviation for Bus Of Spain.
Imma kif ma jibghux jaqghu ghan-nejk?
That must be the future site of one of the power station gas tanks
It’s a subliminal message for Mizzi: Boss, Stop.
The level of mediocrity today in EVERYTHING we do as a public service defeats belief. Incompetence at its worst.
Nothing that a bit of black paint cannot fix.
Oh how I wish that they stop making the curb (kerb) stones out of chalk.
Given that most Labourites are Mintoff clones, you would think that in these cases they’d use a template.
Was that pavement broken in rage at the typo? “Haqq Q*ll*c ghamilt zball!’
Aside from the spelling mistake, look at that pavement. Is this a photo from Afghanistan after decades of war, or Malta, a member of the EU? DISASTER
Must we advertise our illiteracy and rank incompetence in adequate supervision, so blatantly?
Told you the sign said stop farting; now look what you’ve done to the kerb and pavement!
I dont’know where this sign is. But i think its missing and ‘s’ and could be meant as a reserved parking space for Boss Manwel’s GM14.
Uwijja ittra wahda hemm zbaljata….u xorta nesa jaghmel ‘S’ ohra fl-ahhar.
Hello, is anybody home?
It could be a natural gas filling station, a real non-Arriva Bus stop, a PO box stop and a potential limb breaking stop taking you to Mater Dei. And if you dont be careful it could be a dead end stop with that parked truck.leading straight to the mortuary. Stop
They dropped an ‘s’ … Cwiec
Illiterate incompetents have taken over the ship of state. They aren’t even able to use spell check.
They haven’t understood the new rules for Maltese spelling. Clearly it should be BASS STOPP.
They probably wrote stopp correctly but we cannot tell from the photo.
Incidentally was our Prime Minister stamping his feet on that pavement ?
The Chairman of Transport Malta should resign.
Dak huwa sinjal ta’ kemm hu progressiv dan il-gvern u kemm jaħseb il-quddiem.
Tal-linja li jaħdmu bid-diesel huma fabbrika oħra tal-kanċer u għalhekk fil-kuntratt il-ġdid se jagħmluhom jaħdmu bil-ġass. Biex tintuza enerġija rinnovabbli, waqt li l-passiġġieri jkunu wieqfa jistennew, jkunu mistennija jogħqodu jbossu; ergo BOS STOP.
I think they do it on purpose.
I eat Allbran on purpose
Besides, who’s brilliant idea was it to put that bus stop just a mere metre from an entrance or exit?
To make matters worse it looks like some building construction is taking place behind the boundary wall.
The damage to the pavement (which is too narrow for passersby) shows how safe it is for people to stay there waiting for a bus.
What about the parked truck obstructing the view of the road that might cause some traffic jams or accident?
A place where people can stop have the motherf*cker of all farts.
Does one laugh or cry?
I’m crying … with laughter.
Clearly a far cry from the UK where painting these signs is nothing short of a dance. Just a few chalk markings and the rest is done by hand, to perfection.
They c*nt do any better.
In the circumstances, the least they could have done was to look at the standing ‘bus stop’ sign for inspiration.
L-ahjar fl-Ewropa ha nkunu. Tal-biki.
And what about the new bus lane near the Msida Labour Party Club?
You only realise that you are sitting on a hot potato when you arrive at its end. The government will make a bucket of euros from it.
Nice ploy to fill the treasury.
Ma jistax ikun! This picture is made up.
[Daphne – No, it isn’t.]