And inevitably, Miss Joseph gets bitchy

Published: December 10, 2014 at 9:01pm


As expected, the prime minister is channelling his inner 13-year-old girl in parliament tonight, lashing out all over the place and not even considering how that looks.

Instead of using his talk-time to try to claw back some sense of respect in the ongoing Red Bullfrog fiasco, he has gone into default mode: “Ghax ma tarax x’ghamilt int”.

It doesn’t wash. The public mood has shifted completely and now he just looks stupid and desperate doing this kind of thing.

He’s also totally flipped out on the Opposition leader, trying to hold him accountable for this and that. Deputy PM Louis Grech should shake himself awake, tug at his boss’s jacket and whisper: “Pssst, Joe – ftakar li int il-prim mhux Simon.”

The most ridiculous thing the prime minister said is that he is going to set the Opposition leader “a test every month”. I think he’s joined the screwball PN rejects tossing about in his bag of nuts – his screws have come loose, too (must be the pressure).

It’s the Opposition leader who is there to test the prime minister (it’s in the name) and not the other way round.

This man can’t cope with the stress. Everything’s been coming his way since birth, and now at the age of 41 it suddenly isn’t, and he can’t hack it.

35 Comments Comment

  1. Patrik says:

    You haven’t used the word “kvetch” enough lately. Time to dust it off.

  2. Wilson says:

    NFP: besides, Maltese men are as touchy as a little teenage girl even when they are 80 years old. No one seems to take criticism at all.

  3. Adrian says:

    The prime minister has finally realised that he is not invincible, and he seems shocked to realise that there is an Opposition after all.

  4. New Yorker says:

    Why is the head of the Drug Squad not being charged in court?

    He has been implicated in the inquiry. The Malta Independent is reports that “there is lack of evidence against Inspector Gabriel Micallef”. Is this a cover-up of a cover-up?

  5. di says:

    Muscat is breaking down because he is the result of a marketing exercise he cannot live up to.

  6. KS says:

    How is this title not misogynistic?

    It seems to indicate that he has to become a she before being able to spew that stuff.

    I appreciate that political correctness can be taken too far and I trust your judgement on where to draw the line much more than my own, but I wouldn’t even consider this title as borderline.

    This is honestly a question. I’m not trying to act smart and I promise I’m not smirking.

    [Daphne – ‘Bitchy’ has as much to do with gender as it has to do with dogs, KS. It’s a descriptor for a type of behaviour. These people are all extremely bitchy: Jeffrey Pullicino, Franco Debono, Jesmond Mugliett, John Dalli, Jason Micallef, Joseph Muscat. You will notice that not one of them is a woman.]

  7. Makjavel says:

    Those whom the gods wish to destroy, they first drive mad.

  8. Watcher of lies and a child paying prime minister says:

    Next thing he may see is an internal coupe d’état especially if the party sees a crash in the polls.

    The MLP did not get re-elected for a 1996 repeat.

    It will do its utmost to hang on to that hard-earned, much awaited chance of a power grab. The got elected, they think, and they think they have a God-given right to think that, for 15 or more years not 5 years (or less).

    They just cannot let Joseph do the impossible and lose 36,000 votes in 5 years.
    Mathematically speaking,

    Sant did just that in 1998. He managed to reverse a swing of 21,000 vote in less than 2 years. Hence, the Maltese voters can easily swing 50,000 in 5 years. But that’s maths not politics. So it could be less, or more.

    • Watcher of lies and a child paying prime minister says:

      The Australian Labour Party did just that to Julia Gillard following her polls crash due to her ONE SINGLE LIE

  9. Watcher of lies and a child paying prime minister says:

    The Australian Labour Party did just that to Julia Gillard following her polls crash due to her ONE SINGLE LIE.

  10. Daisy Wells says:

    Spot on as always, dear Daphne. You can read him like an open book. He is so crass.

    His voice slips into coarseness as soon as he feels like that cornered rat, taking out his claws to protect himself.

  11. ciccio says:

    If Manwel Mallia is wise enough to split the Labour Parliamentary group – he needs only 4 seats – then he might put Joseph Muscat in some serious trouble. For the time being, he could possibly secure 3.

    With just 4 seats, Mallia would leave the Labour government with a 1-seat majority. Enough to destabilise the government for the rest of the legislature.

    If Mallia can move 5 seats, he could even ask to be sworn in as Prime Minister. Which of course will not happen, but he would still be able to call the elections.

    • erskinemay says:

      Stop talking utter rubbish

      • ciccio says:

        Tell me why you think this is rubbish. It’s politics I am talking about here, and Don Manwel Mallia the Defiant.

    • chico says:

      Got a bit muddled there. So Mallia occupies two seats?

      • ciccio says:

        Isn’t it the role of the media to analyse scenarios and hypotheses?

        The Malta Independent analysed “six potential choices” which the prime minister had about Mallia before the inquiry report was published just a few days ago.

        These are the kind of stories the media should be looking into.

      • ciccio says:

        Which is why I think the Opposition must step up the pressure on the Prime Minister and Kurt Farrugia to shoulder their responsibility for the case of 19 November, together with Mallia.

        Mallia would be right to argue that he has been chosen as a scape goat for the mistakes of a whole chain of command.

        And Mallia is still defiant and insisting about his innocence. Can you imagine him telling the Prime Minister “Aw siehbi” right now?

  12. Natalie Mallett says:

    Simon Busuttil’s speech was calm, cool and clear. He has a knack of dealing with Muscat and is very precise with facts and arguments.

    He mentioned that the PM had left the House, so that the listening public would know that he had. That brought the PM back.

    I was listening to the debate on the radio and while Mario Demarco was giving his excellent speech, GM13 went past my car.

    Does anyone know who it belongs to? Couldn’t he face the Opposition anymore?

  13. Mila says:

    Has he suddenly run out of funds to pay for his marketing/spin people? He seems to have gone off at a tangent.

  14. RF says:

    The midget impostor.

  15. simca says:

    Simon can ask Frankie Tabone for help with his tests.

  16. Jozef says:

    Test 1.

    How does a PM promise a power station in two years to reduce energy production costs and thus reduce tariffs?

    Discuss with examples.

  17. anthony says:

    This pathetic twerp still cannot understand that he is the Prime Minister.

    He is the primus inter pares.

    The head of the executive.

    He is neither the Leader of the Opposition nor a Super One hack.

    He is not there to test the Leader of the Opposition.

    He is there to, supposedly, lead the country.

    Can somebody please drum this into his turnip of a head.

    Malta is currently without a de facto head.

    Without a PM.


    • rjc says:

      Simon Busuttil was right when he said that what happened during the night of the shooting was typical of Super One’s newsroom.

  18. Gahan says:

    Next Friday’s Xarabank program is on the Gzira shooting.

    F’Xarabank ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa…

    Ħa niddiskutu l-isparaturi tax-xufier tal-ex Ministru Manuel Mallia… U dak kollu li ġara f’dawn l-aħħar ġranet…

    INTI x’taħseb? … Aħna nixtiequ niltaqgħu miegħek.

    Ċemplilna 21249200 /

  19. Aston says:

    Remarkably thin skinned for a Prime Minister. That trait will be his downfall, I’m pretty sure of it.

  20. Wigi says:

    An expression used to insult someone’s intelligence or decision making ability.

  21. Wenzu Cole says:

    What do you think about the Carm Mifsud Bonnici accusation?

    [Daphne – You mean the Muscat accusation. Carm Mifsud Bonnici made no accusations. Muscat’s accusation was beyond sad and pathetic, and Mifsud Bonnici’s reply was perfect and pointed.]

    • Tabatha White says:

      Times of Malta could be more precise with nuance given to words.

      “Insisted” is weak.

      Carm Mifsud Bonnici was not at all weak in how he went about the reply.

      “Asserted” is stronger.

      Nuance helps shape opinion.

      There needs to be more responsibility as to nuance given.

  22. U Le! says:

    A test per month. Hmmm, that brought out some inner repressed memory that we had a teacher who used this tactic way back at St. Aloysius College. Could have been Form 2 religion but not sure.

  23. Francis Saliba M.D. says:

    Manuel Mallia has been castigated for continuing to do as a minister what he had been doing so well in his previous incarnation as a defender of criminals.

    That is not so different from the Labour Party penchant for defending errant judges from the impeachments they may deserve.

    The major difference in this case that in the public eye he has been embroiled in a systematic cover-up lies.

    But he is only one among many in the Labour Party mess.

    He is a scapegoat and he is not the only one.

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