Anton Attard calls the shots at PBS – so why isn’t he doing something about this mess?
December 18, 2014 at 6:46pm
TVM’s internet portal has seen a rapid decline in standards since it was taken over by people who came in from the Labour Party and Union Press media. It is operating to THEIR standards and using their language, terminology, choice of stories and reporting style.
Now they are even using the kind of terminology we heard Paul Sheehan use when calling the police control room.
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“Hello, 112? Ibghatli l-tal-PBS issa. Hawn wiehed bit-trakk, faqaghli l-Pajero. Harabli. Pam. Pam. Tajtu zewg tiri, ha nghidlek.”
112: “U ijja. Bghattomlok. Tal-PBS.”
“OK, siehbi.”
Hlejtu fuqu siehbi…..
As Rigoletto says, “vil razza dannata!”
Because he’s not exactly the brightest crayon in the drawer either.
Anton u Lou, x’deluzjoni ta’ nies. Ghal flus naghmlu kollox.
Maybe he is doing a Lou Bondi?
DAK verament faqa karozza.
My thoughts exactly. And allowing Eddie Fenech Adami to be referred to as ex-deputat tal-PN. Wara li ghamlu nies.
Converts are the worst extremists. In this case these switchers become the greatest self gratifying opportunists ever.
It’s not even the trailer but the truck that ‘burst’ the car.
And shouldn’t that be ‘trejler’ and ‘Pegero’ ?