“Aw sir, gibtlek is-silg minghand il-klabb ta’ Hal Safi.”

Published: December 11, 2014 at 12:24am

13 Comments Comment

  1. canon says:

    Manuel Mallia said in a letter sent he sent to Parliament that two persons who knew the truth and more facts about the shooting incident didn’t testify in the inquiry. Was Mallia referring to Joseph Muscat and Keith Schembri?

    • pablo says:

      That’s my feeling too. I see it in his refusal to resign.

      Muscat gave him 24 hours to go quietly and yet moved on him before that time expired.

      I think Mallia challenged his co-conspirator to do the dirty on him. Muscat bluffed back by announcing intention to appoint Mallia’s replacement.

      Mallia holds his nerve. Toni Abela is sent out to talk to him but to no avail. He then has to be replaced without a resignation announcement, but still holds a better hand than Joe Muscat.

  2. LazyTown says:

    Kiesaħ iktar minn Silvio sieħbi?

  3. Mila says:

    Was this colossal waste of taxpayer’s money costed in their concrete road map?

    Zammit must have thought that he had a right to waste recruits’ time AND speak the way he did about Shirley Farrugia.

    It sounds something ominous.


  4. J. CALLEJJA says:

    Nixtieq inkun naf x’ ghamel hazin hawn l-ex kumissarju? li dejjem kien mahbub minn ta’ rank izghar minnu
    Bniedem li dejjem kien leali lejn il-korp u jibqa , bniedem li dejjem habb iz-zighir.
    Nixtieq nistaqsik jekk int tisthix min Alla li halqek ?

    • vanni says:

      Il-Prim Ministru tant jisthi min Alla li halqu li gaghlu jirrezenja.

    • Mila says:

      One is loyal when with his professional conduct he promotes the institution and not when he suggests that evidence is removed before an inquiry. In such institutions there is and should be no distinctions between the lower ranks and others in the sense that there are rules and regulations for everyone, so it is not a question of loving one or the other, it is a question of being fair and just and following procedure.

      In order to understand this it would be a good idea if you put yourself in the shoes of the person being shot at and how you would like it that the shooter was not arrested, processed, breathalyzed and that both cars were not treated as evidence and fully processed. How would you like it if the shooter got an enhanced telephone interview with the acting Commissioner?

      Pointing out lies and injustices is not one of the things which should instil any fear of God. A criminal/crime can reach anyone at any time.

    • tinu says:

      Calleja, dahhal ftit sens f’mohhok u d-dahhalx lill Alla fin-nofs.

  5. Alf says:

    The inquiry report page 4 states “Silvio Scerri ……. fl-ahhar ikkonferma li kien ircievieha (l-istqarrija originali) u ghamel l-input tieghu fiha, fosthom iz-zieda tal-kliem “fl-ajru””.

    The above shows that whilst it was the Acting Commissioner who referred to “warning shots”, it was Silvio Scerri who added the words “fl-ajru”.

    Since, according to the inquiry report, ex-Acting Commissioner contributed towards some sort of cover-up, I wish to be illuminated how the report exculpated Silvio Scerri?

  6. caflanga says:

    Xugaman ahmar. Red bull. Il-flokk ahmar ta’ Manwel. Red flags.

  7. J. CALLEJJA says:

    X’ kilba ghandkom ghal Poter qed inighd !!! Issa m’hemx x’taghmel hlief tissaportu jiddispjacini habib !

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