Crass Hypocrite of the Year Award

Published: December 15, 2014 at 11:58am

A pity there’s no Gieh ir-Repubblika gong for this kind of thing.

This is the front-page story on Times of Malta’s print edition: “We can’t treat immigrants like animals” – Muscat

This is the man who, just a year ago with his henchman Mallia, planned to commit gross violations of human rights by ‘pushing back’ people rescued from the sea before they had time to apply for refugee status.

This is the man who, just a year ago with his henchman Mallia, told us not to make such a fuss about it because they were only ‘pushing back’ strong and healthy males – presumably on the assumption that they could withstand torture and hardship. So that’s all right, then.

This is the man who, just a year ago with his henchman Mallia, described how those strong and healthy males were separated out from the women and children (their wives and their children) like cattle at a market or slaves at the slave market.

They had Air Malta planes on standby, Mallia’s army had organised soldiers to accompany them, and the handcuffs had been sorted.

Then disaster struck for them in the form of a judicial protest filed in the Maltese courts of justice by a group of lawyers, which led to an injunction against Muscat’s and Mallia’s plans by the European Court of Human Rights.

How quickly people in Malta forget and how bad they are at gathering and assessing information. And then we wonder at the consequences.


A British newspaper headline from July last year

A British newspaper headline from July last year

18 Comments Comment

  1. dgatt says:

    For clarification’s sake, I’ve seen that you repeated this chronological error a couple of days ago. The request for an injunction was filed BEFORE the judicial protest filed by the group of lawyers. Muscat & co. were stopped by the provisional decision issued by the Court following the request for the injunction. The judicial protest was not effective in any way in stopping the Maltese Government.

  2. Stephen Borg Fiteni says:

    Give us a break. Joseph Muscat would reinstate slavery if it bought him votes.

  3. Xjim Purtani says:

    Two years before the election he was adamantly against gay adoptions, an admirable position. The rest is history.

    Leaders are allowed to change position. There is nothing abnormal about it. It could be due to a change of heart, convincing or convenience.

    [Daphne – Who told you he has changed position? That’s your problem: you think it’s a genuine stance rather than a piss-poor public relations device, like releasing the Valenzia report he has kept hidden since March 2013. That report was concluded in December 2012, just before the start of the electoral campaign. So who is to blame for concealing it this long? Joseph Muscat, not Carm Mifsud Bonnici.]

  4. Watcher of lies says:

    This aide memoir about Muscat’s gross hypocrisy should be on every front page and on the leader of the Opposition’s lips.

    Thank you, Daphne, for reminding the PL’s dementia-riddled masses about the facts.

    • RF says:

      It’s obvious that Muscat himself needs an aide memoire. As he has scarcely any values to guide him, he needs a good memory badly. Liars need to have good memories.

    • Ta'Sapienza says:

      I’ll second that. However it’s not the Labour crowd that are demented. It’s our lot, particularly the Sliema types who seem to be in permanent midlife crisis and think that it’s hip and daring to vote Labour.

      Unfortunately I can count some close family members there, who out of all people should know better.

  5. gn says:

    Dahallek animal fil-parapett bla permess, kixxi l’hemm. Dik pushback policy?

    Logika Laburista:

    Jekk Annimal = Kixxi l’hemm
    U Bniedem = Kixxi l’hemm

    Allura Bniedem = Annimal

    Imma Joseph jghidlek, “le’.
    Allura lil Joseph irridu nghallmuh li jekk bniedem mhuc animal, allura (Bniedem = NOT kixxi ‘hemm)


  6. bernie says:

    On Xarabank last Friday, Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando represented the Labour Party. He very emphatically stated that he is in for push backs.

    Unless there is a clear statement by the PL that those are his personal views, and the Labour Party/government is now against pushbacks, we have to assume that this is still government policy, and that the only thing which prevents its implementation is an injunction by the European Court of Human Rights.

  7. john doe says:

    Even though I never voted for this marmalja, I somehow found it in my heart to have a glimmer of hope that they would achieve something worthwhile, that they would prove us wrong.

    I always thought, if my business is run by these people, it would not last a week.

    I try to sometimes justify some of the things they do, the actions they take, even their MO.

    I cannot.

    Serious crimes are being committed by this government and we like idiots, sheep, ignorant morons practise omerta.

    This is not Sicily. This is not the Mafia. If we do not stand up to them they will squash us. This will be the new Baku.

    Why are we not standing up for Balzan? He is innocent and we all know it, yet no one does or say anything. Why do we let him take this shit on his own? What happened to our mentality where we protect the innocent?

    Many times I thought, hey, Daphne is over the top when she collectively calls them a bunch of useless twits (allow my paraphrasing) but I have to agree with her. Iva lanqas wiehed minhom m’hu sew?

    Saudi billionaires, dictators from Baku who have kidnapped their own daughter because she was a thorn in the side of the mother and sister, repressive China, Ukraine’s Yanukovich (I remember receiving an invitation to meet the guy when he was due in Malta). Do we do business, as long as it is business with any criminal?

    I remember as a child being dragged out on to the streets to welcome Romania’s Ceaucescu and Libya’s Gaddafi, amongst others. Look where they ended up.

    We deserve the government that we elect. They are not dictators. We chose them and we put them there. They are doing this because we put them there.

    Let’s not do this to ourselves again.

  8. Alexander Ball says:

    We can’t treat migrants like animals but that won’t stop us.

  9. Ju! says:

    “We can’t treat immigrants like animals”

    Did he plagiarise that straight from Rowan Atkinson?

    Watch this:

  10. Lupin says:

    And this is the man who sent JPO on Xarabank last Friday screaming hysterically that he favours the pushback policy.

  11. Stephen says:

    Yes that’s right, you can’t, only because someone stopped you.

  12. Mila says:

    Another amnesty for criminals by Joseph Muscat and his government:” The government is proposing an amnesty for those who register illegally stuffed protected birds…”

    Is this because owners of illegal stuffed birds and their suppliers have a vote and immigrants do not?

  13. anthony says:

    What a shifty, unprincipled hypocrite.

  14. Wheels within Wheels says:

    I nearly choked when I saw that headline.

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