“Ejja, siehbi, irrizenja pliss.” Joseph Muscat sends Toni Abela to ring Manuel Mallia’s doorbell at home.
The most hysterically funny bit of yesterday’s news coverage was when one newspaper, in its live blog, reported
11:05: We have spotted Labour deputy leader for party affairs Toni Abela ringing the bell at Manuel Mallia’s house in Valletta, but no answer.
Picture the scenario (I’ve taken the liberty of doing it for you).
The prime minister: “Aw Ton, mur girja s’ghand Leli forsi jiftahlek ghax mhux qed jiehu t-telefon. Orrajt, siehbi?”
Deputy leader Toni Abela: “X’inhi? Immur jien? Ghax ma tmurx int? Ibaght il-Keet mela jien. Mhux int hlaqta din il-problema? Kif qallek Simon, it’s your mass now deal wit it.”
The prime minister: “U ejja siehbi. Dahhaltek fil-kabinett, ma taghmillix naqa pjacir? Diga kwazi l-hdax. Ma tantx baqalna sas-saghtejn.”
Deputy leader Toni Abela: “Mur int mela. Mela hsibtni l-papagall tieghek? I em not yor bitch.”
The prime minister: “Ma nistax immur jien. Bhalissa I am taking hard decisions which I am not afraid to take. Ghandi x’naghmel. Get going, siehbi.”
Deputy leader Toni Abela: “Orrajt, imma trid izzidli l-paga ghax diga hbejtlek blokka kokaina f’Hal Safi minflok sibt pulizija Laburist.”
Returns half an hour later.
Deputy leader Toni Abela: “Hemmhekk m’ghamilna xejn, sieheb. Cempilt u ma fetahlihx. Imbaghad sthajt naghfas il-qanpiena wahda sew ghax kien hemm ir-reporters ghassa mieghi.”
The prime minister: “Iz-z**b. Dak il-l*ba. Issa se jkolli niehu a very hard decision ghax diga l-hdax u nofs. KEET, CEMPEL WAHDA L-MANUEL U GHIDLU LI SE NAGHMLU L-WHIP MINFLOKU, JIMPORTA? UZA MOBILE TA’ XI HADD IEHOR BIEX MA JAGHRAFX IN-NUMRU.”
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Wonderful scenario..really brings out the statesmanlike profiles. Such masculinity and assertiveness.
Ghajdlu ma jinkwetax ghax din ghax-show, hsibt kif inbengilielu biex ma npaxxix lin-Nazzjonalisti, ghax ser inzellaqa li nafdah u nahsiblu ghal-pozizzjoni ohra kif dejjem hsibna f’min ipprotegina.
Ahhhh, so the very hard decision was to tell ‘Keet’ to tell Manuel that since he did not hear from him he would be assuming that his decision was not to resign he had to nominate … hmmmmm, let’s see, oh right, the Whip. What a LOSER.
When people with power act in this way they do so because they think they are invincible.
The aftertaste, to-date, of Labour in office can be reduced to one word that takes precedence over all others:
No recognition of limits anywhere.
Joseph Muscat set the tone for this, carried it out, earlier promises, then renegotiations.
Another renegotiation for Manwel, another for Michael Cassar.
When scammers promise they reneg also because their dirty work is first done by other people, who they later discard.
First tier promises. Second. Third. And so on.
The lack of conscientiousness is frightening.
Sometimes, the lack of purpose is too.
One may think they’re doing it for some greater profit or goal.
Some do it for the thrill of the kill.
The craziness is something that has roots deep into infancy, childhood and inadequateness.
If Joseph Muscat had a brother or a sister, he would have a terse relationship with anyone with brains, finding a sly way of publicly dissing them.
But he didn’t.
And so it’s us.
Anyone with a grievance and with a dagger to twist was invited on board.
It’s your vices that he’s always needed. Not your strengths.
Strengths follow the “Usa e Getta” route.
This can be overcome at the point of renegotiation, which will repeat itself over and over:
The solution is not to accept any reneg, in any form, whatever the grand carrot of a promise behind it.
Now you will understand that ANYBODY who gets involved with these cycles will end up worse than he started.
It’s beginning to make sense to people.
This is like the monster of evil eating up souls. The bad ones get devoured first because they made themselves available early on.
But the monster is forever hungry.
U ejja Manuel, issa xi haga jirrangalek il-Prim, wink wink, twitch, twitch.
Muscat: Ara jien lil min bghatt ihabbat il-bieb. Int biex tahbi xi blokka biss tajjeb, Ton. Se jkolli nibghatek messagier il-Pitkalija ghax gidra u int xorta.
Are these people running a country or a party club?
Konrad Mizzi was also.spotted in the vicinity of Hastings Gardens on Tuesday at 10.30 a.m.
And this is what happened before that: