Evarist Bartolo’s hymen rubbish is not an insult to the PN. It is an insult to women.

Published: December 1, 2014 at 7:39am

Evarist Bartolo

The Labour Party is intrinsically misogynistic. It never seems to have any use for women beyond decorative purposes. Even when it accessorises itself with individuals designed to attract the gay vote, those individuals are men.

Straight men and gay men, with cookie-cutter women in hooker shoes scattered liberally around as you would cushions when you want to give your room a bit of a lift.

The cookie-cutter women hold microphones admiringly around Big Men Who Have Opinions and look suitably sultry while being in plain agony because of their shoes.

Evarist Bartolo’s metaphor of a brothel-keeper who pays $30 dollars to have her hymen reconstructed so that she can pretend to be a virgin comes out of this mindset. The Nationalist Party has said that it is an insult to them. It is not. It is an insult to women in general.

Bartolo seems to come out of the sort of world where it is perfectly reasonable for a price to be put on a woman’s virginity and for men to want women who are virgins. Not that he knows much about the subject. That sort of man is interested only in virgins because of their inviolate youth. He is most certainly not interested in a 40-year-old virgin.

He doesn’t know much about surgery either, if he thinks that anything which involves an operating theatre and more so an anaesthetist costs $30. Does his wife shelter him from the reality of what things cost? He’s always struck me as somebody totally out of the loop of life.

But honestly, to talk about women like that – hymens and virgins and brothel-keepers and reconstructing your hymen to catch a man. What contempt. Imagine if Claudette Buttigieg were to take to a podium and begin comparing the Labour Party to a man who has penis extension surgery to catch a woman. I can’t imagine her, or any other woman, doing any such thing. For a start, there isn’t a woman around who doesn’t know that surgery costs a whole lot more than $30.

72 Comments Comment

  1. Vagabond King says:

    Heard a PL supporter talk about this issue and it was funny how he referred to Evarist Bartolo – Varist il-Kondom. I wonder why?

  2. mf says:

    He should ask his friend Owen about hymens and virginity. He will surely give him some more specific details.

  3. Matt says:

    Kemm hu pastaz u injorant. Typical Labour. He fits in the party.

  4. il-Ginger says:

    Labour is a douche with small dick who leases out a Ferrari to marry a sexy woman, goes bankrupt in a few years and takes her down with him.

    • Tabatha White says:

      Reminds me of that joke:

      Two chicks fall into a hole and can’t get out.

      A horse is walking past and hears them.. the chicks tell him to get into the Ferrari parked close by, rope in the boot.. to throw down the rope and use the Ferrari to pull them out.

      The horse stands over the hole, lowers something, and says “when you’re hung like a horse you don’t need a Ferrari to pull the chicks.”

  5. anthony says:

    The big problem is not that he does not know what he is talking about.

    A hymenoplasty in the developed world costs USD 3000 at least.

    The problem, in my view, is that this insipid fool holds the education portfolio.

    Not only is he an insult to women but to the whole country and never mind the PN.

  6. Tabatha White says:

    This was their intended diversionary tactic for yesterday?

    Whilst they strut around raping and pillaging Malta?

    A fine one to talk, this Evarist.

    Let’s have Merlin publish a book on it to earn his keep shall we?

    Manuel’s so busy whitewashing the web for himself and Codruta, but not for Joseph and the rest of the crowd.

  7. Gahan says:

    Oh I nearly forgot; today is the 1st December2014,where are Konrad’s promised power station milestone dates?


  8. Rumplestiltskin says:

    How true was the statement that PN voters have a different DNA than PL supporters.

  9. Nighthawk says:

    And the idiot seems to have fallen for the internet spam crap, showing his age in more ways than one, from attitude to internet gullibility $29.95


    The ‘real’ thing, assuming your background assigns value to this, is between $2000 and $3000:


    Imma l-labour dejjem kienu tac-cheap……

    • Gakku says:

      Why is anyone even discussing the cost? The Minister’s comment simply shows his misogynistic views and is plain stupid. He would never keep his position in a normal country after saying something like that, let alone that of an Education Minister.

  10. Kif inhi din? says:

    If the analogy supposedly belittles the PN (and all women) by depicting them as chasing something they have lost, what does it say about the PL (and all men) who are foolish enough to chase a fake epitomised by Joseph Muscat.

  11. Manuel says:

    Hamallu, baxx u ordinarju.

  12. just me says:

    My thoughts exactly, Daphne. The man is so vulgar and he has no respect for women.

    The problem is he is the education minister. Maybe he should meet Malala Yousafzai. She would give him a lesson or two about women and education.

    The irony is that the Labour politician he brought to mind was a woman of sorts: Agatha Barbara. She was crass and vulgar in that very way.

    • Volley says:

      My thoughts exactly. Currently I’m reading her auto-biography, and Evarist Bartolo’s shallow thinking reminded me in fact of how women are treated in Pakistan.

    • Natalie Mallett says:

      The Labour Party never had a decent education minister. Do you recall Agatha Barabara?

      I can still hear her voice echoing in my ear from the time I was in primary school (45 years ago) when she was shouting at the teachers calling them “bghula.”

      I did not know what it meant at the time and had to ask my mother when I got home.

      Perhaps il-bziequ, as he has been known in the past is preparing himself for a presidential post.

      • observer says:

        I remember correctly that the epithet was ‘BUDA’.

        I myself was not in primary school at the time. My children were.

        I also remember her boasting about her extensive reading habits of English publications – particular ‘Woman’s Own’.

  13. Mila says:

    You would expect the LP to insinuate that one can only either be a crook and lowlife or else be weak and therefore feminine.

    Perhaps minister Bartolo has caught on to the fact that cornered ministers and the PM are showing their true colours, sporting bulging eyes, crooked mouths, unattractive frowns and hasty retreats.

    He could not very well call the Nationalist Party gay because the gay movement would have objected so he thought it appropriate to call the party ‘women’, devious and worthless unless untouched and intact.

    Perhaps he lives in a circle of such women and did not think to look further afield to see that women in general do not need men or virginity to validate themselves. Perhaps he did not realize that virginity is used as a weapon in countries such as Indonesia to control the behaviour, work and study opportunities of women and is no laughing matter. As the Minister of Education, who should be culturally sensitive AND gender sensitive his words are disgusting indeed.

    Does the prime minister stand by Bartolo’s words?

    • Mila says:

      Ms Caruana Calizia, I am so glad you took this up.

    • Boudicea Iceni says:

      The attack in which single mothers were “singled out” during Joseph Muscat’s budget speech this year was an attack in much the same vein.

      This baiting was a feature occurring at regular intervals throughout the election campaign.

      It is the legislation concerning single mothers that is inadequate, not the fact of their existence.

      The mentality in Malta is that a single mother can only want to do one of two things: either screw the system for benefits therefore leaving the name of the father out altogether or have a baby born and immediately want to accord it the surname of the father – again in order to benefit financially from this.

      There is no understanding that that reasoning is as far from the thoughts of a growing number of single mothers as can be.

      The Catholic Church had a solution to this situation: whereas the front of the register would list the child as “father unknown,” there would be an area at the back of the register to list the reality of the matter, thereby retaining an accurate genetic record.

      Other European countries allow the single mother to name the father on the birth certificate and not automatically “sign off” 50% of rights to the father – who may have no interest in that child: equal rights at law necessitating him to sign for passport applications and right take a holiday etc.

      Why should a single mother, and the child, be kept hostage by a hostile father for 18 – 23 years simply because there is no provision for her/ them, to retain any dignity with the lack of legal option available?

      It is not the single mother who perpetuates the “father unknown” status, but legislation as it stands.

      There are single mothers who do not apply for benefits, but who still are forced to register their child as “father unknown” for these reasons, when there would be no objection to naming the father if specific rights and safeguards were firmly in place.

    • La Redoute says:

      As the father of two daughters, he should have known better.

    • watchful eye says:

      Mila, see the prime minister’s reaction in Times of Malta when questioned about the minister of education’s behaviour.

  14. ciccio says:

    Varist, let’s see who is going to restore Malta’s virginity after this Labour government.

    With apologies to women.

    • il-Ginger says:

      Ah but you can see from this gerontocracy that while you may repair your virginity, some of the STDs you can catch never go away.

      They may go into remission for a while, but break out with a bang, because they’re life-long and viral.

      The Human Papilloma Varist for example is life-long and can give you cancer in the ass.

      It’s a small wonder one of their lapdogs tried to screw around about with the only GU specialist in Malta. Now Malta is without one so STDs can spread freely and infect everyone and anything.

      Yes, Varist likes his metaphors doesn’t he. The little sh*t.

  15. tania says:

    And this guy’s portfolio is education. Wonder what his wife and daughters think of these words of wisdom? Only a woman hater could even think up such a venomous metaphor and repeat it on a Sunday morning.

    Where is Minister Dalli and her civil liberties? Does she not feel insulted herself? This is a gender issue and it is an added insult to women if she does not react.

  16. Nighthawk says:

    Where are all the progressive liberal feminists in most feminist government in history, clamouring for his resignation?

  17. Malti ta' Veru says:

    It is absolutely unacceptable that a Minister even conceives such degrading and gender insensitive language.

  18. Persil says:

    I wrote about this already. Women please stand up and be counted. Do not let anyone embarrass us. We are nothing less than men.

    • FP says:

      Both sexes can be an embarrassment to either or both at the same time.

      This is not about whether one sex is less or more than the other. That’s just as accurate as Bartolo was in this instance, as in many others, while putting on his usual fake wise look.

      It’s about this vulgar fossil, bred and trained by another, feeling well at home while addressing a fitting audience.

  19. Carl Savage says:

    Maria l-Maws, our uneducated minister of education who writes under a female pseudonym and is afraid to drive a car. I’m sure $30 should suffice for a dose of testosterone.

  20. tania says:

    It’s ironic that the Civil Liberties Minister foists a bill on gender dysmorphia on the lot of us while the Education Minister bashes and insults women.

  21. Mila says:

    ”I believe in fairness and am every sort of partisan, gender, sexual orientation, racial and religious discrimination.” Evarist Bartolo.

    I had to cut and paste this to make sure it is reproduced exactly as it is on Evarist Bartolo’s website.


    I visited his site because I wanted to see what he says he does as compared to what he actually does in practice. I suppose he wanted to say that he is a champion against gender discrimination, well he did not get it right on the website either did he…the ‘Minister of Education’.

    Would you call it a Freudian slip or a parapraxis Minister Bartolo?

  22. Joe Fenech says:

    This says all about him and the Maltese people who put up with such behaviour.

  23. Pier Pless says:

    Apart for the inappropriateness of the remark, Bartolo confirms that the PN is truly reforming itself.

    Going by his comments, we will, in the near future, have a virgin (the PN) on one side of the political spectrum and a prostitute (the PL) on the other.

  24. Mila says:

    If Minister Bartolo insists on the vulgar route perhaps he would like to be gender balanced and quip about foreskin restoration next time he gives a speech.

    He no doubt would be interested to know that he can choose between the non-surgical and the surgical approach. The non-surgical approach is less costly and involves a considerable amount of, for lack of a better word, handling.

  25. EVC says:

    Why are you so astonished at what you heard Varist say? They do not know otherwise.

    Their leaders always wanted to make a show of themselves talking and behaving badly.

    A lot of their followers do the same on Facebook to get to their point. So why waste time on them?

    The only reaction I am waiting for is from their women in parliament. Or maybe they laughed and clapped on hearing such dirty language.

  26. U Le! says:

    Kollox cheap taht il-lejber. Expensive cosmetic surgery for 30 dollars, a whole week of supplies for 25 euros. No wonder we only got 58 cents. I must be living in a parallel universe as my bills keep getting steeper. Or maybe it’s all a perception? Pajjiz tal-Mickey Maws.

  27. makjavel says:

    I am sure the Joseph is very happy with the highly educational lecture dished out by Varist il Kondom.

  28. Viva il- Farizej says:

    There is nothing wrong with Varist that bobbiting with blunt garden shears will not correct.

    • observer says:

      And ‘repairing’ that will not come cheap, I should think.

      Ask ‘poor’ Bobbit himself, if he is still around and still ‘at it’.

  29. Wilson says:

    Kemm jifhem fil-qhab, dak Varist, ghandek tghid.

  30. Volley says:

    And those nitwits in front of him laughed about this sad analogy/joke!

  31. admin says:

    A little something to interest Evarist:


    • EVC says:

      Mhux ta’ b’xejn kien infurmat sew. Imissu jisthi jidher quddiem in-nies. Nies mahmuga din il-kwalita’ qed imexxu l-Malta. Miskina Malta u ahna kif qed nispiccaw fil-hmieg.

  32. Ghajma Zaqqi says:

    Let’s not forget when he made as ass of himself in front of thousands on national TV when he was guest on ‘Min Imissu’?


  33. Christiaan Huygens says:

    A few weeks before the last general elections when it seemed very probable that PL would win, a former President of the MLP told me that they would be elected and after five years would go back to the Opposition benches for 10 or 15 years.

    I now think he knew what he was talking about. Ministers, it seems, are competing to do their damnedest to make this private “prophecy” come true.

    • A+ says:

      Until a few weeks ago, I would have told you ‘dream on’ and I am sure that many would have laughed at what you wrote. Not anymore.

  34. Another John says:

    Maaaaa x’mentalita! Jew ma jisthix jew ma ghandux idea kemm nies offenda bil-‘humour’ tieghu. Jahasra.

    U in-nies ta’ quddiemu jidhku. Vera liberali u progressivi. Tal-biki.

  35. Żaren says:


  36. ken il malti says:

    This Evarist person sounds like a typical Saudi Arabian male by his obsession with female virginity.

  37. Kris J says:

    Beyond the ridiculous and offensive analogy he’s using – I find it incredibly ironic that Varist is accusing the PN of trying to regain innocence when his party claimed to have been reborn without the sins of its past while keeping most of the relics of the so-called golden years.

  38. Persil says:

    At a conference, the minister of social services boasted about his being married, having five children, then being separated from his wife, divorced and now he has a partner. All those present said that this is nothing to boast about.

  39. Mila says:

    Weakling PM impotent when faced with MP’s vulgar comment insulting women, laughs off comment and tries to pass off insult as progressive aka European.

    Perhaps Joseph Muscat would like to borrow the comment to see if Mr Cameron or Ms Merkel find it funny?

  40. chico says:

    M’ghandux hajta f’ilsienu I guess.

  41. Mk says:

    This government’s progressiveness and feminism seemingly stops at letting wedge-heeled bimbos in their folds& sleeping with them, ensuring lucrative government jobs for the wives and legalizing gay marriage and adoption.

    He reminded me a bit of Mintoff tightening his belt with this statement. The difference is that this old dinosaur jokes about tightening somewhere else instead. Vera qieghed sew.

    And does he have a daughter, wife or niece. How do they feel as women being discussed in this way? Or do they feel they are different from common female mortals.

    What does madam tad-divorzju, madam Renee tal-equal rights, or Minister Dalli and our female EU MPs have to say about their dear male colleague using female genitals as example to explain PN’s present efforts and changes.

  42. Ghoxrin Punt says:

    I am still not sure if I am more disgusted at the comment or at the twitter of male laughter heard after the comment, including that of our most feminist excuse for a prime minister

  43. Gladio says:

    Varist described 25 years of PN governments as 25 years of ‘bordello’, in contrast 16 years of Labour governments may be described as 16 years of ‘inferno’.

  44. Fenka says:

    Varist, you have put your centre forward back in goal again to take care of your auto goal.

  45. Kollox Kontra says:

    i wonder if there is a waiting list at Mater Dei for hymen reconstruction.

    So much for autogoals on the PM. Basta fethet halqha Maria il-Maws.

  46. Joan Rivers says:

    I totally agree that his was an insult to women and to the education system in Malta.

    Then again it’s hymens for some and phalluses for others. Was wondering what you think of this PV Pyramid suggestion by Deo Debbatista (i.e. ara kieku x’z*** ireddalna): http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20141202/local/cover-maghtab-with-pv-panels-labour-mp-suggests.546580

    It’s very irresponsible for MPs to waste time in parliament over suggestions like these without doing any proper research. PV panels are awesome but designing them in a pyramid reduces efficiency to a point below Evarist’s intelligence.

    And just imagine what the height of the pyramid with the base the size of Maghtab would be! Pilots will see Malta from light years ahead, and illegal immigrants will know exactly which direction not to take…

  47. Don Camillo says:

    This Minister for Maleducation should be made to go. And we would all say Amen (pronounced without an H)

    See what more respectable countries do when minor remarks are made.


  48. Ann Degiorgio says:

    He certainly seems to have hit the G spot, so maybe he is right after all.

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