Hello, Glenn – I’ve found the tweet you wanted me to look at

Published: December 19, 2014 at 6:30pm

Very nice, Glenn. I’ll put a gold star next to your name on the classroom chart.


28 Comments Comment

  1. Pied Piper says:

    Now I’ll go and shop (for Xato lafit Rotcajld) till I drop

  2. Katrin says:

    He should learn how to read the labels and copy them correctly.

    It’s Château Lafite Rothschild. But then again, from his previous post on the Cabernet Sauvignon, it’s only the content that matters, not the plastic cup or what’s on the label. A bit like expired car licences, really.

  3. willie inatinovic says:

    It’s Glaan not Glen.

  4. QahbuMalti says:

    At around €4,000 a bottle I’d love to know who paid for that wine….

  5. QahbuMalti says:

    Ooops I got my year wrong – its just $250….but still begs the question….

  6. canon says:

    Is this the guy who replaced Joseph Muscat as MEP?

  7. Mike says:

    Plastic cup indeed!

  8. PWG says:

    Buffone, che non sei altro.

  9. Manuel says:

    Bedingfieled is a Laburist par excellence: dying of hunger under the previous administration, and now making the best out of life because Joseph looks after his own, using public money to do it.

    They make me sick, really sick.

  10. el mundo says:

    Imma kemm il-istja hu injurant.

  11. Tabar says:

    At least we can say that under the PN he learned to live in style.

    Naqta rasi li akkwistah ghax hakk dahar xi hadd.

  12. Issa Daqshekk says:

    Scarpe Grosse cervello fino.

  13. the chemist says:

    The perfect Thames brown trout.

  14. rf says:

    Naqra ohra u jibdew igibu t-toilet wara li juzawh ukoll, ghax l-ewwel juruna kif dahal u wara juruna kif hareg. Vera nies li qatt ma raw xejn.

  15. Pip says:

    Am I missing something? What’s with the Rothschild?

  16. Gahan says:

    Instead of a snout at the trough, Bedingfield seems to be more like a drunk fattened pig in our wine cellar.

  17. Butterfly says:

    Who’s child is it?

  18. chico says:

    I prefer whisky. Glensilly.

  19. Madoff says:

    Tal-Labour bdew jiffangaw kmieni. Jekk jaghmlu ghaxar snin fil-gvern l-korruzzjoni tibda hierga minn imnieherhom.

  20. s zammit says:

    I believe yesterday Glenn wrote that his road licence and insurance are paid and up to date. Can Glenn inform the readers when he did this? After the story appeared in Malta Right Now?

  21. TinaB says:

    “A magnificent wine.”

    As if he’s able to tell the difference.

    U le jahasra. Dawn in-nies il-vera qatt ma raw xejn.

  22. bob-a-job says:

    Dante e’ pieno di versi Divini.

    Bedingfield e’ pieno di vini diversi.

  23. Louisa says:

    Hmmm. He’s at a wine tasting session, which is why there’s no image of the bottle. Otherwise Monsieur le Pleb would have most definitely posted a snap of the label.

    Never have so many premier cru grapes have been crushed in vain.

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