Here is the perfect girlfriend for the chairman of the Malta Council for Science and Technology

Published: December 3, 2014 at 12:03am

Yana Mintoff – here she is, showing off on an empty dance-floor at a reception, in her daughter’s clothes. And it’s a much smaller age gap.












38 Comments Comment

  1. kapxinn says:

    Amazing grace. You could feel the air whisk past you.

  2. Plagarised says:

    Next time put a warning please, that was just jaqq.

  3. Gahan says:

    Mutton dressed as lamb.

  4. M. says:

    How ridiculous she is!

  5. KALANCC MA (cantab) says:

    She might be in her daughter’s clothes, but showing off WHAT.

  6. bob-a-job says:

    Her father would have killed her if he saw that.

    She’s wearing out her shoes.

  7. albona says:

    How very sad to see this spectacle. So very, very sad.

  8. Joseph Caruana says:

    Any other gap?

  9. H.P. Baxxter says:


    Go for it, Jeff.

  10. Adam's Rib says:

    Darbtejn insiru tfal.

  11. P Shaw says:

    Well she is loaded. Jeff can go for her, given the amount of inheritance she got.

  12. Freedom5 says:

    Olivia Neutron Bomb. If there was only one plain Jane.

  13. H. Prynne says:

    She has certainly been hit with the ugly stick miskina. As for the mini skirt, mamma mia.

    What is it with old ladies who had halfway decent legs when they were young? Don’t they know that now they’re older, they’re showing off chicken legs? “Chook’s legs” as they’re referred to Down Under.

  14. Anthony says:

    Incroyable – tal-biki

  15. Montalbano says:

    Ballando con le Stelle.

  16. Xejn Sew says:

    Daphne, you and the rest on this blog are insufferable snobs.

    Yana was dancing to collect funds ghall-foqra! And you have the gumption to criticise her for it!

    Komplu kunu negattivi hi..

    • Tabatha White says:

      Did she contribute her wealth fund which was taken off our backs?

      How stupid can you be?

      Of course she was dancing. And she’ll continue to do so. On your back this time.

      We’ve made it so easy.

      Check the fate of other dictators’ children profiting from illegal gains.

  17. La Redoute says:

    Why do so many people in the public eye look and behave as if they escaped from a pantomime stage?

  18. Mila says:

    Well, and people thought she was conservative.

    • Mila says:

      ” Roper sued the school district, alleging they’d violated his (and his students’) First Amendment right to free expression by whitewashing the mural and by firing Roper after he told the school’s administrator, Dr. Yana Bland, that he was taking his story to the media. “Grady’s primary motivation in all of this was trying to protect the students’ right to express themselves freely by painting the mural,” says Andrea Gunn, the Texas Civil Rights Project attorney who has taken up Roper’s case. Administrators “labeled him a troublemaker and then they fired him.” Roper, who’s seeking actual and compensatory damages and reinstatement as an art teacher at the school, says he’s not interested in reaping big financial rewards from the lawsuit. “I was hired to work a year for $12,000 and worked for three months [before being fired], so I think if the school was to finish our contract that would be more than compensation,” Roper says. “But the main reason is that I’m hoping to set a precedent about school boards stealing entire walls full of people’s art.”…”

  19. C.Portelli says:

    Oh come on now! We all now she would be better off with our friend Franco.

  20. Allo Allo says:

    Qisiex swan?

  21. guze' caruana says:

    Xi hmieg ta’ nies. F’liema livelli qed jaqghu taht il-Labour.

  22. Neil says:

    Looks like they’re wrestling, not dancing.

  23. Gracecam says:

    That looks like Dom in a mini.

  24. Don Camillo says:

    Yes the Chairman of MCST should know just about everything on ramming and banging and all that.

    He should also know that prior to undertaking any sort of hectic activity he should have embarked on a Health & Safety risk assessment not only on himself but also on apparently emaciated third parties.

  25. chico says:

    Pic.9. No one minding the gap there – knee firmly on the pedal.

  26. anthony says:

    Fortunately this came up past my bedtime.

    However you still managed to ruin my breakfast and now, it seems, also my lunch.

  27. verita says:

    Donnha waqghet fil-faqar ukoll

  28. Tabar says:

    Ballando con le stelle. everyone went into hiding when the star was born, Ajma kelli bzonnha din id-dahqa.

  29. Sai Kick says:

    I would be dancing too if I had inherited all that money from Malta’s ‘Robin Hood’.

  30. Jozef says:

    Malta must be the only place where rubbish bins trimmed with black garbage bags are considered decor.

    Colour and texture banned from our linguistics.

  31. La Chouette says:

    It looks like the man dancing with her is trying to fight her off if you ask me and look at those chicken legs!

  32. Brian Attard says:

    From the hand positions and posture one can immediately notice that she is LEADING and the man is just following.

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