How can you trust Malta Today’s reporting on the subject of Kurt Farrugia?

Published: December 7, 2014 at 11:56am

Malta Today’s Miriam Dalli with Kurt Farrugia and the prime minister’s driver:

Miriam Dalli Malta Today Kurt Farrugia

6 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    Trust Muscat to rely on Grech’s pepe’ whiskers to waft the pong away.

    ‘I will not be afraid to take decisions’. Repeat everyday, and click those shoes.

  2. gianni says:

    Michael Falzon’s article is a must-read:

    [Daphne – Indeed. The problem here is that we have a government (and electors) unable to distinguish between criminal liability and political responsibility. A very immature democracy.]

  3. Delta says:

    This is Malta. People trusted Muscat and a bunch of other loonies to run the country.

  4. Herbie says:

    And the lies and spin go on and on and on.

  5. kapxinn says:

    “Prim, ix-xahar id-diehel nghalqu 22 xahar fil-gvern.”

    “U mela zigg, Kurt. Tghid mhux se nsejjah elezzjoni bikrija!”

  6. Gobsmacked says:

    Malta Today’s credibility is in freefall. This morning’s article is further proof that its “independence” is a gimmick but it is there only to save the government’s arse.

    Whereas the PN is using its own media to release its stories, it is clear that the Labour Party/government is using this “independent” media house for its own agenda.

    Whereas the PN may cite the Whistleblowers Act, I am morally convinced that the tapes of the conversation were ILLEGALLY handed over to Malta Today by someone high up in the government, and handed over at an official level and not by a whistleblower.

    Will this be investigated by the police? No.

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