How careful they have all been to say that Silvio Scerri did nothing wrong

Published: December 10, 2014 at 11:06am



10 Comments Comment

  1. Manuel says:

    It is so obvious that Labour owes loads of money to Nexos.

    That’s the reason why Scerri is untouchable.

  2. Mila says:

    One hopes that in the parliamentary discussion Muscat is asked to explain how he can trust Scerri in view of what the inquiry says about him on page 4.

  3. pale blue my foot! says:

    Silvio Scerri is obviously implicated and I cannot understand why the board of inquiry exonerated when all the evidence and testimony clearly showed his shady involvement. Question is why save him?

  4. jimmy firman says:

    Nittama li Carmelo Abela iqacctu minn hemm ghax m’ghandhux bzonn imbarazz.

  5. Francis Saliba M.D. says:

    Has no one realized the Baldrick style clever clever plan behind Mallia’s resignation from a cabinet minister?

    He is now free to put on the hat of criminal lawyer defending either Sheehan or Smith – and with a little bit, a little bit, a little bit of luck, (apologies to My Fair Lady) both of them at the same time.

    [Daphne – Not really, no. He’s a key witness in the trial.]

  6. Mila says:

    ”Chamber of Advocates concerned with proposed police contracts”. Times of Malta

    But how else can the police do his bidding?

  7. veritas says:

    Lying to the board, not once but twice till confronted with evidence. If he gave evidence under oath that is perjury, if not under oath then in breach of the Inquiries Act.

    That is a criminal offence.

  8. chico says:

    How did three former – bow your heads – judges, miss such an embellishment? Kemm hasbuna cwiec.

  9. Tye says:

    Life is like Lidl.
    Why pay more if you can get it cheaper?

  10. bob-a-job says:

    ‘Scerri first told the inquiry board that he did not see the statement. In another sitting, this time in confrontation with the COP, he admitted having added “in the air” to the warning shots and the part at the end of the statement where Stephen Smith was said to have refused the breathalyser test. He sent all this to Farrugia, who incorporated it in the statement.’

    All this and yet they say Silvio Scerri did nothing. Incredible.

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